Wolf ODonnell
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 08:25 am
RexRed wrote:
Evolution is not a story of creation so it cannot tell us how the universe came to "exist".

*sigh* How many times do I have to correct this?

Evolution is a working theory, a story if you will, of how the species came to be. It is not a theory of how life was developed, although scientists are working towards finding out how and it ties in with Evolution.

The Big Bang Theory tells us how the Universe came to exist, but is entirely separate from Evolution.

Creation is the only science that tries to explain that the universe came to exist because of an illusive power even greater.

Creationism is not science because you cannot empirically observe or design an experiment to prove any of its propositions. In fact, Creationism falls flat on its face when you consider the fact that almost every other Creation myth in existence is equally as falsifiable and therefore equally as true as the Christian one.

Yet science has no theory for the beginning. (Except for some new string theories.)

You say science has no theory, yet you then state except for some new string theories. So, in effect, science does have theories for the beginning of the Universe. The fact that they are not finalised or complete does not matter. They exist, therefore proving your sentence "science has no theory for the beginning" absolutely wrong.

The universe is or the universe is not. I tend to think the universe is.

A meaningless sentence that has no bearing on the topic whatsoever.

Science nearly unanimously proposes we all came from some zero event.

Science proposes nothing of the sort. Only you proposed that science proposes that. You proposing it, does not make it true. Furthermore, science is a subject, a noun.

You use it so specifically, yet it is an insanely broad noun that covers an insanely broad set of subjects.

There are a large number of sciences that don't propose anything about the beginning, because they have nothing to do with how we came about. For example, robotics.

You even state below that science doesn't know what is before the Big Bang and saying there is nothing before the Big Bang is not the same thing.

Do you know what God's mind is made out of? No. Does that mean you're saying it doesn't exist? No. So why must you use the same bizarre, broken logic for what physics states about the Big Bang?

Yet science will not even speculate as to what was before zero.

Not entirely true.

Some scientists have suggested a Big Crunch, the collapse of a prior Universe to form a singularity. Stephen Hawkings tells us that Black holes have finite lives, whereupon once it is finished, the singularity bursts in a huge explosion of radiation.

From this, we can surmise that one proposal is that before the Big Bang was a Universe that collapsed in on itself.

Science says there is nothing observable before the big bang or before the beginning of the physical world.

Nothing currently observable.

So what science is inclined to have us believe is that if there is nothing physical that there can be no God before the big bang. So science has made a pretense that all things are physical.

No, that is what you would have us believe that science is inclined to have us believe.

"Scientists" would have us believe that the Universe was created through the Big Bang. Nothing more. They will have you believe, however, that we don't know what was before the Big Bang and that it could be anything.

Only atheists will assert there is no God before the Big Bang. Perhaps you are confusing the two. They certainly aren't synonymous with each other.

You make nothing but false assertions that have no logical backbone to them whatsoever. You imply things have been said when they haven't been said at all.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 08:54 am
Responding to rl, Wolf wrote:
... why must you use the same bizarre, broken logic for what physics states ...

Obvious answer: Because one works with that with which one is familiar, comfortable, and has at hand. Flawed material, manipulated with a flawed tool set = flawed product.

Wolf, continuing, wrote:
You make nothing but false assertions that have no logical backbone to them whatsoever. You imply things have been said when they haven't been said at all.

He does what he can with what he's got. The proposition he endorses allows for no better than he provides.
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real life
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 09:39 am
I think he was talking to Rex.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 09:41 am
Setanta wrote:
real life wrote:
Since fossils are not time stamped and are not accompanied by any evidence as to their ancestry, these things are inferred not observed.

Fossils are "time-stamped" in that they are found embedded in rock formations, many of the various isotopes of which can be dated by the evidence of atomic decay. The state of decay of the isotopes can be observed.

Are you aware that different 'dating methods' will often yield far different results on the same material?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 09:46 am
real life wrote:
I think he was talking to Rex.

