real life wrote:If C14, as well as other elements that are used in various dating methods, does not decay at the same rate under all conditions (and there is no possible way to know all the different conditions a particular sample has been subject to, and for how long, etc) then the assumptions that support the various dating techniques being unreliable make the results from those methods unreliable as well, no?
The results may be consistent with themselves (relative reliability) and therefore of some use in your exploration work, etc -- but unreliable in providing absolute dating.
Thanks for the book tip, I'll see if I can find a copy.
Here we run head-on into the wall of your absolutism. You believe the bobble to be absolutely inerrant--science doesn't work that way. If something is found which falsifies a theorem, the theorem is either abandoned, or revised to coherently cover all the data available.
Radiocarbon 14 is an excellent example.
This page about bristlecone pine tree dendrochronology discusses a revolutionary find which resulted from studying the rings of living bristlecone pines (the oldest is nearly 5,000 years old, is the oldest known living thing on earth, and is called Methuselah), and correlating them to now dead but extant britstlecones to determine the radiocarbon 14 present in the atmosphere in any given year in the tree ring sequence.
The evidence was that the amount of radiocarbon 14 in the atmosphere is not a constant, and that it has varied over time. Before you get too excited, the weight of the evidence is that on average, there was less radiocarbon 14 available in the atmosphere than was previously thought, making objects much older than had been previously thought. The dendrochronological studies alone shoot the hell out of a 6,000 year old earth. Furthermore, dendochronology on trees preserved in Irish bogs, and of fossil trees in northern Iraq, all served to validate the bristlecone studies, and to provide valuable new data on the meaning of isotope decay in radiocarbon 14.
Scripture cannot change, and it is heresy to question it, and apostasy to deny it. But science funtions, and functions well, because new data will serve to refine the quality of what science can demonstrate.
Leaving all of that aside, you popped your little trick question in the course of avoiding an answer to my question.
What circumstantial evidence do you have that a theistic creation has taken place?
Asserting the fossil record or stratigraphy without futher comment doesn't make it, because then the questions just multiply.
What is it about the existence of fossils which you assert constitutes circumstantial evidence for a theistic creation?
What is it about stratigraphy which you assert constittues circumstantial evidence for a theistic creation?