one of real lifesQuote: If this were true then we should have found many more early humans than we have, shouldn't we? Even postulating an extremely small population of humans that held steady for most of that time from 3MY to the beginning of the present century (say 100,000 living at any given time. Many evolutionists postulate a much bigger number for much of that time) just barely replacing their numbers, you have 100,000+ generations of humans to account for. Where are the bodies? Where are the artifacts representing this number of people?
Well now, where is the glaring error in logic here.
1 Humans (H sapiens) are only about 150000 years old.Early species are separated by startigraphic breaks of 3 to 5 million (depending on whose specimens claim "firstness". So you are claimin that Homo erectus should have bred with H sapiens. and wed be knee deep in fossils of proto humans.
Were about 150 K years old with at least 1 extra successional bottleneck occuring abou 70K years ago. Genetic diversity among humans is quite remarkably limited. Populations are just asserting genetic variance due to adaptation to environments (Im aware o STR loci variance in Innuit and among Sherpa populations and some STR loci in certain tribal assemblages) This has provided a convenient "clock" for our species migration.
Ive forgotten your response to the "Island dilemma". However, everytime I talk with Creationists they always say that
"Island variations arent a problem for Creationists " and then cast a furtive glance and change the subject.
I submit that island variation is a huuuuge (kinda a deal breaker) problem for Creationism
Archipeligos have foundation species and "ring species" as well as, when separated in time and tectonics (like Australia) they develop unique higher orders that are found nowhere else and occur t a time that generally post dates some big tectonic breakup. Dinosaurs in Australia are similar to Jurassic dinosaurs in Patagonia, then through time, as Australia migrated to colder climes , Dinosaurs in South AMerica vastly differed from Australians. By the time the mass extinction occured , we had many different Families in each continent with same foundation species in earlier strata
Science can provide good classic forensic evidence to present a jury of peers. Im certain that CReationim would be left with the "Just look around and youll see that everything had to have been created" argument