You're right, my bad - I stand corrected.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 09:47 am
real life wrote:
Setanta wrote:
real life wrote:
Since fossils are not time stamped and are not accompanied by any evidence as to their ancestry, these things are inferred not observed.

Fossils are "time-stamped" in that they are found embedded in rock formations, many of the various isotopes of which can be dated by the evidence of atomic decay. The state of decay of the isotopes can be observed.

Are you aware that different 'dating methods' will often yield far different results on the same material?

That does not alter that a range can be established, and a range which, significantly, gives the lie to your "young earth" assumption of a planet no more than thousands of years old. Are you aware that dating methods have been constantly refined over time to yield less and less questionable results, to more and more accurately date stata?

Nice cherry-picking there.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 09:50 am
Oh, and, to step outside of your "picked cherry" there, a statement about the relative accuracy of radio-isotope dating does not in any way constitute circumstantial evidence for a creation by a deity, which is the question you continue to evade.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 10:42 am
Would it seem odd to you if a lab, purporting to objectively date a fossil using a scientific process, were to ask you what age you expected the fossil to be?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 10:52 am
Don't try sucker questions on me, Bubba.

I have asked you what circumstantial evidence you have for a theistic creation. You have tried to dodge the question with vague references to the fossil record and to stratigraphy. You have not directly answered the question. I accomodated so far as to ask you how the fossil record functions as circumstantial evidence for a creation, and how stratigraphy functions as circumstantial evidence for a creation. You have not responded.

I am disinclined to play your games. Answer the question or not, there is nothing else i intend to discuss with you other than an answer to this question which you have consistently avoided.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 12:00 pm
Asking questions about something one knows little about is commendable if the person is sincere -- asking loaded ( Drunk ) questions to just stir things up is trolling.
0 Replies
Doktor S
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 12:16 pm
Lightwizard wrote:
Asking questions about something one knows little about is commendable if the person is sincere -- asking loaded ( Drunk ) questions to just stir things up is trolling.

I disagree. If someone is going to be as self righteous as RL, they better be damned ready to expound apon and defend their position.
RL is constantly picking at things such as evolutionary science while continuing to dodge any questions about his supposed alternatives.
I too would like to see him step up or shut up. All the dancing makes me dizzy.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 12:32 pm
Read the statement again -- RL isn't really sincere in wanting to how evolution works, nor is RR. They are just stirring the pot to convince themselves that they couldn't possibly have evolved from a lower life form -- that's too damaging to their egos and belief in Creationism/ID. I suggest their dissertations represent an evolutionary throwback which should be as convincing as any A2Ker has to offer.
0 Replies
Doktor S
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 12:35 pm
It seemed to me your post was directed at Setanta, and it was in that context that I made my comment.
If this was not the case, and you were talking to RR/RL, my mistake.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 12:39 pm
Those who want to volunteer for the statement by reacting are welcome to, but I would hardly direct such a remark towards Set. We nearly always agree.
0 Replies
Doktor S
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 12:44 pm

We nearly always agree.

Awwww! How cute!
personally, I only like Set for his tight little ass.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 01:08 pm
real life wrote:
It is quite revealing that you routinely talk about fish 'evolving' into amphibians, etc but now you do not seem to know quite how to define what is 'uniquely fish'. Laughing

Yes all definitions are arbitrary, but definitions are commonly agreed upon to aid in communication. I know you think evolution is too wonderful for mere words, but unfortunately you are stuck with having to define it and defend your definition of it.

If a fish produces a series of offspring that eventually culminates in non-fish, then in one of the intervening generations, a specific fish produced what is specifically non-fish. Correct?

(Sorry I couldn't help posting it again, just to watch you squirm away from it.)

You're the only one doing any squirming RL, and your post is a good example of it.

My point on arbitrary titles for organisms is pretty clear, but you just want to dodge it and impose imaginary constraints on the theory.

