real life
Reply Thu 30 Mar, 2006 08:52 am
Wolf_ODonnell wrote:
real life wrote:
It's mostly us, talking to each other. Cool

Rolling Eyes Tell me about it. 802 pages so far. You'd think both sides would have run out of steam by now, but noooo....

Yeah but totally unable to pull an audience. We better keep the day jobs, eh? Laughing
0 Replies
Wolf ODonnell
Reply Thu 30 Mar, 2006 08:52 am
real life wrote:
The Bible does contain circumstantial evidence. As I've mentioned many times, since neither creation nor evolution has been observed, both rely largely on circumstantial evidence and the inferences drawn from it.

The Bible also has historical evidence such as the testimony of eyewitnesses to many events.

The difference, however, is that there are other pieces of evidence to prove Evolution correct.

Now, the Bible also has other pieces of evidence to prove it correct. However, these pieces of evidence can only prove a select number of historical events, and not things like Noah's Flood. There is no other evidence to prove the supernatural events, either.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Thu 30 Mar, 2006 09:01 am
rosborne979 wrote:
.....naturalism is a belief.

I agree, but probably not in the way that you mean this.

To assume that all things must have a naturalistic cause , simply because you've never seen any other, is a belief indeed.

It is basically an argument from silence.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Mar, 2006 09:02 am
real life wrote:
The Bible also has historical evidence such as the testimony of eyewitnesses to many events.

Historians have for many centuries made a good living ripping apart allegations of "eyewitness" evidence to be found in the Bobble.

The assertion that there is circumstantial evidence for creation, good circumstantial evidence or not, is unwarranted. You have never provided any circumstantial evidence for a creation.

What circumstantial evidence can you offer for a creation?

Were one to stipulate a creation, what evidence can you offer that the fact of a creation invalidates the tenets of a theory of evolution?

You never admit to anything, but the inferential evidence of this thread, espeically the ridiculous fervor with which you attempt to claim evidence of a world-wide flood, strongly suggests that you are a young-earth creationist.

Are you willing to state that the earth is only a little more than 6000 years old? Are you able to present any evidence to that effect?
0 Replies
real life
Reply Thu 30 Mar, 2006 09:16 am
Setanta wrote:
.......At all events, the number of page views is not the point.......

It is precisely the point that you tried, and failed to make.

You wanted to leave the impression that our posts are read by a much wider audience.

I don't think the facts back it up.

Hope you're having a good morning. Cool
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Mar, 2006 09:19 am
real life wrote:
rosborne979 wrote:
.....naturalism is a belief.

I agree, but probably not in the way that you mean this.

To assume that all things must have a naturalistic cause , simply because you've never seen any other, is a belief indeed.

It is basically an argument from silence.

Naturalism is more accurately described as a methodological choice. The purpose is to discover natural explanations of natural events.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Mar, 2006 09:23 am
real life wrote:
It is precisely the point that you tried, and failed to make.

Now you're telling outright lies. This site has a high page rank--the number of page views, however, is immaterial to your object of presenting material which will make the casual reader doubt that a theory of evolution is valid. I didn't make a claim that you were wildly successful, or that you hoped to be. My point is only that such is your object, without reference to the frequency with which you succeed.

You wanted to leave the impression that our posts are read by a much wider audience.

That's a strawman--i made no specific claims about the frequency with which your tactics might succeed, only about what you intended. Otherwise, my post above deals effectively with this nonsenesical claim.

I don't think the facts back it up.

Since i made no claim about the frequency with which casual readers dip in here, nor the absolute numbers of such casual readers, your reference to facts is meaningless.

Hope you're having a good morning. (witless emoticon removed in the interest of good taste)

Unlike the results of prayer, a patently useless activity, your hopes are to be fulfilled. I've been very enterained this morning, and suspect that the free entertainment will not abate.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Thu 30 Mar, 2006 09:32 am
Setanta wrote:
real life wrote:
The Bible also has historical evidence such as the testimony of eyewitnesses to many events.

Historians have for many centuries made a good living ripping apart allegations of "eyewitness" evidence to be found in the Bobble.

The assertion that there is circumstantial evidence for creation, good circumstantial evidence or not, is unwarranted. You have never provided any circumstantial evidence for a creation.

What circumstantial evidence can you offer for a creation?

