Reply Tue 14 Mar, 2006 05:31 pm
real life wrote:
cicerone imposter wrote:
Where do you think flu vacine comes from? How do you think they develop flu vacine without understanding evolution?
Don't pretend that flu viruses 'evolve', CI. They are still viruses.

That successive generations are different from one another is no more remarkable than you being different from your parents.

And that viruses can resistant chemical attacks on them is no more remarkable than your body's ability to do so. Are you 'evolving' when your body responds to a threat to keep you alive and well? (You probably think so but you aren't.)

I don't evolve and neither does a bacteriophage.

Populations evolve, not individuals. Once you understand that, we might actually get somewhere and have a proper discussion about the real issues.

Viruses evolve, this is a fact - easily provable and used every day in Medicine and Biology.

Maybe you think that it's a lucky coincidence that you pray for all sick people (while they are being given anti-biotics) and it is actually the praying that works ??
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Mar, 2006 07:17 pm
Interesting that the lowly virus should come into discussion focus here. Recent findings indicate there well may be more to the virus than heretofore had been suspected.

Unintelligent Design
A monstrous discovery suggests that viruses, long regarded as lowly evolutionary latecomers, may have been the precursors of all life on Earth
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Mar, 2006 07:38 pm
Timber, that is really very cool !

99% of all life-forms so far unidentified? Joseph Banks would have thrown himself overboard.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 14 Mar, 2006 07:48 pm
Noah forgot to name all of them too! Shame for shame.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Mar, 2006 07:51 pm
Man, that boat musta been waaaaay over it's legal weight limit.
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real life
Reply Wed 15 Mar, 2006 12:45 pm
Interesting story


A Continent Splits Apart

By Axel Bojanowski

Normally new rivers, seas and mountains are born in slow motion. The Afar Triangle near the Horn of Africa is another story. A new ocean is forming there with staggering speed -- at least by geological standards. Africa will eventually lose its horn.......

see entire story at

0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Mar, 2006 04:22 pm
AVERAGE tectonic motion is usually computed based upon how fast and far ophiolitic magma erupts at seafloor spreading centers and then its routinely timed by the distance travelled normal to the ocean vent before each magnetic reversal imprints its "Bar Code" on the suboceanic lava. Seeing the process begin does, in no way mean that the scientists are stating that such initial opening events will persist. When a plate begins to spread at a center, theres no resistance and the plate masses are small. Soon (geologically) the speed will reduce to about 2 to 4 cm /yr. India has been a rapidly moving continental mass with some episodes of spreading at about 10 cm per year or thereabouts.

The process is wonderful and gives us a planetary "speedometer". If you look at teh Atlantic and Pacific spreading centers to their trailing or subducting ends, we see that there are no sediment or magmatic layers older than Jurassic , which is a pretty good way to do a Time, rate, and distance problem.

Popular science mags would lose readers if theyd print all the qualifiers and boring data . Anyway, if you look at a map of the horn of Africa this is one of a few rare zones on earth that are called "triple junctions" Three plate margins come together here at the junction of the red sea, gulf of Aden, as well as the East Africa Rift valley. There was a "plume" beneath this area , a plume of volcanics thats active since about 30 my ago. After the initial vulcanism Aden and the Red sea began to open and the unusual thing is that the Red sea is actually crust being "strtched" rather than new oceanic ophiolitic crust being formed. The East Africa rift valley has always been called an "aulocogen" sort of a failed rift since no new ocean basin had been opening within it for the 30 my. Now that it seems to be beginning I inclined to remind the authors that triple point stresses need to be resolved over the entire life of the tectonic feature, not because some "popular Science" dude wants to jazz up a story with a speedy sea floor spread.
Its about goddam time sez I. I was sick of Africa with this damn quiet plume. Plumes, which are a slightly different tectonic model base, are always quick to open , and then slow down, and in that fashion theyre slightly different from mid ocean ridges. Plumes are what we call " mantle source hotspots", like under Hawaii, or the Deccan plateau or the Parana basin , or the Snake River Plain. At a hotspot we often have the hotspot and the overlying plate moving separately. Torsvik and Van der Voo (2002) used geomag data to plot the differential movement of the Hawaian Island hotspot at about 3 cm a year moving SW and the overlying ocean crust moving NW at a speed of 4 cm a year. They solve the motion using vector analyses and inelastic collision physics (at very low velocities obviously).

