real life
Reply Sun 25 Sep, 2005 09:12 pm
neologist wrote:
real life wrote:
xingu wrote:
Earthquakes on Mars; God's practice site.

Mars warming; God is sending so many souls to Hell that he has run out of room. Mars is the overflow.

Many scientists are very sure that global warming on Earth is caused by human activity. ( I wonder what's causing the Martian warming?)
Perhaps it is all the IDers and ECKers who ran out of room on Venus.

Mars explorer Fred Randall wrote:
It wasn't me !!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Sep, 2005 09:14 pm
brahmin wrote:

so now try to defend the possibility/probability of the bush actually talking - with scientifically valid arguements - since you so firmly believe that it did actually occur - instead of accusing me of things i have not done or said.

also since you dont quite agree with me that i-pods are too popular, then let me know how the communication goes on these days (you yourself said that back then it was bushes and now different). so how??

you there??

i am waiting still.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 25 Sep, 2005 09:18 pm
The trial begins tomorrow:

A Web of Faith, Law and Science in Evolution Suit
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Published: September 26, 2005
DOVER, Pa., Sept. 23 - Sheree Hied, a mother of five who believes that God created the earth and its creatures, was grateful when her school board here voted last year to require high school biology classes to hear about "alternatives" to evolution, including the theory known as intelligent design.

Skip to next paragraph

Forum: Human Origins
But 11 other parents in Dover were outraged enough to sue the school board and the district, contending that intelligent design - the idea that living organisms are so inexplicably complex, the best explanation is that a higher being designed them - is a Trojan horse for religion in the public schools.

With the new political empowerment of religious conservatives, challenges to evolution are popping up with greater frequency in schools, courts and legislatures. But the Dover case, which begins Monday in Federal District Court in Harrisburg, is the first direct challenge to a school district that has tried to mandate the teaching of intelligent design.

What happens here could influence communities across the country that are considering whether to teach intelligent design in the public schools, and the case, regardless of the verdict, could end up before the Supreme Court.

Dover, a rural, mostly blue-collar community of 22,000 that is 20 miles south of Harrisburg, had school board members willing to go to the mat over issue. But people here are well aware that they are only the excuse for a much larger showdown in the culture wars.

"It was just our school board making one small decision," Mrs. Hied said, "but it was just received with such an uproar."

For Mrs. Hied, a meter reader, and her husband, Michael, an office manager for a local bus and transport company, the Dover school board's argument - that teaching intelligent design is a free-speech issue - has a strong appeal.

"I think we as Americans, regardless of our beliefs, should be able to freely access information, because people fought and died for our freedoms," Mrs. Hied said over a family dinner last week at their home, where the front door is decorated with a small bell and a plaque proclaiming, "Let Freedom Ring."

But in a split-level house on the other side of Main Street, at a desk flanked by his university diplomas, Steven Stough was on the Internet late the other night, keeping track of every legal maneuver in the case. Mr. Stough, who teaches life science to seventh graders in a nearby district, is one of the 11 parents suing the Dover district. For him the notion of teaching "alternatives" to evolution is a hoax.

"You can dress up intelligent design and make it look like science, but it just doesn't pass muster," said Mr. Stough, a Republican whose idea of a fun family vacation is visiting fossil beds and natural history museums. "In science class, you don't say to the students, 'Is there gravity, or do you think we have rubber bands on our feet?' "

Evolution finds that life evolved over billions of years through the processes of mutation and natural selection, without the need for supernatural interventions. It is the foundation of biological science, with no credible challenges within the scientific community. Without it, the plaintiffs say, students could never make sense of topics as varied as AIDS and extinction.

Advocates on both sides of the issue have lined up behind the case, often calling it Scopes II, in reference to the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial that was the last century's great face-off over evolution.

On the evolutionists' side is a legal team put together by the American Civil Liberties Union and Americans United for Separation of Church and State. These groups want to put intelligent design itself on trial and discredit it so thoroughly that no other school board would dare authorize teaching it.

