Reply Thu 30 Mar, 2006 01:19 pm
LW, A2K has no responsibility to inform, however, as shown by the stats, many folks find it useful in that regard. Any who come to A2K looking for anything are well advised to consider what they happen accross here in light of and balanced with whatever else they find elsewhere, and are encouraged to look elsewhere. A2K makes no claim to authority; for that there are any number of mainstream encyclopedia websites, online peer-reviewed professional journals and reviews, and acreditted academic websites. A2K essentially is entertainment, after all; informative entertainment - even "infotainment", but in the end, entertainment none the less, that and nothing more.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 30 Mar, 2006 01:22 pm
timber, Excellent description of a2k and why many of us particpate here. Wink"Infotainment" is a good word.
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real life
Reply Thu 30 Mar, 2006 03:21 pm
timberlandko wrote:
rl wrote:
Setanta wrote:
.......At all events, the number of page views is not the point.......

It is precisely the point that you tried, and failed to make.

You wanted to leave the impression that our posts are read by a much wider audience.

I don't think the facts back it up.

Hope you're having a good morning. :cool:
Nonsense. Your commentary betrays a lack of knowledge concerning "The Way The 'Web Works"; Set's "point" is valid and well made. By one respected measuring method, Alexa's ranking system, A2K is a significant presence on the web, in terms of traffic, reach, and popularity (see ALEXA: Traffic Rank).

By another respected ranking system, Google Page Rank, A2K scores quite well also; 6 out of a possible 10, meaning, essentially, that A2K's relative "Importance", its "web presence", is ranked among the top 40% of all sites on the web.

While many sites you visit and/or on which you participate well may have significant web presence, I must strongly doubt any site for which you personally bear any operational or administrational responsibility comes anywhere near A2K when compared on such objective, substantive, verifiable terms.

With thought to facillitating your understanding of these concepts, here are some big pictures:


All one need do is to take note of the number of "Views" in a given thread on the S&R Index Page, click to the last page of the thread and click right back to the Index Page to see the number go up. It will go up as often as you do it, not just once a day.

How many times have you visited a thread that you had posted in earlier to see what others were saying , but you didn't post in it on that visit? Happens all the time, and each visit counts as a View.

I'm sure that I am not the only one who may look at a thread that I am following, but not necessarily post in it each time.

(images removed in the interest of monitor conservation)Laughing

Sorry guys, but you don't have much of an audience. It's mostly us. Cool
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 30 Mar, 2006 03:23 pm
real life, So, you spend your time opening up threads to increase their number? LOL
0 Replies
real life
Reply Thu 30 Mar, 2006 03:28 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
real life, So, you spend your time opening up threads to increase their number? LOL

Well, sometimes ya gotta go real slow when you're explaining something. Lay it out. One thing at a time. The simplest concept has to be explained.

OK Bob, baby steps down the hall, baby steps to the elevator, baby steps into the elevator......... Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Mar, 2006 03:57 pm
Setanta wrote:
Actually, a receipt from Home Depot is much more reliable evidence than the Bobble can ever hope to be.

Wolf_ODonnell wrote:
Indeed, I can get a refund with the receipt from Home Depot. I can't get a refund with the Bible.
You guys just made me spit out my lunch with laughter, as that is exactly what I was gonna say!
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Reply Thu 30 Mar, 2006 04:12 pm
What is and is not admissable in court is outside of my area of expertise. But 'Examination of the Testimony of the Four Evangelists by the Rules of Evidence ' by Simon Greenleaf (professor of law at Harvard) is a good read in that area.
.Testimony by the 4 Evangelists is evidence. Uh... ok

check please!
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Reply Thu 30 Mar, 2006 06:34 pm
real life wrote:
rosborne979 wrote:
.....naturalism is a belief.

I agree, but probably not in the way that you mean this.

To assume that all things must have a naturalistic cause , simply because you've never seen any other, is a belief indeed.

It is basically an argument from silence.

No, it's a choice. Like any belief. It's not an argument at all.
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Reply Thu 30 Mar, 2006 06:39 pm
wandeljw wrote:
real life wrote:
rosborne979 wrote:
.....naturalism is a belief.

I agree, but probably not in the way that you mean this.

To assume that all things must have a naturalistic cause , simply because you've never seen any other, is a belief indeed.

It is basically an argument from silence.

Naturalism is more accurately described as a methodological choice. The purpose is to discover natural explanations of natural events.

It's also an assumption.

There is no way to prove that reality is naturalistic. And there is no way to prove that it is non-naturalistic (because proofs are based in naturalism).

To believe that reality is naturalistic is a foundational belief from which certain methodoloogies can be derived (science for one).
0 Replies
Reply Fri 31 Mar, 2006 05:08 am
wandeljw wrote:
real life,

The evidence gathering in that methodology involves evidence from nature, not abstract reasoning.