I hope youre not implying by your "interesting " statement that this , in anyway concurs with someones young earth beliefs, cuz it doesnt.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 15 Mar, 2006 05:33 pm
That's the impression I got from real life's post; I can't think of any reason why he would post anything that contradicts his creationist' leanings.
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Doktor S
Reply Wed 15 Mar, 2006 08:21 pm

That successive generations are different from one another is no more remarkable than you being different from your parents.

Only if the 'you' in this statement was genetically 'different' (ie mutated) than his/her parents.
Mutation is the primary mechanism of Evolution.
Mutations are comparitively rare in mamals when compared to viruses due to our long lifespans and low reproduction rate.
With a flu virus, which replicates 'millions' of times per generation and live only a matter of days, mutations are comparitively common. In the dog eat dog world of virusness, only what works matters;unlike the mammal world where mutated offspring are often shunned for social reasons.
This is evidenced by the rapid, and undeniable mutation of flu strains.
Anyhow, this is all pretty basic, and stuff you've heard before...so..
Maybe it will sink in if I say 'amen' at the end of my post?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Mar, 2006 08:27 pm
Part of the problem with flu viruses is that they're genome is segmented -- separate DNA (if I remember right -- pretty sure it's not a dsRNA virus) strands in a single capsid and envelope. It's a situation somewhat analogous to our chromosomes, and just as the chromosomes of your parents freely assort in your gametes (sperm, eggs), so can the "chromosomes" of two influenza virus strains freely assort if they come to infect the same cell. And just as sex is a fantastic mechanism for generating diversity in plants, animals, and some enterprising protozoans, so is this sort of recombination a much greater generation of genetic diversity within the influenza virus world than is simple mutation.

Of course, this certainly isn't an engine of evolution. God just made it that way.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Mar, 2006 08:40 pm
farmerman wrote:
AVERAGE tectonic motion is usually computed based upon how fast and far ophiolitic magma erupts at seafloor spreading centers and then its routinely timed by the distance travelled normal to the ocean vent before each magnetic reversal imprints its "Bar Code" on the suboceanic lava. Seeing the process begin does, in no way mean that the scientists are stating that such initial opening events will persist. When a plate begins to spread at a center, theres no resistance and the plate masses are small. Soon (geologically) the speed will reduce to about 2 to 4 cm /yr. India has been a rapidly moving continental mass with some episodes of spreading at about 10 cm per year or thereabouts.

The process is wonderful and gives us a planetary "speedometer". If you look at teh Atlantic and Pacific spreading centers to their trailing or subducting ends, we see that there are no sediment or magmatic layers older than Jurassic , which is a pretty good way to do a Time, rate, and distance problem.

Popular science mags would lose readers if theyd print all the qualifiers and boring data . Anyway, if you look at a map of the horn of Africa this is one of a few rare zones on earth that are called "triple junctions" Three plate margins come together here at the junction of the red sea, gulf of Aden, as well as the East Africa Rift valley. There was a "plume" beneath this area , a plume of volcanics thats active since about 30 my ago. After the initial vulcanism Aden and the Red sea began to open and the unusual thing is that the Red sea is actually crust being "strtched" rather than new oceanic ophiolitic crust being formed. The East Africa rift valley has always been called an "aulocogen" sort of a failed rift since no new ocean basin had been opening within it for the 30 my. Now that it seems to be beginning I inclined to remind the authors that triple point stresses need to be resolved over the entire life of the tectonic feature, not because some "popular Science" dude wants to jazz up a story with a speedy sea floor spread.
Its about goddam time sez I. I was sick of Africa with this damn quiet plume. Plumes, which are a slightly different tectonic model base, are always quick to open , and then slow down, and in that fashion theyre slightly different from mid ocean ridges. Plumes are what we call " mantle source hotspots", like under Hawaii, or the Deccan plateau or the Parana basin , or the Snake River Plain. At a hotspot we often have the hotspot and the overlying plate moving separately. Torsvik and Van der Voo (2002) used geomag data to plot the differential movement of the Hawaian Island hotspot at about 3 cm a year moving SW and the overlying ocean crust moving NW at a speed of 4 cm a year. They solve the motion using vector analyses and inelastic collision physics (at very low velocities obviously).