Witold J. Walczak, legal director of the A.C.L.U. of Pennsylvania, said the plaintiffs would call six experts in history, theology, philosophy of science and science to show that no matter the perspective, "intelligent design is not science because it does not meet the ground rules of science, is not based on natural explanations, is not testable."
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Sep, 2005 09:26 pm
xingu wrote:
You missed the definition of strawman.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Sep, 2005 09:36 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
real, The key words here are "solid findings."
Be careful what you ask for. As a grandfather of nine, I can remember many 'solid findings' which were, in reality, 'soiled findings' Laughing.
brahmin wrote:
cicerone imposter wrote:
How can god be superior to man? Man created god(s). Man also created Santa Clause and Superman. These claims can all be proven; all the authors of the bible were men (and no women). They copied mythology and ancient tales to arrive at what is now called the bible. Most of the comic books and fisctional characerts were created and produced in the US of A. I think Santa Clause came from Germany.

"Isis with the babe Horus became the Madonna with Child. The bearded and horse-borne Germanic god Wodan became Saint Nicolas, later americanized as Santa Claus. Even the Buddha found a place on the saints' calendar under the name Saint Josaphat. The autumnal celebration of the dead became All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day, which is nowadays regaining its purely Pagan colours in the form of Hallowe'en. The date of Easter (from the Germanic dawn goddess Estray/Ostarra) combines the Pagan symbolism of Spring Equinox and Full Moon with the Christian innovation of Sunday as the day of the Lord,-- an innovation which itself was borrowed from the solar cult of Mithraism, a late-Roman type of Masonic Lodge inspired by both Iranian Mazdeism and astrology. Winter Solstice as its feast of the Invincible Sun became Christmas."
- Dr. koenraad elst.
Good lessons for the nominal christian.

BTW, My goodness, Intrepid! How you have aged!
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 25 Sep, 2005 09:38 pm
brahmin Wrote:

(I am leaving out the arrows.)

I am making fun of neither.

Ok, not making fun maybe, but definitely sarcastic I would say by this post of yours:

funny how the people (2ndary semetics) who claim to worship a just, kind, loving, merciful god are are ones who have, over centuries, perfected the fine art of genocide, while the un-saved unbelieving worshippers of "false" gods - though dont have a unblemished record, have hardly ever indulged in religious killings.

I, myself, claim to worship a just, kind, loving and merciful God and I, myself, have never committed genocide, whether in God's name or not.

brahmin Wrote:

I did not say that did i?? It's one thing to believe in a certain theologyk and quite another to believe that it came from a bush or an i-pod.

IMO, this reeks of sarcasm for my beliefs. Who are you to tell me what is certain theology to me or anyone else? It may be your opinion, and if it is, fine. Just please have the courtesy to say it is your opinion and not paint with such a wide brush.

brahmin Wrote:

Concerning you making jokes:
no you don't. and neither do i.)

These are from your posts:

"a voice in the head is worth two in the bush" !

yes that would be a bit much - a bush with theology to share.

that dont change the fact that voices (doesnt matter who's) dont come out of bushes.

or does it?

If this is not making jokes, what do you call it then?

brahmin Wrote:

you havent yet. ne neither.

(concerning my Do I make jokes about you?)

See previous quotes of yours I just listed. YET? So, you are expecting me to? Don't hold your breath. I won't, nor do I have the right to make jokes about you.

brahmin Wrote:

only i am not buying the mode of communication.

The mode? You mean you typing what you think, feel, and believe and me doing the same? I find it a pretty good mode of communicaton.

I think it might be better to say you are not buying what I am telling you. It's the content (IMO) you don't buy and not the mode. And, that's fine. No one says you have to. I just don't think you need to be so sarcastic in your responses to me.

brahmin Wrote:

You said god used to communicate with man back then, and now does it differently. I asked how.
you said burning bush.

He used the burning bush in the OT. He did not show His face. He did not sit down and say let's chat over a cup of coffee. He communicated through the burning bush to Moses. Moses heard God speaking.

brahmin Wrote:

so now try to defnd the possibility/probability of the bush actually talking - with scientifically valid arguements - since you so firmly believe that it did actually occur - instead of accusing me of things I have not done or said.

I am not sure by me accusing you here. And defend what? What do I need to defend to you? As to the making jokes, I just pointed out I felt you were making jokes and I feel you were being sarcastic. You want me to scientifically give you proof that the bush actually did the talking? That is probably the most condescending thing I have ever heard directed toward me. You know that I cannot offer you scientific proof, as you would have it. Why would anyone want to worship a God that had to prove Himself? That would make the god no better than a human being himself. If all these things about God could be proven scientifically, I submit to you that would make God not a God and merely something man feels he has to have to believe something. I believe what the Bible says. It says God appeared to Moses in a burning bush and told him what He wanted Moses to do. If Moses had seen the face of God, he would have perished.

brahmin Wrote:

also since you dont quite agree with me that i-pods are too popular, then let me know how the communication goes on these days (you yourself said that back then it was bushes and now different).

