Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 08:17 pm
Talk about starting over at square one.
0 Replies
thunder runner32
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 08:18 pm
Knowledge of God (or no god) is arbitrtary, scientists will continue to explore this world logically wether it came by chance or some intelligent designer. They would gain nothing with proving God's existence.

I have learned in the past months that if God exists, I sincerely doubt it would care if we speculated about its existence. Anyways, what is the big deal if he exists or not, what sins does everyone want to commit that God is holding them back from? Whether you believe in God or not should not determine if you respect others.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 08:27 pm
That should be, scientists have nothing to gain by proving or disproving the existence of a god, higher power, great mover, et al. Not dwelling on whether one exists or not is an intellectually healthy existence.
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thunder runner32
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 08:31 pm
If they did find some God-gene(????? Shocked ) I don't think anything would change too drastically.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 08:45 pm
Laughing I think if they found god wore jeans would be more earth shaking.
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thunder runner32
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 09:01 pm
What brand of jeans did Jesus wear?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 09:21 pm
stonewashed in the blood of the lamb
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 09:32 pm
thunder_runner32 wrote:
I have learned in the past months that if God exists, I sincerely doubt it would care if we speculated about its existence. Anyways, what is the big deal if he exists or not, what sins does everyone want to commit that God is holding them back from?

A remarkably lucid post Thunder. Is it my imagination, or has your view on the nature of God expanded in some way? I don't remember your previous posts being quite so flexible.

thunder_runner32 wrote:
Whether you believe in God or not should not determine if you respect others.

Agreed. And obviously, for agnostics, it doesn't.

It's the people who hold opinions on what God is, or isn't, who are most likely to judge other people based on their own views.

Has something happened in the last few months to change your view on things?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 09:39 pm
Doctor what the schools of america provide now days is not an EDUCATION its INDOCTRINATION. They wont let both views be taught in school which means the kids are not getting an education but an indoctrination. Don't talk to me about Education until you and your type of people allow all views to be taught in school.

Have fun.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 09:46 pm
Which will be when a non-existent hell freezes over, so you get to stay dumb the rest of your life.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 09:47 pm
Scott777ab wrote:
Doctor what the schools of america provide now days is not an EDUCATION its INDOCTRINATION. They wont let both views be taught in school which means the kids are not getting an education but an indoctrination. Don't talk to me about Education until you and your type of people allow all views to be taught in school.

Oh boy, I can't wait for Voodoo class! We can have math in the morning, voodoo in the afternoon, and on alternating tuesdays we can have alchemy and astrology classes. Schools might have to drop physical sciences classes due to lack of time, but bunsen burners and microscopes are expensive anyway, so it's probably just as well.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 09:57 pm
Wunner what'd be the going rate for a run-of-the-mill philosopher's stone - betchya alchemy could get pretty pricey too. And can ya even get stuff like eye of newt and toe of frog in bulk?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 09:58 pm
See it is not the fundies or the christians who are fearful but it is your type that is fearful of our kind

FEAR GOD, like you should and maybe you might be freed from your blindness.

Have fun.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 09:59 pm
We don't fear you. We pity your stupidity.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 10:00 pm
Scott777ab wrote:
Doctor what the schools of america provide now days is not an EDUCATION its INDOCTRINATION. They wont let both views be taught in school which means the kids are not getting an education but an indoctrination. Don't talk to me about Education until you and your type of people allow all views to be taught in school.

Have fun.

If you believe "all views to be taught in school" then you must also believe Witchcraft must be taught in school.

If you believe "all views to be taught in school" then you must also believe Voodoo must be taught in school.

If you believe "all views to be taught in school" then you must also believe Ufology must be taught in school.

If you believe "all views to be taught in school" then you must also believe Channeling must be taught in school.

If you believe "all views to be taught in school" then you must also believe the Mayan religion must be taught in school.

If you believe "all views to be taught in school" then you must also believe Raelianism must be taught in school.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 10:06 pm
Chumly wrote:
Scott777ab wrote:
Doctor what the schools of america provide now days is not an EDUCATION its INDOCTRINATION. They wont let both views be taught in school which means the kids are not getting an education but an indoctrination. Don't talk to me about Education until you and your type of people allow all views to be taught in school.

