Reply Tue 15 Nov, 2005 02:48 pm
Einie wrote

Exactly, if you aren't going to set up a system of ethics religion isn't going to help you do it. Theistic notions are not relevant.


People have always formed social contracts, it is in their selfish interests to do so. The social contract will then enshrine the interests, selfish or not, of those with the power to shape it. This will not end regardless of peoples religious views.

This will not end full stop.

I can't answer for "proponents of evolution".

Semantics. Oh well, you're right, make it people with an understanding of evolution.

No don't.I speak for myself.I can't answer for anybody no materr what flag they fly.

Selfishness is the answer,Or convenience.Nothing to do with principles or ethical imperatives.

That same convinience would have you enter a social contract no doubt.

No problem.

You've just conceded my point, morality does not logically follow from theism any more than it does from evolution and vica versa. If your argument is to hold water now you'll have to argue that the general population of theists do not harbor any system of ethics, and only act morally due to the promise of punishment/reward.

That's a bit cynical but I don't mind.I could develop it but I'll refrain.

There are ethical imperatives, they exist in peoples minds as notions, and are the subject of debate. It follows that there are also first principles.

So notions are objects?The "are" says so.That's materialist theory of mind stuff.But what if these objects,these notions,don't simply change but are in a constant motion like molecules in another object and energised by a flux of data also constantly changing operating in a ground of habit or preferred pathways.And can objects have ethical principles or are the latter merely a a sort of colour.Colour is a big thing to politicians.

Now, you are making the case that either people do not commonly establish such first principles, and derive a system of ethics, or they are more likely to establish such first principles as theists. I do belive the burden of evidence is on you.

People believe they are establishing first principles which is not quite the same thing as establishing them and they derive a system of ethics from them which they hope will do the job.In my opinion the best set of principles yet established in the world is the monotheist one.One looks around one with a "born in time" mien and one can hardly believe one's good fortune.That might sound complacent but there it is.If you don't feel lucky you may wish to experiment with other ideas.If those who feel unlucky become a majority they will do but people like moaning and groaning as a pastime but not when they vote or not even bothering.

Why would a person with a theistic world view have more of an inclination to adopt or establish first principles than someone with a materialistic world view?

I don't think that's true.

And no, I'm not a feminist (I'm male), I'm a classical liberal. And it doesn't take a feminist to scowl on rape, and on the blame the victim approach.

You misunderstand me there.I was simply using that to make a point about change and to help avoid falling in the trap of thinking that now is all there is.

I don't scowl on rape.I think it's ridiculous.An unco-operative woman has as much effect on me as a saucepan full of burnt rice pudding gone cold.There has been a change of agenda in the last thirty years and it has been driven by feminists and they've won the argument hands down.And just look at the state of them.

Gee this quote function thing requires concentration.It's a hard work way of debating.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 15 Nov, 2005 03:17 pm
Thunder Runner,

Your last post was so dead on! Extremely well put!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Nov, 2005 03:19 pm
spendius wrote:

Einherjar wrote:
spendius wrote:
If people like me were running things the ladies would have to stay indoors under strict supervision instead of running loose sending sexually provocative signals out if they didn't want to risk being grabbed.

You might want to rephrase that, the way it reads at present it isn't very flattering. (Oh, but there is no more editing, I guess you'll look like an **** til the end of able2know.)

Why would I want to rephrase that?It looks okay to me.The ladies before the "permissive society" got started were under fairly strict supervision and the further back you go the stricter it got.You don't seriously think Mike Tyson would have been convicted on that evidence in the 30s,40s or 50s do you.Ladies who rejected the supervision were on their own according to the cops and the judges and the juries unless assault came into it and bodily harm.It isn't that long since ladies weren't even allowed to give evidence in court.Are you a feminist because if you are,and it sounds like it,feminism doesn't seem to be making the ladies very happy from what I can see.


spendius wrote:

Einie wrote
And no, I'm not a feminist (I'm male), I'm a classical liberal. And it doesn't take a feminist to scowl on rape, and on the blame the victim approach.

You misunderstand me there.I was simply using that to make a point about change and to help avoid falling in the trap of thinking that now is all there is.

I don't scowl on rape.I think it's ridiculous.An unco-operative woman has as much effect on me as a saucepan full of burnt rice pudding gone cold.There has been a change of agenda in the last thirty years and it has been driven by feminists and they've won the argument hands down.And just look at the state of them.

Get out your burkas ladies!

spendius, rape is ridiculous? Do you really intend to infer that because an un-cooperative woman doesn't have a sexually stimulating effect on your libido that violent rape does not exist? You, who thinks women should stay indoors and be surpervised, think that rape is a consequence of feminism?

Please clarify what you've said here before I go over the edge and jump on the spendius really is a **** bandwagon.
0 Replies
thunder runner32
Reply Tue 15 Nov, 2005 03:25 pm
Thank you.

