mesquite wrote:"Genesis is but a nice lesson plan for morality. "....the morality of a psychopath.
Again, I am just thinking out loud... Only part of this post is in answer to your post but it all somehow relates.
Then what is the devil, a sound minded spirit? They both cannot be dysfunctional. God many times intentionally took the blame for things in the old testament (this why you see things the way you do) because he did not want humans to realize how powerless they were against the devil at the time. When Christ came we were finally able to know the truth and see the spirit realm in it's fullness. We were also given power to discern "spirits".
Now we know things like: God did not cause the disputed flood. The Bible says God caused it to rain forty days and forty nights... But God did not cause the flood... The devil did... The devil had a motive for killing all humans... If he could wipe all humans from the face of the earth then Jesus Christ could not be born and he could not triumph over evil and "bruise the head of the serpent"... God told Eve and Adam in the garden that woman would bear a seed/son that would bruise the head of the serpent... Well bruises to the head are usually fatal. And the serpent would bruise his [Christ's] heel.
So here is one example of a story [the flood] that you have blamed God for that is not really God. One must really look closely at things in the Old Testament to understand them. That is the way God choose to write them and God is God... So, the devil would rather live in a world devoid of human life than have Christ come and redeem humans and in the process dethrone the devil...
In the story of Noah:
The devil did not have to kill all life. It was not that life was evil continuously and God couldn't stand it... It was humans that allowed the devil in... This evil gave the devil the power to attempt to cause the end of all human life... God was seemingly powerless to stop the prince of the power of the air [The devil is biblically, the God of this world]....
Now lets take a quick look at this historically/scientifically... roughly about 6-8000 years ago the Bible tells of a flood that nearly wiped out humans and vital majority of animals...
We know Modern humans crossed the bottlneck between Africa and Turkey, we know the black sea also flooded very same area of the bottleneck at roughly 6000 years ago... they jive with the timelines of the Flood and Adam and Eve and the appearance of the first civilizations.
Well if modern humans left Africa a million years ago roamed the northern hemisphere Europe/Asia and about 6000 years ago became civilized and settled in a certain valley in modern day Turkey... This was before Stonehenge this was before any pyramids or Egyptian language... this was when there was only one city and all humans lived and worked in that one vicinity on the earth. This does not mean that primitive human life had not trekked all over Europe/East Asia by this time but the current evolution of humans and most domesticated animals lived in harmony there in this one valley in Turkey.
It was where they took the last step of evolution together and became the humans and creatures of today. Everyone depended on the valley for survival. There was no life outside the valley there was only one crude urban Mecca. There would have been a vast variety of humans that lived in this valley before the flood and after the flood survivors would have scattered abroad and could represent the various distinctions in races we see today. It take 100 thousand years for a humans skin color to change. In this valley just above the bottle neck of Africa there would have been a variety of very crafty people to have crossed the bottleneck and survived. The same with the animals that could swim and cross..
Another note:
With this known bottle neck between Africa and Turkey and this relates to the story of Adam and Eve crossing from Africa and populating this valley in the first place... By Noah's time the population had turned into an outpost for modern humans. All the devil had to do was wipe out modern humans from this valley an he would have succeeded in his evil intent. At the time it would not have to be a global flood to kill all humans. The catalyst was the formation of the Black Sea which is now a sea of acid... So where are certain fossils of creatures that evolved over the last million years? Maybe at the bottom of this once fertile basin that the Black Sea today occupies. The story of Noah and Adam and Eve seem to have some sort of historical truth to them because they do explain some of the dilemmas that are facing in evolution and the pathology of humans and animals. It is to say the least certainly plausible and I do not disagree with things I am not sure of.
I know this is a long post and I have just been rambling on but I trust the inherent message of the Bible and I believe it contains both eye witness accounts from both Adam and Eve, Noah and many more historical truths... I believe these two stories survived Africa and survived Turkey to live and be read and understood today.
I am trying real hard to teeter on this line and not stick my foot in my mouth and say something that is not laughably scientifically inaccurate or disrespectful to God.... I think I have done ok...