Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 08:37 am
real life wrote:
farmerman wrote:
are you kidding rl? Here in the US the assault by the knuckle dragging school board members who take it upon themselves to agendaize science by cramming religionist views into the curriculum has taken a concerted effort by many scientific organizations to keep the Creationist camels nose out from under the tent flap. The fact that a bunch of people dont yet understand the linkages of evolution to their medicines, agriculture, and many other areas, is responsible for the silly, ill informed pieces of legislation that keep springing up like a "whack-a-Mole" game.

We adjudicated it in Pa, but meanwhile the Creationists are active in KAnsas, Georgia , Utah and Alaska (with other pieces of idiot legislation are waiting in the wings to be entered into the hopper by the scientifically uneducated legislators).
As the UTAH ACLU stated in regards to the Kitzmiller and the Selman decision in Georgia (where Selman sued the Cobb County School District to remove little Creationist stickers from textbooks)
"...Both the Selman and Kitzmiller courts noted the sectarian motivation behind the school districts' selection of one, and only one, scientific area for particular scrutiny. In both cases, district officials ignored entire areas of science where there is more controversy(among scientists) than evolution/ and , instead , chose the one scientific theory that has long been a target of religiously motivated hostility. SB 96 (UTAHS BILL ON "CRITICAL THINKING" RE: THE ORIGINS OF LIFE) suffers from the same defect... In that SB96 unconstitutionally intereferes with scientific instruction for ideological rather than scientific , reasons.

...Americans have the right to believe, practice, and profess their religious beliefs in the public square, and the ACLU defends those rights. However, the government should not accomodate those religious beliefs by misleading public school students about the scientific basis of evolutionary theory

The introduction of SB96 was the brainchild of one guy, a legislator named Buttars , whose originally worded legislation was for the teaching of "Divine Design". "Divine design doesnt preach religion (he said)...The only people wholl be upset by this , are the atheists". This bold statement by Buttars (hardly one where RL would have us believe that creationists are being cowed by the Evolutionist world), more than anything , was responsible for the strong "coming together" of the scientific academys. The entire project was initiated by 2 Utah SCience professors who teach at Brigham Young. Its a bit ironic that it took the outrage of two teachers of a sectarian University to "get the ball rolling" so that the strongly worded statement presented herein by Wandeljw and WAlter is just one more collective "position statement" that the major organizations that embrace science and the scientific method, have produced in the history of this increasingly comedic controversy. The fact is that a very small, a teeny weeny minority of people are pushing their religious agendas upon the rest of the nation. By doing so , in forums like ours, they try to appear much more broad based and "scientifically motivated" than they really are. Rl is just an example of one person whose attached himself to a pbb and he gives the appearance of being balanced and his questions , while I enjoy them, are transparently motivated by doctrinal standards, not scientific inquiry.
Im gratified that most here just aint buying it.
"Seeing something that only has the appearnace of age" is rather a funny take on evidence, Its a conclusion without any basis in reason or fact. Its the old "vis plastica" theory of Avicenna. HWere "fossils" were really placed there by a God to fool us and test our faiths. As this forum sinks further into A religious "no logic" zone, I think we should come back every so often and dope slap rl and rex for some of their own illogical views while demanding a higher standard of science.


No, I'm not kidding.

Can you point out a government school district that has actually had creationism or ID consistently taught in all of it's schools for the past 30 years?

How 'bout for the last 20 years?

The last 10?

How 'bout just last year?

Is there even 1 public school district that you can point to that actually had creationism or ID taught in all it's science classrooms last year?

Evolutionists have the playing field to themselves in American public schools, but are still losing the game in influencing American public opinion.

Not that creationists/IDers haven't tried, but are you aware of anywhere that they have succeeded in getting creation or ID taught in a government establishment? I am not aware of any.

So my question to Walter was (as it relates to American schools, and as it relates to the blaring headline of the article):

Where is the 'creationist schooling' that they are upset about?

Where in American public schools is evolution being 'concealed' and 'denied' as the article states ?