I'm not debating the mechanisms of evolution with you. I already understad the mechansims and the process. But it's clear that you don't, so I was just trying to help you understand why your arguments against it don't make any sense. But I get the feeling that your arguments are disingenuous. You aren't trying to undrstand anything, so I'll stop trying to help.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 02:34 pm

My comments are in red

Wolf_ODonnell wrote:
RexRed wrote:
Evolution is not a story of creation so it cannot tell us how the universe came to "exist".

*sigh* How many times do I have to correct this?

Evolution is a working theory, a story if you will, of how the species came to be. It is not a theory of how life was developed, although scientists are working towards finding out how and it ties in with Evolution.

The Big Bang Theory tells us how the Universe came to exist, but is entirely separate from Evolution.

The big bang ties in with the same Godless existence that evolution tries to prove. It is all scientists deliberately trying to cut God out of their equations so they can rule the world corporations through ignorance of God.

Creation is the only science that tries to explain that the universe came to exist because of an illusive power even greater.

Creationism is not science because you cannot empirically observe or design an experiment to prove any of its propositions. In fact, Creationism falls flat on its face when you consider the fact that almost every other Creation myth in existence is equally as falsifiable and therefore equally as true as the Christian one.

YOU "CAN" OBSERVE THE EFFECTS/ACTS OF GOD AND THE WORKS OF GOD. You are (mostly all) simply wrong. You say with a certainty which is delusional. Who thinks they have a logical proof in this thread that God cannot be observed or proven? You are wrong too. The works and acts of God can be observed, measured, witnessed, timed, Science observes God. The big bang is only another work of GOD. You measure that don't you? I will design an experiment... OBSERVE what impact the true God has upon a believers life. Very simple? But I do not see scientists clamouring to do this research... (as Bill OReilly would say,) "Because they are BIASED!"

Also how long have you personally spent comparing "other" creation myths? Have you laid them side by side and carefully compared the truth for yourself? Or did you just repeat what some "theist" told you? Well I have personally compared many of the stories. There is no doubt when one "observes" the difference in the stories that the Biblical story is the true Mccoy. The purpose of the Gilgamesh story was to obliterate the Biblical meaning. Much like science has done to God.

The Gilgamesh story purposefully takes the morality of the Eden story and simply reverses it and opens the world up to the same wild abandon. The Gilgamesh story "promotes" immorality and falsehood within the mind, spirit and soul. Now are you going to tell me the Gilgamesh story is "superior" to the Bible story? Wrong again. You ought to try reading the stories first before you base logic upon erroneous conclusions. Ask yourself, what wisdom these erroneous conclusions obliterate?

Yet science has no theory for the beginning. (Except for some new string theories.)

You say science has no theory, yet you then state except for some new string theories. So, in effect, science does have theories for the beginning of the Universe. The fact that they are not finalized or complete does not matter. They exist, therefore proving your sentence "science has no theory for the beginning" absolutely wrong.

When science claims to be science and none of the physicists agree then science has over stepped it's "theoretical boundaries. Science has no "provable" theory of the beginning. They have no provable theory to discount God from their equations. But God is rarely factored into anything scientific when God is the first factor of all that exists. Science has theories for anything with legs including straw-men. Yet none of these theories can be proven and with God not factored into the theories science is not only incomplete but is erroneous in most cases.To the radical extreme that most non scientific people believe in God to the contrary of science who has banned God from the premises and refuse to even invoke his name.

The universe is or the universe is not. I tend to think the universe is.

A meaningless sentence that has no bearing on the topic whatsoever.

I am, therefore I am.

Is that meaningless too?

Science nearly unanimously proposes we all came from some zero event.

Science proposes nothing of the sort. Only you proposed that science proposes that. You proposing it, does not make it true. Furthermore, science is a subject, a noun.

You use it so specifically, yet it is an insanely broad noun that covers an insanely broad set of subjects.

There are a large number of sciences that don't propose anything about the beginning, because they have nothing to do with how we came about. For example, robotics.

You even state below that science doesn't know what is before the Big Bang and saying there is nothing before the Big Bang is not the same thing.