More condescending. As a Christian, I believe God lays on my heart what His will is for me. I believe through His word, the Holy Bible, God communicates His will for me.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Sep, 2005 09:40 pm
Momma Angel wrote:
brahmin Wrote:

------->may. take the soi called "heretics" and "witches" in europe say. guillotined for no fault of theirs. and a lot more people did not get convicted for crimes that they DID commit than people who got convicted for crimes that did NOT commit. like i said the spaniards, the inquisitors, the knights and other missionary fanatics got off the hook (though not off the cross) despire their many mass murders.

And like I said, these are things done by man and not by God. And off the hook? I don't think so. The Bible is pretty specific about this kind of thing.

brahmin Wrote:

---->>so what are the proofs of creationalism and existance of god which you have. I am still waiting.

Begging the Question (Circular Reasoning; Argumentum in Circulo; Fallacy of Redundancy; Tautology).

An argument that uses its conclusion as one of its premises is most often called begging the question or circular reasoning. This classic case of circular reasoning has been used as an example for so long that we find only a few theists still using this fallacy: [48]

Is there a God?
How do you know?
Because the Bible says so.
How do you know the Bible is correct?
Because it was inspired by God.

In this fallacy, the premise, the Bible's statement that God exists, derives its authority from the attempted conclusion, the existence of the God who allegedly wrote the Bible.

And using this kind of logic, I can prove that Humpty Dumpty really was a talking egg. Cause it says so in the book.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Sep, 2005 09:44 pm
Those who seek freedom FROM religion should read this:
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 25 Sep, 2005 09:50 pm

Circular reasoning, argumentum in circulo, fallacy of redundancy; tautology?

LOL. If that was meant to be funny, it wasn't. Well, you may be the only person who might think Humpty Dumpty was really a talking egg but millions of Christians believe in the existence of God.

IMO, if you need science to prove God exists, you have no faith in God. You only have faith in what another man does or says. IMO God is superior to man and doesn't need to prove His existence to you or anyone else for that matter.

God created man. Man did not create God, though I infer from some of these posts some did create God (well, what they think God is.) Hmmm, religious freedom comes to mind.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 25 Sep, 2005 09:52 pm
Neologist, my mentor!

Very enlightening. Sad, but enlightening.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Sep, 2005 10:33 pm
momma angel said
Does not the complexity and purpose of DNA argue for an Intelligent Writer of the code?

No, because the code is often an inessant empty field of repeated sequences that have come about by merely duplicating adjoining introns. Entire chromosomes which are long sequences ofDNA, are often just rehashed sections of others and, in the case of humans, the fused sections ofchimp (male) chromosomes. All these mechanisms show no particular "high order"or imply an intelligent being. Maybe youre easily impressed with chemical bar codes, I am not.

Your argument that DNA implies a god is just silly and somewhat uninformed.
Even if your argument were correct (that there was a high implied sense of order and complexity) so what? There is so much unused DNA that seems to have hung around from previous genetic formulae that we used to call it junk. The difference between a mouse and a human resides mostly in this junk, since we share a large amount of similar genetic fetaures that imply a partial relationship that the mouse has taken, has also been preserved in a human. BUT not all, since there are genetic areas where evolution has budded off different animal orders from the insectivorans and rodentia.
We could do a tree showing DNA features that mice and humans share (its about 25%) then theres some that mice and higher orders share but not humans. Then there are genetic features that only humans and highre orders share but not mice.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 25 Sep, 2005 10:35 pm
farmerman wrote:
momma angel said
Does not the complexity and purpose of DNA argue for an Intelligent Writer of the code?

No, because the code is often an inessant empty field of repeated sequences that have come about by merely duplicating adjoining introns. Entire chromosomes which are long sequences ofDNA, are often just rehashed sections of others and, in the case of humans, the fused sections ofchimp (male) chromosomes. All these mechanisms show no particular "high order"or imply an intelligent being. Maybe youre easily impressed with chemical bar codes, I am not.