I believe I read that one school or state circumvented the Evolution/Creation issue by teaching the Bible as history instead of science.
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Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 08:47 am
Can you point out a government school district that has actually had creationism or ID consistently taught in all of it's schools for the past 30 years?

How about the last 75?or the last 65?. It was, at one time until the Tennessee and Louisiana laws were overturned that it was FORBIDDEN to discuss evolution because , as Henry Morris said. "It defies Gods revealed truth".
Hows that for scientific objectivity.

Its not a clash between co-equal scientific theories. Its a clash between the overwhelming evidence and scientific facts aginst a small minority of Christians who want their own special interpretation of the world to be inserted into the science curricula. SInce Im a tax payer, Im going to want my schools to be freee of all religiously based viewpoints in science. If it cant be sustained by evidence, it cant be included in the courses.

I give a **** about all the goobers that want Creationism and ID to be taughtas sience , or the fact that X% of Americans believe that the earth was created by some guy in a shiny suit. Its all fact-free conclusions and therefore has no place in a program thats based on the scientific method.

Youve just gotten off lightly with some joking about your statement about "The appearance of age" Id like to know how you scientifically and objectively arrive at that conclusion without first inserting a master supposition that
A. The earth is not old. (since this too is a supposition based on a Biblical reference or two, it can in no way be scientific in its conclusion-youve just gone round in tighter circles of bad logic)

B. You say that Star light is actually indicating a variable value of "C".(thus accounting for an appearance of great age) This is outrageous , youre screwing with one of the basic rules that governs optics ,and much of physics. Howcome, that with Hubble floating in different orbital positions we can verify c by measuring the parallax to specific stars. The error in "C' is but a few .001 % and this is due to some minor light bending in parallax more than anything.

Your "appearance of great age" argument is baseless and built on sand and I know you know it. Your too smart to even buy all your stated outrageous positions. I normally wouldnt think that theyre worth any consideration in an argument unless you begin to wave it around as a reason to include it as valid science to be included in your proposed"Creationist" curriculum. Im afraid that youd have kids buying that the earth and stars are closer, younger, and were all made at one time very near to our present. Your curricula bases would have so many major disagreements with accepted science (physics, chem, geo, bio) that it wouldnt even be worth teaching it to the kids.
(No matter how many of our kiddies get it or not)
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Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 08:53 am
farmerman wrote:
Can you point out a government school district that has actually had creationism or ID consistently taught in all of it's schools for the past 30 years?

How about the last 75?. It was, at one time until the Tennessee and Louisiana laws were overturned that it was FORBIDDEN to discuss evolution because , as Henry Morris said. "It defies Gods revealed truth".
Hows that for scientific objectivity.

Its not a clash between co-equal scientific theories. Its a clash between the overwhelming evidence and scientific facts aginst a small minority of Christians who want their own special interpretation of the world to be inserted into the science curricula. SInce Im a tax payer, Im going to want my schools to be freee of all religiously based viewpoints in science. If it cant be sustained by evidence, it cant be included in the courses.

I give a **** about all the goobers that want Creationism and ID to be taughtas sience , or the fact that X% of Americans believe that the earth was created by some guy in a shiny suit. Its all fact-free conclusions and therefore has no place in a program thats based on the scientific method.

Youve just gotten off lightly with some joking about your statement about "The appearance of age" Id like to know how you scientifically and objectively arrive at that conclusion without first inserting a master supposition that
A. The earth is not old. (since this too is a supposition based on a Biblical reference or two, it can in no way be scientific in its conclusion-youve just gone round in tighter circles of bad logic)

Star light is actually indicating a variable value of "C". Howcome then, that with Hubble floating in different orbital positions we can verify c by measuring the parallax to specific stars. The error in "C' is but a few .001 % and this is due to parallax more than anything.