Do you know what God's mind is made out of? No. Does that mean you're saying it doesn't exist? No. So why must you use the same bizarre, broken logic for what physics states about the Big Bang?

Yes I do know what the mind of God comprises of, LOVE, another eternal construct that science is oblivious to.

The answers are there but when science sets up it's walls and says MATTER CANNOT TRAVEL FASTER THAN THE SPEED OF LIGHT then they limit the speed of the all knowing God. I simply know science is wrong. Science has revealed physical energy in great extent to the world but it is blind to spiritual energies and how they travel and are "created".

Can I prove that God exists? Well, I sense the "presence" and allow the spirit to "communicate" to me. If I am honest with myself I will KNOW if I am bearing witness to TRUTH. It is the absence of truth that proves truth.

I see the absence which proves it exists.

That truth is an energy that DOES exist. How does truth exist how does science exist without people? It exists because it is part of the fabric of what body, soul and spirit are. My body, soul and spirit are the fine turned scientific instruments that allow me to look into the spiritual realm, set the azimuth and receive wisdom from divine inspiration.

Yet science will not even speculate as to what was before zero.

Not entirely true.

Some scientists have suggested a Big Crunch, the collapse of a prior Universe to form a singularity. Stephen Hawkings tells us that Black holes have finite lives, whereupon once it is finished, the singularity bursts in a huge explosion of radiation.

From this, we can surmise that one proposal is that before the Big Bang was a Universe that collapsed in on itself.

Even a universe collapsing on itself and being "reborn" suggests a creator to all the substrate and what made the "first" universe then? So back to ZERO and the surface of the "fishpond".

Science says there is nothing observable before the big bang or before the beginning of the physical world.

Nothing currently observable.

So why would science dare to throw away the concept of God if it cannot observe a single thing/event/singularity before the big bang? You may say they have not tossed out God. Oh, because, of course, science is "objective" (cynical) but then why has science let God be tossed out of the high-school theories of science if science does not KNOW and science is "unbiased"? God should have a page explaining a viable answer to a scientific "conundrum" that anything goes at this point. (Even the easter bunny and spaghetti monster). THUS any scientific explanation is a "GUESS" too... remember that word guess? For science to NOT give God that page is audacious and arrogant. Whatever the powers that be that assembled this robot of a universe science cannot answer that question. It is like the Ford trying to "study" Henry...

So what science is inclined to have us believe is that if there is nothing physical that there can be no God before the big bang. So science has made a pretense that all things are physical.

No, that is what you would have us believe that science is inclined to have us believe.

"Scientists" would have us believe that the Universe was created through the Big Bang. Nothing more. They will have you believe, however, that we don't know what was before the Big Bang and that it could be anything.

Only atheists will assert there is no God before the Big Bang. Perhaps you are confusing the two. They certainly aren't synonymous with each other.

You make nothing but false assertions that have no logical backbone to them whatsoever. You imply things have been said when they haven't been said at all.

By science implying the physical mass cannot travel faster than the speed of light and mass is limited by friction and physical restraints they have tried to "IMPOSE" that this proves that God cannot exist.

How could God be everywhere if every "Christian prayer" is a "particle" that has to travel from within the human mind/world to some place bezillions of light years outside the created universe to the mind of God?

How could God take in so much information? Well the universe and each and every single atom is a tiny computer that rivals any computer ever dreamed of/created by science. The universe is a digital camera and scanner itself capturing samples of time down to digital perfection. The mind of God is infinity and perception itself.

So science has dumbed down the universe by purposefully manipulating people or being ignorant to the spiritual universal reality.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 03:15 pm
RexRed wrote:

My comments are in red

The big bang ties in with the same Godless existence that evolution tries to prove.

Nothing in science is trying to prove a godless existence. I don't know of a single theory that ends with "and therefor, god doesn't exist".

Just because the world that science reveals doesn't match with your expectations of what your god would do, doesn't mean that science is out to get you, it only means that you have to have a little more confidence in your fantasies.

RexRed wrote:
It is all scientists deliberately trying to cut God out of their equations so they can rule the world corporations through ignorance of God.