Your argument that DNA implies a god is just silly and somewhat uninformed.
Even if your argument were correct (that there was a high implied sense of order and complexity) so what? There is so much unused DNA that seems to have hung around from previous genetic formulae that we used to call it junk. The difference between a mouse and a human resides mostly in this junk, since we share a large amount of similar genetic fetaures that imply a partial relationship that the mouse has taken, has also been preserved in a human. BUT not all, since there are genetic areas where evolution has budded off different animal orders from the insectivorans and rodentia.
We could do a tree showing DNA features that mice and humans share (its about 25%) then theres some that mice and higher orders share but not humans. Then there are genetic features that only humans and highre orders share but not mice.

Oops! Sorry Farmerman, not my quote. No harm, no foul.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 25 Sep, 2005 10:50 pm
MA, It's not so much the fact that it's not your quote, but that your belief system supports it.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 25 Sep, 2005 11:55 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
MA, It's not so much the fact that it's not your quote, but that your belief system supports it.


Why are you trying to tell me what my belief system supports? You have no clue as to what my particular belief system supports. You make judgments about me being ignorant and paint with a very wide brush.

I don't even have the foggiest idea of what quite a few of those words mean. Heck, I didn't even know they existed until they were posted. How can I support something I don't understand. I take all facts into consideration not just some.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Sep, 2005 11:55 pm
Momma Angel wrote:

Circular reasoning, argumentum in circulo, fallacy of redundancy; tautology?

LOL. If that was meant to be funny, it wasn't. Well, you may be the only person who might think Humpty Dumpty was really a talking egg but millions of Christians believe in the existence of God.

IMO, if you need science to prove God exists, you have no faith in God. You only have faith in what another man does or says. IMO God is superior to man and doesn't need to prove His existence to you or anyone else for that matter.

God created man. Man did not create God, though I infer from some of these posts some did create God (well, what they think God is.) Hmmm, religious freedom comes to mind.

It really wasn't meant to be funny. It was to show you're making a bad argument. Your argument assumes that its central point is already proven, and uses this in support of itself. Therefore circular reasoning.

Just because millions of people believe in something doesn't make that something true. Do you belive in Ganesha or Shiva? Around 900 million Hindus do. What about Allah? About 1.3 billion do. How bout Abassi, Aha Njoku or Aja? Bumba, Da, Dziva? Enekpe, Heitsi and Jok?

The god of the bible isn't special. It's just one of many that were created to explain why things go bump in the night. And it's one of the many I don't believe in.

"I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other gods you will understand why I dismiss yours." --- Stephen F. Roberts

0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Mon 26 Sep, 2005 12:08 am
Pauligirl Wrote:

It really wasn't meant to be funny. It was to show you're making a bad argument. Your argument assumes that its central point is already proven, and uses this in support of itself. Therefore circular reasoning.

Just because millions of people believe in something doesn't make that something true. Do you belive in Ganesha or Shiva? Around 900 million Hindus do. What about Allah? About 1.3 billion do. How bout Abassi, Aha Njoku or Aja? Bumba, Da, Dziva? Enekpe, Heitsi and Jok?

The god of the bible isn't special. It's just one of many that were created to explain why things go bump in the night. And it's one of the many I don't believe in.

"I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other gods you will understand why I dismiss yours." --- Stephen F. Roberts

The God of the Bible is very special to me. He was not created by man. God created man, not the other way around.

I am curious about something. If, as you say, God is just one of many that were created to explain why things go bump in the night, then why wasn't the OT left out of the Bible? If you are going to create a God for yourself, then why not create one that stands up to your standards? Why have it written the way it is? Do you think those that wrote the Bible, assuming it was a made up thing, would have written it the way they did if they were making up a God? Seems to me if God were to be created, these issues would not be an issue.

Oh yeah, and I have no idea who those people are. They are people aren't they?
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Mon 26 Sep, 2005 12:27 am
Xingu, Cicerone Imposter, Pauligirl, and Brahmin,

This is off topic for just a second but I have a reason for it.

Would you mind telling me if you do or do not support abortion? Just a yes or no is all I need. You don't have to answer, of course, but I would like to know.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Sep, 2005 12:37 am
i'll revert back to my own style of answering as i find repeated quotes cumbersome.

(I am leaving out the arrows.)
-------> what arrows.