I hope youre not implying by your "interesting " statement that this , in anyway concurs with someones young earth beliefs, cuz it doesnt.

Farmerman, are you a member here? You have to be a member to get the full text. Crying or Very sad http://bulletin.geoscienceworld.org/cgi/content/abstract/115/9/1053
Early continental breakup boundary and migration of the Afar triple junction, Ethiopia
Samson Tesfaye,1, David J. Harding,2 and Timothy M. Kusky,3
1 Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri 63103, USA
2 NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), Goddard Space Flight Center, Geodynamics Branch, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771, USA
3 Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri 63103, USA

Megascale accommodation zones mark the early continental breakup boundary of the Afro-Arabian plateau in Ethiopia. Motion along these megascale accommodation zones enabled the different arms of the Afar RRR (rift-rift-rift) triple junction to join together. An arcuate accommodation zone 45 km wide and 60 km long marks the transition from the N25°W-striking Southern Red Sea Rift trend in the western Afar margin to the N25°E-striking Main Ethiopian Rift. Another accommodation zone 80 km long marks the transition between the northeast- to north-northeast-trending Main Ethiopian Rift and the nearly east-trending Gulf of Aden. The positions of accommodation zones where rift orientations change by 50° suggest that they served as soft linking points between the kinematically "misaligned" arms of the triple junction during the initial breakup of the Afro-Arabian dome.

We use structural features to infer the present location of the triple junction in the Lake Abhe area. On the basis of the location of the paleo-triple junction, deduced from the position of accommodation zones and geomorphic considerations, it is estimated that the Afar triple junction has migrated 1.5° (160 km) in a north- northeast direction with respect to the African (Nubian) plate. The estimated amount of migration of the Afar triple junction is less than the 200 km migration expected from plate-kinematic analysis. This discrepancy suggests either a slower rate of spreading than the current 1.6 cm/yr (Africa-Arabia) during the early phase of rifting or a later early Miocene rather than Oligocene-Miocene age for the initiation of tectonic activity in the triple junction.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Mar, 2006 09:08 pm
Yeh Iget most of the AGU stuff. Good stuff Pauligirl I was more into a non technical explanation of the explanation of a popular science article posted by RL. Im certain that where he was going was to propose that, because some resaerchers have found an explosive movement over the Afar triple point ,(in his mind) this confirms that continental drift is occuring at much faster rates than the avg 2-4 cm/yr rates from mid oceanic ridges and 2 -10 cm/yr for triple points.If continental drift is faster it could mean that the earth is younger than standard geochron has computed
I was trying to avoid sounding like the Goddard boys since this is not a symposium on "hotspot plumes" but a thread where our friend has come fully loaded with agendas. I enjoy putting the technical into words that non geologists would get some understanding. I hope I succeeded.

Torsvik and Vander Voo, IMHO , still have the best on this trip point and plume dynamics. It was in Earth and Planetary . Sci. Lett. v202 (2002). This is an open source journal. When I get to my office Ill see if I cant find the open source lists of free scientific journals. Theres a boatload and they dont charge except for service sponsors and software and lab and field equipt.The readers arent thei main sorces of revenue. The internet has changed the dynamics of dissemination in a lot of cases. However journals like GSA still persist in makin us pay through the nose. Even fellows dont get any breaks.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 15 Mar, 2006 09:31 pm
farmerman wrote: "...he was going was to propose that, because some resaerchers have found an explosive movement over the Afar triple point ,(in his mind) this confirms that continental drift is occuring at much faster rates than the avg 2-4 cm/yr rates from mid oceanic ridges and 2 -10 cm/yr for triple points.If continental drift is faster it could mean that the earth is younger than standard geochron has computed ..."