To watch scientist and theologians try to prove or disprove "god" is a pathetic display of mans arrogance and ignorance. The only thing we prove is how stupid we are. There is only one fact in the matter worth considering and that is this. Fact; It can't be proven.

If a man tells me he knows god does or doesn't exist I have to question his credibility of everything else he believes in.

"I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance." -Socrates

Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.
- Will Durant
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Reply Fri 31 Mar, 2006 05:51 am
" If it werent for ignorance and deadlines , nothing would get done in science" --SOme Guy whose name escapes me
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Reply Fri 31 Mar, 2006 07:10 am
Don't know how many are aware of this but there's an evolution blog by a chess player and mathematician named Jason Rosenhouse.
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Wolf ODonnell
Reply Fri 31 Mar, 2006 07:16 am
The link goes to Microsoft.com because you put two http://http:// in the link.


The above link, however, will take you to the blog.
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real life
Reply Fri 31 Mar, 2006 08:34 am
xingu wrote:
Don't know how many are aware of this but there's an evolution blog by a chess player and mathematician named Jason Rosenhouse.

Funny how, when mathematicians who seem to support a creation/ID perspective have been mentioned in this forum, they are mercilessly trashed as 'completely unqualified to speak on biological evolution'.

But when he's an evolutionist........ Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Fri 31 Mar, 2006 08:44 am
I have frequently pointed out that the member "real life" has pointed to people who have no particular qualifications to comment on a theory of evolution with claims that they are scientists, and believe in the direct creation of man. Apart from the fact the "studies" to which he points did not in fact ask if the respondant belived in a direct creation of man, i would here note that i have not personally asserted that this mathematician has any special qualifications to refute creationism. I continue to assert that his claim about "more than 40% of scientists" support the creationist point of view is a canard, relying upon dubious definitions of a scientist, and a willful deception about the terms of the surveys to which he habitually refers.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 31 Mar, 2006 08:47 am
Hey real life, nobodys ganging up on your posse. For our pro-evo/devo mathematician a similar criticism applies. Perhaps its not only the quals and experience of the speaker, its the actual statements of the individual. Most all Creationists merely deny the facts and evidence of science. IDers dont , they just like to spin it with an "if/then" argument.
Many in this forum are engaged in the discussion and they come from all walks of life.
You, for an example , are a large part of the present forum, so whats yer gripe? I am personally attacking the substance of your posts , not the quals or occupation you conduct.
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Wolf ODonnell
Reply Fri 31 Mar, 2006 08:50 am
real life wrote:
xingu wrote:
Don't know how many are aware of this but there's an evolution blog by a chess player and mathematician named Jason Rosenhouse.

Funny how, when mathematicians who seem to support a creation/ID perspective have been mentioned in this forum, they are mercilessly trashed as 'completely unqualified to speak on biological evolution'.

But when he's an evolutionist........ Laughing

He isn't qualified, but at least he knows what real science is about, which is more than I can say for those who postulate that ID may be real science and even more than I can say for those who postulate that Creationism is real science.
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Reply Fri 31 Mar, 2006 08:54 am
The blog isn't the merely opinions of Mr. Rosenhouse but includes links and discussions by scientists and laymen who understand evolution.
The chess feature is fascinating and applies to Creationists who have been check-mated but are still in denial.
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real life
Reply Fri 31 Mar, 2006 10:12 am
farmerman wrote:
Hey real life, nobodys ganging up on your posse. For our pro-evo/devo mathematician a similar criticism applies. Perhaps its not only the quals and experience of the speaker, its the actual statements of the individual. Most all Creationists merely deny the facts and evidence of science. IDers dont , they just like to spin it with an "if/then" argument.
Many in this forum are engaged in the discussion and they come from all walks of life.
You, for an example , are a large part of the present forum, so whats yer gripe? I am personally attacking the substance of your posts , not the quals or occupation you conduct.

Hi Farmerman,

Don't worry. I don't feel ganged up on.

I just found it humorous.

I appreciate your consistency and I respect that you hold the same standard for either side.

BTW I wonder what's your take on the posts by Ros regarding naturalism being a belief and an assumption.
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Diest TKO
Reply Fri 31 Mar, 2006 10:17 am
Evolution just makes sense. I hate how Creationists try and present things as if the upper scientific community is actully debating this. The only time it get's brought up is when, imagine that, more evdence arises. I'm absolutly sure that there have been plenty of scientist who have converted to creationism, but I can only imagine that this is because our scientists are people too who have other lives outside of being scientists. In thier own search for spiritual guidence they are only left with one option: Asimilate creationism. Let go of ration.
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