Ok, not making fun maybe, but definitely sarcastic I would say by this post of yours:
funny how the people (2ndary semetics) who claim to worship a just, kind, loving, merciful god are are ones who have, over centuries, perfected the fine art of genocide, while the un-saved unbelieving worshippers of "false" gods - though dont have a unblemished record, have hardly ever indulged in religious killings.

I, myself, claim to worship a just, kind, loving and merciful God and I, myself, have never committed genocide, whether in God's name or not.

------------------>> congrats. but surely you are not the only christian thats ever been around are you?? i fail to see how your not indulging in barbaric acts negates the genocides and inquisitions and saxon baby stealing.
isnt your answer like the standard answer muslims have - "i never bombed wtc or fought jihad". well maybe not, but a lot many others of your kind did.

brahmin Wrote:
I did not say that did i?? It's one thing to believe in a certain theologyk and quite another to believe that it came from a bush or an i-pod.

IMO, this reeks of sarcasm for my beliefs. Who are you to tell me what is certain theology to me or anyone else? It may be your opinion, and if it is, fine. Just please have the courtesy to say it is your opinion and not paint with such a wide brush.

------------> its not your beliefs i am sarcastic about, much as you would like to think so. i am no one to tell you what theology you should believe and i did not either !!
is english your first language?

brahmin Wrote:

Concerning you making jokes:
no you don't. and neither do i.)

These are from your posts:

"a voice in the head is worth two in the bush" !

--------> yes. that was a parody. i mentioned that it wasnt serious.
yes that would be a bit much - a bush with theology to share.

------------->> whats wrong with that?? someone said the voice was not the bush's and i agreed.
that dont change the fact that voices (doesnt matter who's) dont come out of bushes.

or does it?

------------>> whats so sarcastic about that eh?? do voices ever come out of bushes?? is this a scientifically repeatable experiment?? has it been observed by anyone else ever?? experiment is the sole proof of a theory/claim.

If this is not making jokes, what do you call it then?
----------------->>>its called stating facts. pity some people confuse facts for jokes - and sometimes - jokes for facts.

brahmin Wrote:

you havent yet. ne neither.

(concerning my Do I make jokes about you?)

See previous quotes of yours I just listed. YET? So, you are expecting me to? Don't hold your breath. I won't, nor do I have the right to make jokes about you.
------------------------->>> breath ?? i dont have breathing probs ty. the previous posts you listed are your misconstruing of plain facts and logical points. not jokes.

brahmin Wrote:

only i am not buying the mode of communication.

The mode? You mean you typing what you think, feel, and believe and me doing the same? I find it a pretty good mode of communicaton.

---------------->> nope. i really doubt english is your 1st language.
mode = mode of commication using bushes. ok ??
you find it a pretty good mode of communication - talking through bushes?? whoa !! you hide behind bushes and talk to people from there?? splindid !

I think it might be better to say you are not buying what I am telling you. It's the content (IMO) you don't buy and not the mode.
----------------->> nope. i buy neither the mode (bushism) nor the content of YOUR posts.

And, that's fine. No one says you have to. I just don't think you need to be so sarcastic in your responses to me.
--------------------------->> well for a start you can start by learning whats sarcasm and whats not.
brahmin Wrote:

You said god used to communicate with man back then, and now does it differently. I asked how.
you said burning bush.

He used the burning bush in the OT. He did not show His face. He did not sit down and say let's chat over a cup of coffee. He communicated through the burning bush to Moses. Moses heard God speaking.
-------------------->> which is what i dont buy. that god spoke to someone through a bush. if god spoke to someone without a bush, i'd still find it hard to believe - unless proven.
and thats what i asked you to do - prove it. all you did in reply was restate the mode.
brahmin Wrote:

so now try to defnd the possibility/probability of the bush actually talking - with scientifically valid arguements - since you so firmly believe that it did actually occur - instead of accusing me of things I have not done or said.

I am not sure by me accusing you here.
--------------------------------->>>>> accusing me of making jokes, being sarcastic etc.

And defend what?
----------------------->> the possibility of god communicating to man, from within a bush or without.

What do I need to defend to you?
------------------->> that ^

As to the making jokes, I just pointed out I felt you were making jokes and I feel you were being sarcastic.
---------------> not a big surprise that.
you also feel that the mode was a burning bush !!
in either case, your "feeling" - is NOT proof.