There was a book written in the 13th century that documented the logic behind Christian morals. Thomas Aquinas was the author and I think that I'm going to try and get a copy in the near future.
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thunder runner32
Reply Tue 15 Nov, 2005 03:28 pm
spendius, rape is ridiculous? Do you really intend to infer that because an un-cooperative woman doesn't have a sexually stimulating effect on your libido that violent rape does not exist? You, who thinks women should stay indoors and be surpervised, think that rape is a consequence of feminism?

Rape has been going on since the beginning of human sexuality. There is no way you can blame feminism. What you can blame is hedonism...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Nov, 2005 03:33 pm
JB said

Please clarify what you've said here before I go over the edge and jump on the spendius really is a **** bandwagon.

You are perfectly free to jump on any bandwagon you wish.

It is too late now to provide clarification as pub time looms and one of my ethical imperatives is kicking in.But I bathe first.You might read Germaine Greer though.She's top bitch too.And avoid presumptions.They are poor strategy.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 15 Nov, 2005 03:41 pm
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Nov, 2005 03:46 pm
S'ok Momma,

Enjoy your bath, Spendius. Careful someone doesn't drop an electrical appliance in the water, I wouldn't want anything to disrupt your pub time. I hope you make time to explain your position later.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Nov, 2005 04:23 pm
Quick while Im a dryin'.My pores are all agape for the cool night air in a westerly breeze.

Of course I don't condone rape.My position is based on Ms Greer's famous statement,which got feminism in full swing,and killed Andy Warhol.that "all men are rapists."I took her to task and have a few snotty postcards as a memento.I had to get past her justifications you see and prove I was an exception,and,by implication,there may be others.My fall back position which was needed to get around her was what about well off women begging for it or even not so well off.But her justifications were pretty strong and I could see with my eyes that they had validity.
And then the big case came up in Scotland which hinged on "can a man rape his wife?which he couldn't in England.Her "I do" meant she did do here..It lasted ages and was debated so long I got bored with it and I've forgotten who won or who got the money.

I was clearing my name and it taught me plenty.But I'd always liked the eager ones from the beginning.I don't know anything about rape.It's bloody ridiculous.You don't get asked back.It's self defeating.It's useless.They deserve all they get.
But they do get provoked a lot more here than they do in,say,Mecca.Some judges allow some mitigation for that.Not a lot but a bit.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Nov, 2005 05:02 pm
spendius wrote:
My position is based on Ms Greer's famous statement,which got feminism in full swing,and killed Andy Warhol.that "all men are rapists."

actually, it was a character in Marilyn French's novel "The Women's Room" who says,

Whatever they may be in public life, whatever their relations with men, in their relations with women, all men are rapists and that's all they are. They rape us with their eyes, their laws, their codes
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Nov, 2005 05:28 pm
JB raised one eyebrow and wrote-

S'ok Momma,

I like that.I'll refrain from deconstructing it due to the lateness of the hour and the sensitivities of the easily startled.But it's pretty good.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Nov, 2005 05:31 pm
thunder_runner32 wrote:
spendius, rape is ridiculous? Do you really intend to infer that because an un-cooperative woman doesn't have a sexually stimulating effect on your libido that violent rape does not exist? You, who thinks women should stay indoors and be surpervised, think that rape is a consequence of feminism?

Rape has been going on since the beginning of human sexuality. There is no way you can blame feminism. What you can blame is hedonism...

Yes, for some rapes, not all.

The reasons are many and various.

Some are even claimed to be a man's right by divine decree...go figure Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Nov, 2005 05:40 pm
Eorl wrote:
thunder_runner32 wrote:
spendius, rape is ridiculous? Do you really intend to infer that because an un-cooperative woman doesn't have a sexually stimulating effect on your libido that violent rape does not exist? You, who thinks women should stay indoors and be surpervised, think that rape is a consequence of feminism?

Rape has been going on since the beginning of human sexuality. There is no way you can blame feminism. What you can blame is hedonism...

Yes, for some rapes, not all.

The reasons are many and various.

Some are even claimed to be a man's right by divine decree...go figure Rolling Eyes

Kind of makes one wish for a "1 strike and it's nipped" law, doesn't it?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Nov, 2005 05:48 pm
Eorl wisely interjected on my budding relationship with JB-

Yes, for some rapes, not all.

The reasons are many and various.

Some are even claimed to be a man's right by divine decree...go figure

And some are claimed to be due to the maddening nature of the divine female within whose clutches he is helpless.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Nov, 2005 06:07 pm
yitwail avoided wailing with this-

spendius wrote:
My position is based on Ms Greer's famous statement,which got feminism in full swing,and killed Andy Warhol.that "all men are rapists."

actually, it was a character in Marilyn French's novel "The Women's Room" who says,

Whatever they may be in public life, whatever their relations with men, in their relations with women, all men are rapists and that's all they are. They rape us with their eyes, their laws, their codes

It doesnt really matter who got there first.I would imagine it's from way back.