The only problem with this one-sided conclusion is the simple fact it isn't supported by the other scientific findings on the age of this planet. But grasping at straws shows desperation. Poor RL and his ilk will never learn.
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Reply Wed 15 Mar, 2006 10:00 pm
farmerman wrote:
Yeh Iget most of the AGU stuff. Good stuff Pauligirl I was more into a non technical explanation of the explanation of a popular science article posted by RL. Im certain that where he was going was to propose that, because some resaerchers have found an explosive movement over the Afar triple point ,(in his mind) this confirms that continental drift is occuring at much faster rates than the avg 2-4 cm/yr rates from mid oceanic ridges and 2 -10 cm/yr for triple points.If continental drift is faster it could mean that the earth is younger than standard geochron has computed
I was trying to avoid sounding like the Goddard boys since this is not a symposium on "hotspot plumes" but a thread where our friend has come fully loaded with agendas. I enjoy putting the technical into words that non geologists would get some understanding. I hope I succeeded.

Torsvik and Vander Voo, IMHO , still have the best on this trip point and plume dynamics. It was in Earth and Planetary . Sci. Lett. v202 (2002). This is an open source journal. When I get to my office Ill see if I cant find the open source lists of free scientific journals. Theres a boatload and they dont charge except for service sponsors and software and lab and field equipt.The readers arent thei main sorces of revenue. The internet has changed the dynamics of dissemination in a lot of cases. However journals like GSA still persist in makin us pay through the nose. Even fellows dont get any breaks.

Thanks. And I do appreciate the non-technical explanations. I wonder if RL even read to the bottom of his article where it says: "Geophysicists have calculated that in 10 million years the East African Rift System will be as large as the Red Sea. When that happens, Africa will lose its horn."

10 million years....it's not like we're gonna wake tomorrow and say, where did that pointy thing on Africa go?
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Reply Wed 15 Mar, 2006 10:02 pm
well rl, not being here to defend himself has always ascribed to the maxim that "if we didnt see it, it didnt happen"
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cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 15 Mar, 2006 10:05 pm
It's rather confusing when a creationist that supports young earth posts such an article.
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Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 06:16 am
not really ci, think about it. Creationist organizations sponsor NO research or inquiry on their own. They , by chance, come upon some standard research, and try to use it to dicredit standard science. However, they just look at the data from a surficial inspection. They dont "QA" their own conclusions. They are always taking such evidence out of context or they fail to include the results (like the horn of Africa article) within the nexus of all data and evidence regarding sea floor spreading.
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Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 06:40 am
It is always important to recall "real life's" propagandistic object in posting here. Even attempting to create the impression that sea floor spreading occurs at twice or thrice the established rate does not coincide with a creationist's young earth timeline, which deals in thousands of years, not hundreds of millions. The point of nonsuese such as "real life" peddles is not to scientifically "prove" his gabble. The true believer does not need to have proven to them what they already fervently believe.

What such people intend is to discredit science, so as to prevent a scientific view from sowing doubt among the faithful. This point of view holds that science can effectively be challenged by assuring that science is shown not to be in possession of all the answers. This works effectively in preventing the faithful from straying because the religionist, of any stripe, claims that their diety has all the answers, and that they can be found in the scriptural canon.

The author of this thread, in the second post of this thread, wrote:

I seem to find a lot more truth from the Bible and not what a bunch of scientists tell me. come on seriously how believable is all the "scientific" stuff they say is right. a monkey turning in to a man? A big bang and the world was formed? How did the stuff that collided get formed?

This is precisely what "real life" seeks here. If sufficient doubt can be raised in the minds of the ill- or uneducated, if science can be portrayed as not having all answers among those who believe that scripture can provide all answers, his work is done.
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Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 06:52 am
Pauligirl wrote:
I hope youre not implying by your "interesting " statement that this , in anyway concurs with someones young earth beliefs, cuz it doesnt.

Nothing concurs with a young earth hypothesis.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 07:21 am
well, theres those human tracks alongside dinosaur foot prints in the Paluxy River shales, and theres that cave wall picture of a "dinosaur" in Altamira caves.

Set, Don WIse worked continental drift backwards and calculated that "if earth was only 6K old, how fast were plates moving apart"
Since the plates can only be traced to their margins sometime during the Jurassic (for this round of drifting, then the Jurassic was something like only .o3 of the time since Creation. So , using Creationist "math", the Jurassic ended 180 years ago, so the continents would have to be drifting at 264 feet per day from a spreading cnter. Tha computes to be about 1.5 miles PER MONTH.
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