Have fun.

If you believe "all views to be taught in school" then you must also believe Witchcraft must be taught in school.

If you believe "all views to be taught in school" then you must also believe Voodoo must be taught in school.

If you believe "all views to be taught in school" then you must also believe Ufology must be taught in school.

If you believe "all views to be taught in school" then you must also believe Channeling must be taught in school.

If you believe "all views to be taught in school" then you must also believe the Mayan religion must be taught in school.

If you believe "all views to be taught in school" then you must also believe Raelianism must be taught in school.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 10:10 pm
Sorry, Scott - fear just ain't something I'm big on. Lotsa stuff I respect, and some stuff I give lotsa respect, but the deistic construct forwarded by fundamentalist Christians just don't make the list - I have more respect for Norse mythology, Keynesian economics, or Chinese caligraphy than I can muster for the fairytale absurdities and forensic impossibilities that some folks offer in defense of their fear-driven religious faith; Pascal's Wager is a sucker bet.

Demonstrate, objectively and in academically sound, forensically valid manner that religious faith - particularly as endorsed by fundamentalist Christians, be differentiable from superstition.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 10:13 pm
o god bore me to sleep will you. Talk in plain english please that everyone can understand, without have to have some type perfect understanding or rediculus sounding words to use in a sentence.

Just say that you should learn to get a better education so that you can agure your point in a more educated fashion.

NAH, I would rather not become an EDUCATED IDOIT.

Have fun.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 10:16 pm
Scott777ab wrote:
Chumly wrote:
Scott777ab wrote:
Doctor what the schools of america provide now days is not an EDUCATION its INDOCTRINATION. They wont let both views be taught in school which means the kids are not getting an education but an indoctrination. Don't talk to me about Education until you and your type of people allow all views to be taught in school.

Have fun.

If you believe "all views to be taught in school" then you must also believe Witchcraft must be taught in school.

If you believe "all views to be taught in school" then you must also believe Voodoo must be taught in school.

If you believe "all views to be taught in school" then you must also believe Ufology must be taught in school.

If you believe "all views to be taught in school" then you must also believe Channeling must be taught in school.

If you believe "all views to be taught in school" then you must also believe the Mayan religion must be taught in school.

If you believe "all views to be taught in school" then you must also believe Raelianism must be taught in school.


Oh - looks like we cross-posted there; I hadn't seen that when I fired off my earlier reply to you. I didn't realize you were a satirist - cool. Glad you cleared that up; there's more than enough stupidity to go around, but good humor is hard to find ... thanks for the yucks.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 May, 2006 10:16 pm
Well then if you believe "all views to be taught in school" then you must also believe the Mayan religion must be taught in school.

Assuming you were not sacrificed to the Mayan gods in high schoo,l I very much doubt there would be enough time to learn all the various religions to support your credo of equal time. Hell, I doubt you would have time to sleep or eat either let alone learn how to read and write which makes your equal time credo most bizarre indeed!

Human sacrifice was perpetrated on prisoners, slaves, and particularly children, with orphans and illegitimate children specially purchased for the occasion.

Priests were assisted in human sacrifices by four older men who were known as chacs, in honour of the Rain God, Chac. These men would hold the arms and legs of a sacrificial victim while the chest was opened up by another individual called a nacom. Also in attendance was the chilam, a shaman figure who received messages from the gods while in a trance, and whose prophecies were interpreted by the assembled priests.

War in the Mayan society was not to divide and conquer, it was to obtain sacrificial 'materials.' If a warrior that was captured was especially brave, then he would also be eaten after the sacrifice.

The Mayans believed that the giving of blood was the best and most effective way to worship their gods. Sacrifice aided the celestial bodies, brought luck and fortune, and improved crops. The household elder would let blood every night. Kings and queens would give much more extreme sacrifices, such as the king would pierce his penis with an obsidian shard or sting ray tail, then drag a rope through the hole to release more blood. The queen would drag a rope of thorns through her tongue. The blood of royalty would be collected on strips of paper or bark, and then burned. In the smoke one could supposedly see the gods and their bidding would be revealed. This is how war* was declared, crops were planted or temples were erected.
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