Were one to stipulate a creation, what evidence can you offer that the fact of a creation invalidates the tenets of a theory of evolution?

You never admit to anything, but the inferential evidence of this thread, espeically the ridiculous fervor with which you attempt to claim evidence of a world-wide flood, strongly suggests that you are a young-earth creationist.

Are you willing to state that the earth is only a little more than 6000 years old? Are you able to present any evidence to that effect?

I don't know why you would need to 'strongly suggest' that I believe in a young earth when I have said so myself.

I don't have an exact date for creation, but I think it can be measured in the thousands not the millions or the billions of years.

Now, you ask about a general question regarding circumstantial evidence for creation:

Setanta wrote:
What circumstantial evidence can you offer for a creation?

But at the same time, when we have delved into this in the past, you quickly want to limit the scope of the discussion since you are apparently uncomfortable discussing creation except as it relates to the narrow area of biological evolution alone.

Discussions of abiogenesis, cosmology etc are certainly related to the question of creation. So it seems you cannot be pleased if one answers your question, or if they don't.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Mar, 2006 09:42 am
rl, in its primary and secondary definitions, forensic implies "that kind of data that would be accepted in court".
Eyewitness accounts in a book quoting people that may or not have lived and may or not have even said those things ascribed, would hardly be considered "evidence" .We call it "heresay" of the lowest rank.
You say what the Bible represents to you . Are the many variations of how others interpret the same thing invalid? Is your interpretation the only valid one? Here is a book that the many disciples of, cannot even agree on the meanings of whats inside.

Forensic data has but one basis in fact. Thats why they try, in court to enter it and support it or the other side tries to dismiss it. I dont think that what you call "evidence" would even fit the definition.
There is certainly no factual indesputable evidence within any of the sacred books of religions. To lean on them as such is disingenuous. We have rules for acceptance of forensic data and for those who present it.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Thu 30 Mar, 2006 09:47 am
wandeljw wrote:
real life wrote:
rosborne979 wrote:
.....naturalism is a belief.

I agree, but probably not in the way that you mean this.

To assume that all things must have a naturalistic cause , simply because you've never seen any other, is a belief indeed.

It is basically an argument from silence.

Naturalism is more accurately described as a methodological choice. The purpose is to discover natural explanations of natural events.

How do you determine if an event is a 'natural event' or not? Isn't this an assumption?

Doesn't this result in a type of circular reasoning?

Event A occurred, therefore it must have a naturalistic cause.

How you do know Event A had a naturalisitic cause?

Because otherwise it could not have occurred.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Mar, 2006 09:50 am
real life,

The evidence gathering in that methodology involves evidence from nature, not abstract reasoning.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Thu 30 Mar, 2006 09:55 am
farmerman wrote:
rl, in its primary and secondary definitions, forensic implies "that kind of data that would be accepted in court".
Eyewitness accounts in a book quoting people that may or not have lived and may or not have even said those things ascribed, would hardly be considered "evidence" .We call it "heresay" of the lowest rank.
You say what the Bible represents to you . Are the many variations of how others interpret the same thing invalid? Is your interpretation the only valid one? Here is a book that the many disciples of, cannot even agree on the meanings of whats inside.

Forensic data has but one basis in fact. Thats why they try, in court to enter it and support it or the other side tries to dismiss it. I dont think that what you call "evidence" would even fit the definition.
There is certainly no factual indesputable evidence within any of the sacred books of religions. To lean on them as such is disingenuous. We have rules for acceptance of forensic data and for those who present it.

Hi Farmerman,

What is and is not admissable in court is outside of my area of expertise. But 'Examination of the Testimony of the Four Evangelists by the Rules of Evidence ' by Simon Greenleaf (professor of law at Harvard) is a good read in that area.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Thu 30 Mar, 2006 10:03 am
wandeljw wrote:
real life,

The evidence gathering in that methodology involves evidence from nature, not abstract reasoning.

If the assumption that an event must be naturalistic in origin precludes the consideration of any other type of evidence or line of inquiry, then it's not surprising if the researcher determines that 'only naturalistic causes were found'.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Mar, 2006 10:12 am
real life wrote:
I don't know why you would need to 'strongly suggest' that I believe in a young earth when I have said so myself.

I missed that, you have my apologies.

I don't have an exact date for creation, but I think it can be measured in the thousands not the millions or the billions of years.