Your "appearance of great age" argument is baseless and built on sand and I know you know it. Your too smart to even buy all your stated outrageous positions. I normally wouldnt think that theyre worth any consideration in an argument unless you begin to wave it around as a reason to include it as valid science to be included in your proposed"Creationist" curriculum. Im afraid that youd have kids buying that the earth and stars are closer, younger, and were all made at one time very near to our present. Your curricula bases would have so many major disagreements with accepted science (physics, chem, geo, bio) that it wouldnt even be worth teaching it to the kids.
(No matter how many of our kiddies get it or not)

FM you may be right about the earth being old but you are WRONG about God...
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Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 08:54 am
Wheres your evidence, objective evidence
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Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 08:57 am
farmerman wrote:
Wheres your evidence, objective evidence

Where is your evidence that evolution made matter, which is an oxymoron.

Until you have a scientific answer for that (proof of you own) then the answer is open to all speculation, even GOD or and intelligent form.
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Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 08:58 am
rl, as mentioned and source-cited elsewhere on this thread and on related threads, it is not at all uncommon for public school teachers, in the interest of avoiding controversy, to savoid or to play down evolutionary theory - a direct consequence of ID-iot activism. Any number of examples have been referrenced in these discussions of educators facing students, parents, and administrators incapable of or unwilling to grasp and accept scientific fact, these students, parents, and administrators posing objection unambiguously, even if covertly, founded solely in theology. The mere occurrence of such confrontations is disruptive of and inimical to the process of objective, unbiased, fact-based education. That any statistically significant portion of the population might consider there be an "alternate theory controversy" is chilling in and of itself, illustrating the pernicious, destructive influence of the ID-iot crowd. The very existence of the notion there exists any controversy is wholly a construct of the ID-iot crowd, damningly illustrative of their duplicity and covert agenda to sidestep Constitutional prohibition of Government endorsement and/or support of any religious institution or philosophy.

1) Evolution is an established fact, a phenomenon observed and confirmed beyond doubt.
2) The Scientific Theory of Evolution is the best-available explanation of the mechanics operative in and causal to the observed phenomena.
3) Predicate to the ID-iot attack on science is the mischaracterization of what constitutes Scientific Theory; not only does the ID-iots' core proposition procede from an illicit, undemonstrated, undemonstrable, definitionally unscientific premise (the existence of the supernatural), the central tenet of the ID-iot "Just a Theory" challenge is a lie.
4) Their continually morphing affronts to and assaults on science, reason, logic, and objectivity stymied each in its turn as they have been formulated and presented, the ID-iots persist in resort to sophistry, emotional appeal, and outright dishonesty in their ongoing endeavor to impose their agenda despite both evidence and law.

The ID-iot proposition is fine in and of itself. The ID-iot agenda to present that proposition as other than what it is, a theophilosophical concept, is a clear and present danger not only to knowledge and education, but to The US Constitution and the rule of law. ID-iocy has no standing in science, it has no place in science education, it has no claim under law to respect as anything other than a belief. Teaching about it in the contexts of theology, philosophy, comparative religion, myth and mythology, and/or social phenomena each and severally are unobjectionable. Lobbying for its teaching as science is not only is unsupportable, it is unconscionable.
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Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 09:10 am
REX is your way of avoiding a question, merely to assert a position by asking a return question?
Where is your evidence that evolution made matter, which is an oxymoron.

Show me where I EVER said this . Its not an oxymoron its just a dumb phrase that whoever made it has no idea what theyre even discussing. I suspect that it was you.
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Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 09:12 am
What is the earth but an intelligent living being.

It was the parameters of the earth that curbed evolution.

The earth moves toward the sun, the earth breathes with volcanos and atmosphere...

Science speculates that life may have come out of under sea volcanos.
The earth is an intelligent enough "form" with the sun and moon to bring life about.

So then, what made the earth and sun evolve an even bigger form or guide?


"Logic" in on my side not your dumbed down science.

The potential for the universe was built into the smallest particles of matter and energy. They were built by something outside of our physical space and time. This is basic logic, not poofism.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 09:16 am
First clue: the earth is a living being, because it has the right environment for it, and that environment is not a (manmade) creator.
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Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 09:20 am
Rex, your brain is impacted. Youve got so many conflicting statements there that
1 are untrue
2 dont make any sense
3 Show that your level of understanding is at a third grade level(maybe lower , cause I know some sharp third graders)

Keep your "fractured and idiotic phrases" to yourself unless you can add something of substance.

