cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2005 10:09 pm
real, Change all your answers to god. Now, prove that there is a god (of the bible).
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real life
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2005 10:52 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
real, Change all your answers to god. Now, prove that there is a god (of the bible).

Are you saying that evolution and God are equally likely to be proven?
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cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2005 11:59 pm
No, god can never be proven. But, according to you, all the questions about evolution are not known, and the obvious answer for christians is, it must be the comic book character named god. LOL
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Sep, 2005 01:30 am
real life
Q. How did these organisms continue to accidentally gather additional genetic information and complexity against the known laws of science, becoming higher and higher forms of life by sheer chance?

A. We're really not sure.

You have anice way of writing really preposterous positions and handing them off to others as doctrine.
Im beginning to believe that your entire points are made without ever having attempted to read any technical journal. If it werent for the web, youd have nothing from which to draw your pablum.
For any kiddies listening in, the above member has posted a conditional "set up" proposition wherein all his statements are patently false

Organisms gather additional genetic material by generations of adaptation and evolution.(They dont "accidently" gather complexity, in fact complexity isnt even a correct conclusion) The genomes of animals for which decoding has been completed provide overwhelming evidence of this conclusion. These evidence are only consistent with all laws of science. A single piece of evidence is the environmental catastrophe that removed up to 90% of human genomic variation about 70000 years BP can be easily seen to cooincide with the largest volcanic eruption with attendant global wide climate change.
This environmental catastrophe is recorded in , ice cores, sediment varves with tiny worldwide layers of bentonite that correspond to the eruption . The human genome, at that moment, lost a huge portion of genomic variety from evidence that has been, (and is continuing) to be gathered for populational variety studies and forensic information

All laws of science have been followed to nicely corroborate an evolution conclusion in all cases without having any inserted "fairy tales"

Real Life gets his sources from "predigested" Creationist sites that dont allow individual thought.

Earlier RL complained to CI that "Creationists" have such tiny resource pools from which to draw and compare their meager resources to worldwide money spent on research. What a crock of ****. The Legions of "Old ladies" and well meaning but gullible philanthropic societies that fund the religious "Institutes like "Discovery" or CRI or Answers In Genesis, have only ONE MISSION, to try to discredit science --period. They spend resources honing slick huicksters in shiny suits and pompadour haircuts to meet with and preach to the over 15 million Fundamentalist Christians in the country. These fundamnetalists (including fringe Baptists, 7th Day Adventists, E United Bretheren etc etc)Are eager to blow their tax deductible dollars to fund this mumbo jumbo and rape of science. Now, these well funded organizations want to intrude in our already dysfunctional school systems to teach a myth based series of doctrine that they call "Intelligent Design", which, is, as any moron can see, nothing more than the same old Creationist crap under a new name. The proponents and leaders of the ID movement are a bunch of mission oriented folks who havethis ONE GOAL in mind, to insert their limited worldview into schools by iusing poor logic and trying to foist a total misrepresentation of scientific principals and theories.

The very arguments that Real Life presented above are taken off a web site that contains "resources" for Creation minded folks.
We dont provide equivalent FAQs pages for science. We just hope that schools are doing their jobs and that guys like me dont have to weed out university students who are ill prepared for undergrad and grad work in my science. Perhaps we should spend as much time to inculcate and "mind meld" our students with the same mindless drivvel as real lifes compadres. We , instead, rely upon the word of science getting through and being UNDERSTOOD. Apparently weve failed because the obvious and simplest of responses are not available to real Life that he must engage in skating on the fringes of science and gathering his "truths" from pre coached sources that dont encourage individual thought, they only reward blind adherance to poorly researched doctrine.