You want me to scientifically give you proof that the bush actually did the talking?
---------------->> yes. you got it at last. better late than never !

That is probably the most condescending thing I have ever heard directed toward me.
---------------->> whats so condescending??

You know that I cannot offer you scientific proof, as you would have it.
-------------->> something tells me that deep inside you also know that scientific proof, you have none.

Why would anyone want to worship a God that had to prove Himself?
-------------------->> well firstly prove that it was god doing the talking and not Jepardiah hiding behind a bush or someone else.

That would make the god no better than a human being himself.
------------->> i doubt he is better than humans in any case. have a look at the mess in the world.

If all these things about God could be proven scientifically, I submit to you that would make God not a God and merely something man feels he has to have to believe something.
-------------------->> so the main proof that it was indeed god doing the talking was that it cant be proven scientifically?? and you really need to brush up your english.

I believe what the Bible says.
------------>> you are free to. its one thing to believe and another thing to prove it.

It says God appeared to Moses in a burning bush and told him what He wanted Moses to do.
---------------------->> yes thats what it says. but prove that it was indeed god who spoke. that it wasnt someone else or it wasnt the imagination of the person who wrote the book.

If Moses had seen the face of God, he would have perished.
------------------>> how do you know that for a fact?? do you have evidence of anyone having seen the face of hgod and perishing?

brahmin Wrote:

also since you dont quite agree with me that i-pods are too popular, then let me know how the communication goes on these days (you yourself said that back then it was bushes and now different).

More condescending.
---------------------------->> not !!
most assumptious on your part though.

As a Christian, I believe God lays on my heart what His will is for me.
--------------->> does that happen to all christians?? well then you are in a soup.
you said before when i pointed out about inquisitions that what happened was not the will of god but of the men who did it.
how come when christians do barbaric things its their will and when they dont its god's will ?? isnt it possible god willed the spaniards hack the natives to death?? if not, then why not.

I believe through His word, the Holy Bible, God communicates His will for me.
---------------->> yes please believe.
does god not commnicate his will for adolf hitler though??
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Sep, 2005 12:53 am
oh yes.... i DO support abortion.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Mon 26 Sep, 2005 01:27 am

Using the quotes might be quite cumbersome but it sure is a lot easier to follow the conversation. After you read this post, maybe you will think so too.

I don't like being lumped into a stereotypical category anymore than anyone else does. And I never said it negated anything. I was merely pointing out you were lumping a bunch of people together. My kind? And what exactly is my kind?

Is English my first language? Now, I take it that's not meant to be sarcastic either?

Mentioning that it wasn't meant to be serious does not negate the fact that it sounded like a quip, joke, snide remark, etc. to me.

Pity some people confuse facts for jokes - and sometimes - jokes for facts? Uh, and just what jokes for facts are you referring to here? My beliefs?

You doubt english is my first language? That's a non-sarcastic comment?

You hide behind bushes and talk to people from there?? splindid! This is not sarcastic either?

And frankly, it doesn't upset my row boat if you don't buy the mode or the content. You asked, I answered.

I can learn what's sarcasm and what's not? I'm not a three-year old child.

Prove that God spoke through a bush? I told you why I believed it. Can you prove that it didn't happen?

I still feel you are being sarcastic.

I don't need to defend what the Bible says about the burning bush. The Bible defends itself.

Never said my feelings were proof, just my feelings.

Better late than never? woo hoo!

Something tells me that deep inside you also know that scientific proof, you have none. If I know that scientific proof, how can I have none?

You doubt God is better than humans in any case? Have a look at the mess in the world? Mad made a mess of this world, it wasn't God.

I need to brush up on my english? May be, but we all have things in life we need to brush up on.

Yes, it's one thing to believe what the Bible says and another to prove it, but it still doesn't mean it is not true.

Well, who do you think was talking to Moses from that bush?

The Bible says that no one can look upon the face of God and live.

What Christians doing barbaric things are you talking about? The ones in the OT? "How come when christians do barbaric things its their will and when they don't its god's will? Isn't it possible god willed the spaniards hack the natives to death?? If not, why not.

I doubt that He did will that. Once Christ came into the picture, things were different.

Does god communicate his will for adolf hitler though?

Yes. But was Adolph Hitler listening is probably a better question. God communicates His will for all of us. It's up to us to follow His will or not.
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