The earth breathes volcanoes, and it shits at mid ocean ridges. Whew, If you wish to believe junk like this, go for it, just dont presenting it as something worth debating , Ill just laugh at it or make some snide remark. If youre trying to make some convoluted reference to Gaia , youve got it all screwed up.
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Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 09:24 am
Im a sucker for winos and "Subway prayer ladies" but what the hell does this even mean?
It was the parameters of the earth that curbed evolution.

REmember, breathe through your nose, talk through your mouth and eliminate through your ass. You keep confusing your orifices
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Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 09:26 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
First clue: the earth is a living being, because it has the right environment for it, and that environment is not a (manmade) creator.

It is you that has promulgated that God is "man made" not me... That is religion not truth.

God is God not what we make God but what God actually is.

If the Bible reveals this true God then we have a means to learn the unknown.

Someday we may learn to intimately communicate with our earth...

Likewise we may learn to speak with the creator of our earth and the heavens.

The earth's purpose may be humans, we are an extension of the earth. Humans are a result of the mind of the earth.
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Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 09:29 am
Cool Notice that a "happy face " is round like the earth, coincidence? I think not.
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Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 09:31 am
farmerman wrote:
Cool Notice that a "happy face " is round like the earth, coincidence? I think not.


FM, This one is red like mars...
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real life
Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 09:37 am
hi timber,

The very idea that a 14 year old girl raising her hand and asking the science teacher ---

'Has evolution ever actually been observed?'


'Isn't most evidence for evolution circumstantial?'


'Isn't it possible that many so-called intermediates or transitionals could be the results of interbreeding between two existing species?'

--- the very idea that this could be 'chilling' or intimidating to the junior high science teacher (presumably an experienced professional, well versed in his field of study and fully prepared to teach his subject ) is laughable.

If the teacher is intimidated by questions, perhaps he shouldn't be a teacher.

If the certified professional shrinks back at free speech and independent thought, and cannot abide the idea that a student might hold a different view, then perhaps he should get a job at QuikTrip.
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Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 09:37 am
Body, soul and spirit are a result of the mind of God.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 09:46 am
There is no "mind of god." Only the imganiation and mind of man that has created god.
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Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 09:47 am
real life,

Your example of the 14 year-old girl asking mild questions about evolution is denying the reality of what is actually going on. Incidents reported by science teachers all over the country involve blatant interruption of classes by hostile students mouthing creationist propaganda.
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Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 09:49 am
The member "real life" likes to throw out dramatic contentions, but he is never far from distortions and outright lies. The 1968 decision of the Supremes overturned an Akransas law which prohibited the teaching of evolution. The 1987 decision overturned a Louisiana law which required creationism be taught in any course which taught a theory of evolution. Decades? Yes, 1.9 decades. The Tennessee statute which was used to prosecute John Scopes in the famous "Monkey Trial" was not repealed until 1967--apparently, Tennessee legislators got embarrassed as the Arkansas case made its way through the courts, and deep-sixed their statute before it could bring the state into prominent disrepute.

The Butler Act, which was the statute under which Scopes was presecuted, was passed in 1925. It was not repealed for more than 40 years, and that was less than 40 years ago. Decades indeed . . .
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Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 09:55 am
Every day we observe evolution. Somewhere some place on the earth something is acquiring a new immunity. We are all made of a jumble of numbers in our DNA. The probability that these numbers do not obtain diversity are so high that evolution is an ongoing process in every species and kind of living creature. DNA is like a house of cards that is constantly being re-shuffled. Evolution is mutation and morphism and we observe this in life every day. The ties between species become broken over time and they no longer are compatable with older models of DNA. Tribes of organisms mutate away from each other by isolation. This we have observed also with microscopic organisms that are made of the exact things that our DNA are made of. We can observe these mutations in the mitochondria and the chromosomes that go back into our DNA past.
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