NExt time we enteretain Creationist teachings we must remember to ask real life( and the many others who pop in and out) , from where he gets his provable science. How does he understand the "laws ofscience " that he feels are broken .Also, every time he responds with an example from real science, where does he think that evidence came from because it ceratinly hasnt come from the mind of a Creationist. Ive asked him to identify one piece of valid science that has been developed using Creationist methods. Hes merely tried to dodge the entire question hoping Id forget it , but since hes posting really lame propositions that dont even follow how we know what we know( let alone the fact that they dont represent the knowledge bank that exists), I think real life ought to respond to my original question or else admit that theres not one piece of valid science that Creation researchers or data miners have added to our talley board of human accomplishments. In fact, most Creationist views that are touted by the "true believers" are preposterous fairy tales and have no scientific merit worthy of any consideration.Cmon real life name something.

Creationists have a pat conclusion.They dont need no steenkeng evidence .
Now all the Creationists want to do is cast doubt on well proven science and, while theyre involved in doing this, they want your kids to be taught this junk and to accept it based upon the well tested principle of science that" God said it so its gotta be true"
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Reply Thu 22 Sep, 2005 01:50 am
real life
While admitting that 'gill (slits or arches, it matters not)' supposedly present in mammalian embryos don't really have anything to do with breathing, they STILL want to claim that they are evidence of evolution from fish so they can still call them 'gills'.
. You admit that the embryonic structures are gill slits or tails, yet you say that they dont prove anything. OK what do they suggest to you? Wheres that flash of Creationist nsight?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Sep, 2005 02:04 am
Good article on the ID controversy.
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Reply Thu 22 Sep, 2005 08:56 am
real life wrote:
Conversation with an Evolutionist:

Q. How did early life forms assemble themselves from basic chemicals into functioning cell sub-components consisting of dozens or hundreds of complex chemicals which all must be present in just the right amounts (a regulating feature currently controlled by structures that are now programmed by DNA, but neither the DNA nor the structures existed at this point) and avoid chemical destruction while still residing in a chemically hostile environment without any type of barrier (such as a cell membrane) to prevent chemical annihalation?

A: We're really not sure.

Q. How did early life forms assemble themselves from functioning cell sub-components into functioning units or cells?

A. We're really not sure.

Q. How did these early life forms instantly protect themselves from outside forces and be able instantly to successfully reproduce, feed themselves and eliminate waste, since failure to be instantly successful would probably mean quick death and thus the end of the line and the need to start all over ?

A. We're really not sure.

Q. How did these early life forms successfully and accidentally organize themselves into multiple celled organisms?

A. We're really not sure.

Q. How did these organisms continue to accidentally gather additional genetic information and complexity against the known laws of science, becoming higher and higher forms of life by sheer chance?

A. We're really not sure.

Q. How did Man come to be?

A. Oh of THAT we are very sure. It's called evolution.

How did Real Life learn about evolution?

We're not really sure.

But the evidence shows that it certainly wasn't from any science book.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 22 Sep, 2005 10:00 am
rosborne, That's a good one! How did real learn about evolution? A: He goes to Discovery Institute. Ignorance is devine.
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thunder runner32
Reply Thu 22 Sep, 2005 10:01 am
Rosborne, why do you have such a problem with creationists objecting to evolutionist conclusions? If they aren't based on unambiguous evidence, we have every right to question them.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 22 Sep, 2005 10:03 am
"...unambiguous evidence..." ROFLMAO It's evident that t.r. learns about evolution from the same source as real.
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thunder runner32
Reply Thu 22 Sep, 2005 10:09 am
Actually, you know what is funny, how religiously you stick to whatever the evolutionists say. And how quickly you closemindedly dismiss what the creation scientists say.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 22 Sep, 2005 10:21 am
t.r., Wrong! I have come to the conclusion for evolution by looking at all the observable evidence. On the other hand, I see IDers use god as the answer to all questions of nature, ignoring what scientists have shown repeatedly in so many fields of science. When you prove there is observable proof, other than the bible and christian claims of a christian god, it doesn't negate all the observed, repeated proof for evolution. On the other hand, christians can't prove there is a god, and continue to try to negate evolution. No logic in that!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Sep, 2005 03:53 pm
thunder runner
Rosborne, why do you have such a problem with creationists objecting to evolutionist conclusions? If they aren't based on unambiguous evidence, we have every right to question them.

