About the billion years in Genesis and whether if I am a linguist, Bible scholar and all that stuff...
You can judge for yourself...
We will start at the form of the verb "to be"... which are as follow:
am is are was were be being been...
There are no form of the verb "to be" in the Hebrew language of the old testament... They just never wrote them in or had them. This is why all through the OT you will see that wherever there is a form of the verb "to be", it is
This is the main reason why I read exclusively the King James Bible... because every word "added" is italicized. But, then if the Hebrews never used the form of the verb "to be" we come back to the second verse of the whole Bible and why is this "was"
not italicized?
This should give the reader pause yet it goes undetected... Well the simple answer is (and possibly this is why God chose to have the Bible written originally in Hebrew) so this would never be misunderstood. Yet, today it is completely lost.
It is not supposed to be translated as the word "was". One of the only form of the verb "to be" that the Hebrews actually wrote into the OT was the word "
So let's read this again correctly then...
Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth
This is the big bang... all to this point agrees with science
Genesis 1:2
And the earth was [became] without form, and void; and darkness
was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
Became without form? That sounds like evolution...
A.) God creates the heavens and the earth (God creates light and life here)
B.) The earth "became" dark (spiritually), lost it's shape, and became void or empty... (for reasons I will address later)
C.) God says, "let there be light" (God just has to speak light back into being)
Between Genesis verse one and two are billions if not trillions of years.
This is why in Eden things were just
formed and
made because they had been
created earlier.
The earth "becoming" without form and void is evolution... When God speaks light (logos) back into being this is the opening of the week when humans first experience spirit upon them. This is roughly when the seven day period of Eden begins. Remember... the only thing in Eden that is
created is spirit. All else is either formed or made from existing "stuff" from the first heaven and earth of Genesis verse one.
So Eden is the "second" heaven and earth period...
Why did the first earth become without form and void? That I will write about in a later post. (it has to do with lucifer's fall and him "shutting off the light or corrupting the light till it became an abyss or "spiritual" black hole.) What a wonderful place for paradise... But, the untold confusion this incorrectly supplied word "was" has costs is incalculable. First, if that word is "was" and not the word "became" then God created an evil, dark and empty world... That is a lie from hell... God created a perfect heaven and earth in the very beginning (long before Eden) full of light and substance and in the course of billions of years it "fell" as Adam and Eve did...
So it is not like each day is a thousand or million or billion years (as some theologians have suggested) but that between verse one and two of Genesis chapter one, there are billions if not trillions of years...
During the seven day period, the Bible doesn't say "God created this, and God created that", but God only "created"
one thing in the second heaven and earth (Eden) and that was "holy" spirit.
The chaos of the first heaven and earth before Eden was total anarchy. From asteroids and a gigantic rock hitting the earth and making a moon, ice ages, floods and rising sea levels... God in his wisdom and foreknowledge has ordered the heavens and made them to be signs and seasons through the ages. God's story is written in the stars... But there was little or no spirit on earth to interpret them...
So it is evolution "and" creation not evolution "or" creation...
The first heaven and earth was where evolution took place
The second heaven and earth was Eden and God made a new law... "everything after it's kind".
A third heaven and earth are written about in the Book of Revelation.
The book of revelation refers to them as the "third" heaven and earth... How can there be a third heaven and earth if Eden was the first? Thus the Bible confirms itself..
First with, was/became and second with the "third" heaven and earth.
One note: It has been thought by theologians that the third heaven was vertical like levels of heavens (i.e seventh heaven and erroneous doctrines of purgatory came from the misunderstanding of the "third heaven and earth" scripture.) but it is horizontal as in time and ages. Three periods successive in time where the heaven and earths are somehow transformed in spiritual ways.
Another note: Paradise is always a place on an earth... heaven and paradise are different places but are dynamically connected in the third heaven and earth period. "Heaven comes down to earth"...
So, the Bible "does" teach evolution... but only to those who don't' think God is so out of touch to have forgotten about the millions of fossil records in the ground or not capable of a small thud let alone a big bang...