I reject it absolutely.To get at me you have to swim crocodile infested rivers,fight off your competitors and go down on your knees and beg and unless I can hear your little heart beating wildly in your breast you can forget it.I love Emily Bronte and my sacrifice is dedicated to her memory.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Nov, 2005 06:21 pm
Oh, I thought you were going out for the evening, spendius. I'm on my way out to try to help save a minister's butt from getting sacked. Sorry I don't have a chance to read more closely now. I'll catch you later.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Nov, 2005 06:33 pm
I like that too.That is courage beyond the call of duty and speaks of a generous and overflowing heart.(I'm assuming of course that the minister is not a multi-millionairre.)
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real life
Reply Tue 15 Nov, 2005 10:18 pm
InfraBlue wrote:
rl wrote:
The point is that taxonomical jargon is often used to mask an argument which is basically circular when evolution is allowed to be assumed rather than evidenced.

'How are structural similarities in creatures produced? By common ancestry. How do we know creatures share common ancestors? By observing structural similarities in each.'

And so, how do you define species?

Hi IB,

from MerriamWebster.com--

Main Entry: 1spe·cies
Pronunciation: 'spE-(")shEz, -(")sEz
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural species
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin, appearance, kind, species, from specere to look -- more at SPY
1 a : KIND, SORT b : a class of individuals having common attributes and designated by a common name; specifically : a logical division of a genus or more comprehensive class c : the human race : human beings -- often used with the <survival of the species in the nuclear age> d (1) : a category of biological classification ranking immediately below the genus or subgenus, comprising related organisms or populations potentially capable of interbreeding, and being designated by a binomial that consists of the name of a genus followed by a Latin or latinized uncapitalized noun or adjective agreeing grammatically with the genus name (2) : an individual or kind belonging to a biological species e : a particular kind of atomic nucleus, atom, molecule, or ion
2 : the consecrated eucharistic elements of the Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox Eucharist
3 a : a mental image; also : a sensible object b : an object of thought correlative with a natural object

But I thought you knew what species means...............

Seriously, I don't use any different definition than anyone else does. What I do, is understand that classifications such as species, etc are not written with the finger of God in stone. They are simply descriptive of where someone decided to draw the line and say "This one is different from that one."

(You could revamp the taxonomical system and put five additional gradations between what are now known as species. This would certainly give the appearance that a whole lota evolution's goin' on. In reality the two creatures would be no further apart or closer together than they are today.)

That is why I describe any taxonomical system as somewhat arbitrary by definition.

So when someone says, "See, they have 'become' a whole different 'species'! Doesn't that prove to you that evolution is taking place?" The answer is no, it doesn't prove anything other than these are the labels someone decided were most convenient to describe them.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Nov, 2005 10:32 pm
spendius wrote:
Quick while Im a dryin'.My pores are all agape for the cool night air in a westerly breeze.

Of course I don't condone rape.My position is based on Ms Greer's famous statement,which got feminism in full swing,and killed Andy Warhol.that "all men are rapists."I took her to task and have a few snotty postcards as a memento.I had to get past her justifications you see and prove I was an exception,and,by implication,there may be others.My fall back position which was needed to get around her was what about well off women begging for it or even not so well off.But her justifications were pretty strong and I could see with my eyes that they had validity.
And then the big case came up in Scotland which hinged on "can a man rape his wife?which he couldn't in England.Her "I do" meant she did do here..It lasted ages and was debated so long I got bored with it and I've forgotten who won or who got the money.

I was clearing my name and it taught me plenty.But I'd always liked the eager ones from the beginning.I don't know anything about rape.It's bloody ridiculous.You don't get asked back.It's self defeating.It's useless.They deserve all they get.
But they do get provoked a lot more here than they do in,say,Mecca.Some judges allow some mitigation for that.Not a lot but a bit.

I hope your pores have recovered, spendius. It's late and I'm going to have to take this slowly. I had to read your post about four times before it sunk in, guess I'm over-taxed tonight. How does this relate back to the, "if they stayed in the kitchen where they belong, rape wouldn't be a problem" mentality (my words/interpretation, obviously)?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Nov, 2005 10:46 pm
spendius wrote:

....To get at me you have to swim crocodile infested rivers,fight off your competitors and go down on your knees and beg and unless I can hear your little heart beating wildly in your breast you can forget it.I love Emily Bronte and my sacrifice is dedicated to her memory.

Assuming there is a line of young beauties willing to cook in your kitchen and be protected accordingly, I'm not sure what sacrifice you are making, spendius?.
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