This is a forum in which IDEAS are exchanged. While we could quietly stand by and let Creationists spout their drivvle, many of us choose to remind them that their opinions are built on active ignorance of evidence. When someone just calls me a "liar" by denying the evidence we present, that gets me frothed up.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Sep, 2005 04:10 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
Some people are just too dense to understand the implications of destroying the life forms in the caves of Tennessee. I'm not even going to try.

wise decision.

tennessee cave lifeforms come in all types.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Sep, 2005 04:15 pm
real life wrote:
Conversation with an Evolutionist:

Q. How did early life forms assemble themselves from basic chemicals into functioning cell sub-components consisting of dozens or hundreds of complex chemicals which all must be present in just the right amounts (a regulating feature currently controlled by structures that are now programmed by DNA, but neither the DNA nor the structures existed at this point) and avoid chemical destruction while still residing in a chemically hostile environment without any type of barrier (such as a cell membrane) to prevent chemical annihalation?

A: We're really not sure.

Q. How did early life forms assemble themselves from functioning cell sub-components into functioning units or cells?

A. We're really not sure.

Q. How did these early life forms instantly protect themselves from outside forces and be able instantly to successfully reproduce, feed themselves and eliminate waste, since failure to be instantly successful would probably mean quick death and thus the end of the line and the need to start all over ?

A. We're really not sure.

Q. How did these early life forms successfully and accidentally organize themselves into multiple celled organisms?

A. We're really not sure.

Q. How did these organisms continue to accidentally gather additional genetic information and complexity against the known laws of science, becoming higher and higher forms of life by sheer chance?

A. We're really not sure.

Q. How did Man come to be?

A. Oh of THAT we are very sure. It's called evolution.

this could help you understand how things evolved. Wink
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Sep, 2005 04:51 pm
brahmin, very interesting stuff. Not many Babylonians trying to get their myths taught in the US public schools.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Sep, 2005 06:37 pm
thunder_runner32 wrote:
Rosborne, why do you have such a problem with creationists objecting to evolutionist conclusions?

Before I can respect anyone's objection to something, I have to see that they understand the thing they are objecting to. And quite frankly, the objections being posed by creationsts are so off base that they demonstrate a profound misunderstanding of the very thing they are objecting to.

How can I be expected to take an objection seriously if the person making the objection repeatedly misrepresents the basic tenets of Evolution.

RL's "tornado" challenge is a good example. Anyone who would make such an analogy either doesn't know what they are talking about, or are intentionally trying to mislead others who don't understand the theory. How can I have respect for someone (or an objection) like that.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 22 Sep, 2005 06:53 pm
thunder_runner32 wrote:
Rosborne, why do you have such a problem with creationists objecting to evolutionist conclusions?

Very funny! Creationists can't even prove their god is real, and they're trying to object to scientific findings. As rosborne said, the challenges made by creationists has no substance in fact, logic, or reality. How do you suppose anybody can take them seriously when their foundation for their belief and faith is a comic book character?
0 Replies
real life
Reply Thu 22 Sep, 2005 08:17 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
thunder_runner32 wrote:
Rosborne, why do you have such a problem with creationists objecting to evolutionist conclusions?

Very funny! Creationists can't even prove their god is real, and they're trying to object to scientific findings. As rosborne said, the challenges made by creationists has no substance in fact, logic, or reality. How do you suppose anybody can take them seriously when their foundation for their belief and faith is a comic book character?

Hello Echo !

How ya been tonight?
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 22 Sep, 2005 08:28 pm
"How ya been tonight?" Well, actually, I watched a program on t.v. for a change, and enjoyed it. It was about saving a Chinese CIA agent with some secrets that has great value to us. Fun! I don't watch t.v. often. Wink
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