You apparently have no evidence, either, or else it would be reasonable to assume that you would answer the question i asked, and provide your evidence for a young earth.

Now, you ask about a general question regarding circumstantial evidence for creation:

Setanta wrote:
What circumstantial evidence can you offer for a creation?

But at the same time, when we have delved into this in the past, you quickly want to limit the scope of the discussion since you are apparently uncomfortable discussing creation except as it relates to the narrow area of biological evolution alone.

That is simply not true. You don't directly provide any evidence for a creation, you are the one who quickly diverts the topic to a discussion of the plausibility of an "old earth," to the alleged lacunae in the scientific evidence for a theory of evolution. You have never directly answered the question of what evidence you have for a creation. Discussing the plausibility of any other particular assertion of cosmic origins does not constitute evidence for a creation. That is the "you can't prove it ain't so, you can't prove this or that scientific theory, therefore, i get to claim my imaginary friend is the prime mover."

What evidence do you have for a creation? I'm not asking why you claim someone else's cosmic origins argument is implausible, i'm asking you what your evidence for a creation is.

Discussions of abiogenesis, cosmology etc are certainly related to the question of creation. So it seems you cannot be pleased if one answers your question, or if they don't.

That's a pathetic attempt at a dodge. Discussing abiogenesis provides no evidence that the cosmos were created by a deity. Once again, you attempt to claim that if someone cannot answer to your satisfaction how abiogenesis could occur, you are authorized to assert a creation. That's apples to oranges stuff. If a deity created the cosmos, it were still possible to stipulate a rise of life from an abiotic origin, and it were still possible to stipulate an evolutionary process. You attempt to claim that all is the product of a creation, but provide no evidence that a creation has occurred. "Cosmology etc" is awfully silly of you, as the "etc" refers to canards such as you have tried to advance about the rotational direction of planets. You have continually stated, falsely, that three planets rotate in a direction opposite to that of the other planets. This only true of two of them; Uranus rotates on a path perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic--to know if it rotates in a direction opposite to the other planets, one must arbitrarily determine which is the "north pole" of Uranus--which is a prime example of how you attempt to twist facts.

I don't reget cosmological discussions, i'm calling for one. I'm calling for you to provide evidence that a deity created the cosmos. I'm definitely not calling for you to prove that other theories of cosmological origins are wrong, because that would not prove that your imaginary friend created the cosmos, even if it were true that those theories are wrong--something else which you have failed to prove.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Mar, 2006 11:37 am
rl wrote:
Setanta wrote:
.......At all events, the number of page views is not the point.......

It is precisely the point that you tried, and failed to make.

You wanted to leave the impression that our posts are read by a much wider audience.

I don't think the facts back it up.

Hope you're having a good morning. :cool:
Nonsense. Your commentary betrays a lack of knowledge concerning "The Way The 'Web Works"; Set's "point" is valid and well made. By one respected measuring method, Alexa's ranking system, A2K is a significant presence on the web, in terms of traffic, reach, and popularity (see ALEXA: Traffic Rank).

By another respected ranking system, Google Page Rank, A2K scores quite well also; 6 out of a possible 10, meaning, essentially, that A2K's relative "Importance", its "web presence", is ranked among the top 40% of all sites on the web.

While many sites you visit and/or on which you participate well may have significant web presence, I must strongly doubt any site for which you personally bear any operational or administrational responsibility comes anywhere near A2K when compared on such objective, substantive, verifiable terms.

With thought to facillitating your understanding of these concepts, here are some big pictures:
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Mar, 2006 12:10 pm
heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee . . .

0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Mar, 2006 01:00 pm
I don't know, (small "t") timber, that's putting a lot of responsibility on A2K to inform but doesn't mean that a silly question deserves a silly answers.

For those who need to actually read Origin, buy the book -- you can't borrow mine (only $6.95):
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Mar, 2006 01:07 pm
I apologize for posting images of sufficient size to stretch the page - not something I normally do, and something to which I generally take exception, but which I employed this time for effect. I trust those inconvenienced thereby will forgive my uncustomary, rarely-if-ever evidenced indulgence in a of bit monitor-straining of fun Mr. Green
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Mar, 2006 01:12 pm
it's okay, timber. my post was only one sentence. stretching it out made it look more significant.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 30 Mar, 2006 01:14 pm
But we also know rl will ignore everything that's displayed as evidence.
0 Replies

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