Oh brother. Now you're becoming paranoid on top of everything else. Scientists are just people following the scientific process to reverse-engineer nature. Science is a process which can not, and does not, address the issue of God: Ever.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 03:18 pm
rl asks
Would it seem odd to you if a lab, purporting to objectively date a fossil using a scientific process, were to ask you what age you expected the fossil to be?

Would it seem odd that a hematology lab would ask what kind of blood sample you are submitting? How about a
chemistry lab , they always ask you what kind of fluid is this/

You are obviously woefully ignorant of how geochron (or lab) techniques work so you are obviously only looking for someone to admit that labs "give you the answers you wish to hear" Labs have a BLP standard to maintain and often have EPA and state standards to meet or they lose their licenses, Phoneying data is a criminal offense, and usually is found out by lab audit, and having outside data verification done . Also multiples and duplicates and method analyses are run to make sure the instruments are properly calibrated. Its not a bunch of alchemy, so sorry .

A geochron lab, in the "chain of custody' always has the assumed formation from which the sample was collected, its method of collection, any cleanups, or any circumstances that should be considered before the sample is possibly destroyed and wasted.
If a fish produces a series of offspring that eventually culminates in non-fish, then in one of the intervening generations, a specific fish produced what is specifically non-fish. Correct?
You forget that it is we humans who classify the animals. We decide what is fish and what is not. Its by the accumulated differences that separate the species that ultimately jumped the family bounds. The only valid field ondition that defiens different taxa is the concept of species, all else is a Linnean differentiation. ( a differentiation that is squarely Creationist in its structure).

I can see that archeopteryx is both bird and dinosaur. You disagree because your camp says its a "bird" and by so doing have your blinders on to the myriad of similarities this fossil has by being representative of both orders.

Im afraid I hear the same arguments freom you for about 10 months and youve not come up with anything new, just flog the same dead horse. Obviously it gets tiresome

You need to go out and actually find someone to explain to us in a clear fashion HOW DOES A Fossil assemblage of any group of plants or animals ( clade) enable you to conclude that Creation is seriously in operation . Youve alredy tried to pull the "If it doesnt leave a fossil doesnt men it didnt exist" argument, and with the other side of your mouth you argue for a fossil record explaining Creation Science. I know I missed that sermon .

When a field program is mounted to look for fossils of a particular group of animals, the scientists usually stay within a formational or stage boundary so that they can see whether fossils can be seen to change in morphology up-section. When you acclaim that you (capitol YOU) use the ame data to "prove" a point against evolution, it seems to me that you are sitting there just trying your damndest to find some point that is inconsistent with morphological changes through time. Thats a bit disengenuous dont you think? Why cant you go out and look for things that prove your points outright

World is young-should find something that helps you if its there.

Dinosaurs and men living in the same time periods, you
shout this out as a fact but havent yet provided any data

No fossils of elephants were ever found with the CAmbrian "explosion" as neither were any trees for them to eat, wheres the data , wheres the evidence. If Creation were true , youd expect that some tracks and bones of these "fully formed" beasties would have shown their presence in earliest times and not so late in the Eocene

Why does everything progress nicely in a path with more complex organisms and these rare periodically extinguished and bew ones come along. Why dont we see any fossil eleophants at the Permian extinction yet we find tons of theropods and synapsids and therapsids.

Youre not only cherry picking, your trying to make waay much more out of the fruit you do select.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 03:29 pm
Im a large customer of geochronology labs and , although Im not looking to date fossils, I usually am looking for similar dates of deposition for such things as rare earth elements whch concentrate in certain environments. To find out that Ive been given answers that are incorrect becasue of some religious poop is ludicrous. You (rl) have no idea how the system works because you think that somehow, a bunch of college pinheads are only looking for some obscure date on a bone. If a geochron lab had only pinhead samples to rely upon, theyd go out of business. (and there are a number of very successful geochronology labs)
I think youve been reading too many of your church bulletins
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