Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2005 07:43 am
neologist wrote:
real life wrote:
Setanta wrote:
Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone somewhere is happy.

-- H L Mencken

Thank you, Setanta. The Mencken quote makes my case beautifully.

Mencken supposed Puritanism (and hence the morality demanded of Man by the God of the Bible) to be directly contrary to Man's desire for self gratification. And in this Mencken was correct.

How then can anyone say with a straight face that the God of the Bible is a creation of Man's mind, or reflective of Man's vanity when He is so obviously contrary to it?
Really, real; you jest! Jehovah gave humans the ability to have every possible enjoyment, including the fantastic experience of marriage and sexual love. There area no prohibitions against enjoying any of these gifts, unless you count the exhortation not to put them before your responsibility towards God.

That was real wine Jesus made at the wedding. His first miracle; imagine that.

Yikes, no wonder unbelievers think believers are dweebs!

If that is true, why so many laws?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2005 07:59 am
real life wrote:
neologist wrote:
real life wrote:
Setanta wrote:
Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone somewhere is happy.

-- H L Mencken

Thank you, Setanta. The Mencken quote makes my case beautifully.

Mencken supposed Puritanism (and hence the morality demanded of Man by the God of the Bible) to be directly contrary to Man's desire for self gratification. And in this Mencken was correct.

How then can anyone say with a straight face that the God of the Bible is a creation of Man's mind, or reflective of Man's vanity when He is so obviously contrary to it?
Really, real; you jest! Jehovah gave humans the ability to have every possible enjoyment, including the fantastic experience of marriage and sexual love. There area no prohibitions against enjoying any of these gifts, unless you count the exhortation not to put them before your responsibility towards God.

That was real wine Jesus made at the wedding. His first miracle; imagine that.

Yikes, no wonder unbelievers think believers are dweebs!

Marriage is a perfect example of what I am talking about, Neo. Marriage is not an exercise in self gratification, but a dedication to spend one's life serving another voluntarily, putting them above one's self.

This is in direct opposition to Man's desire to have only enjoyment with no strings attached.
Surely we can be happy without moral license.
RexRed wrote:
If that is true, why so many laws?
We are no longer under the law of the OT.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2005 09:59 am
neologist wrote:
real life wrote:
neologist wrote:
real life wrote:
Setanta wrote:
Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone somewhere is happy.

-- H L Mencken

Thank you, Setanta. The Mencken quote makes my case beautifully.

Mencken supposed Puritanism (and hence the morality demanded of Man by the God of the Bible) to be directly contrary to Man's desire for self gratification. And in this Mencken was correct.

How then can anyone say with a straight face that the God of the Bible is a creation of Man's mind, or reflective of Man's vanity when He is so obviously contrary to it?
Really, real; you jest! Jehovah gave humans the ability to have every possible enjoyment, including the fantastic experience of marriage and sexual love. There area no prohibitions against enjoying any of these gifts, unless you count the exhortation not to put them before your responsibility towards God.

That was real wine Jesus made at the wedding. His first miracle; imagine that.

Yikes, no wonder unbelievers think believers are dweebs!

Marriage is a perfect example of what I am talking about, Neo. Marriage is not an exercise in self gratification, but a dedication to spend one's life serving another voluntarily, putting them above one's self.

This is in direct opposition to Man's desire to have only enjoyment with no strings attached.
Surely we can be happy without moral license.
RexRed wrote:
If that is true, why so many laws?
We are no longer under the law of the OT.

But the old testament laws did "try" to strive toward a moral "standard"...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2005 10:20 am
Simply a comment on Mencken's observation. Morality does not lead to unhappiness.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2005 04:12 pm
neologist wrote:
Simply a comment on Mencken's observation. Morality does not lead to unhappiness.

Ex 20:12
Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2005 05:14 pm
real life wrote:
To suppose that the God described in the Bible is a reflection of man's vanity is an absurd notion.

The God of the Bible is described as One who punishes Man's sin.

Sin, as described in the Bible, includes many things that Man is by nature not willing to forego, but clings to with great determination.

How anyone can suppose that Man would devise a God that is so greatly contrary to Man's own nature and desire to do his own thing, is a contradictory notion.

If the God of the Bible was reflective of Man's vanity, then God would be imagined to be very lax concerning Man's sin, indeed maybe not defining much (if anything) as sin. This is exactly the opposite of the God we find in the Bible, Who punishes sin.

Just because you are fixated on sin, doesn't mean that the very idea of a "personal God" isn't the ultimate form of vanity.

Just think about it; the idea of a personal God implies that there is an ultimate deity who recognizes you as an individual, and cares about you in some personal way. That makes you pretty important in the world doesn't it. That's vanity.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2005 05:53 pm
"Thankee Jee-zus for helping me score this touchdown!"


"Damn it, Jee-zus, why'd yew make me fumble that durn football!"
0 Replies
real life
Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2005 10:33 pm
rosborne979 wrote:
real life wrote:
To suppose that the God described in the Bible is a reflection of man's vanity is an absurd notion.

The God of the Bible is described as One who punishes Man's sin.

Sin, as described in the Bible, includes many things that Man is by nature not willing to forego, but clings to with great determination.

How anyone can suppose that Man would devise a God that is so greatly contrary to Man's own nature and desire to do his own thing, is a contradictory notion.

If the God of the Bible was reflective of Man's vanity, then God would be imagined to be very lax concerning Man's sin, indeed maybe not defining much (if anything) as sin. This is exactly the opposite of the God we find in the Bible, Who punishes sin.

Just because you are fixated on sin, doesn't mean that the very idea of a "personal God" isn't the ultimate form of vanity.

Just think about it; the idea of a personal God implies that there is an ultimate deity who recognizes you as an individual, and cares about you in some personal way. That makes you pretty important in the world doesn't it. That's vanity.

Perhaps you should further define what you mean by the term "personal God". You may be using it in a way quite different from those whose posts you are responding to.

Common Christian theology understands God to be a Person. That is, He is not a Thing or a Force, but a Personality; an Individual.

By using the term "personal God" it is possible to misunderstand and think that this somehow refers to "ownership" of God in some exclusive way. This is generally NOT how it is understood by the majority of Christians.

If you are using the common definition of God as a Person, it is possible to believe, as some Deists believe, that God is a Person but not necessarily all that concerned with Man or his doings. So in this case, belief in a "personal God" does not necessitate belief in His care for you, hence not a view prone to personal vanity.

Even Theists, who believe God is concerned with Man and his works, do not generally suppose God to be MORE concerned with their PERSONAL situations than the personal situations of any OTHER on earth. They generally presume a "level playing field" where God judges each man on the same basis. Again not a view that is particularly prone to personal vanity, since all are equal in this view.

Add to that the Biblical teachings, such as "Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away."

Your contention:
rosborne979 wrote:
We cannot explore the world, and know reality until we turn away from this reflection of vanity (a Personal God) which fixates us so.

would likely be laughed at by scientists who HAVE explored the world with the firm belief that they were "thinking God's thoughts after Him," as one put it.

Many scientists over the last few centuries (who built the foundation of modern science that we have reaped the benefits of) did believe in a personal God who made all and was intimately concerned with Man.

What would you say to them? "Free your mind" ?

Get over yourself.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2005 11:36 pm
Pointer to discussion of another school board intelligent design controversy.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 11 Aug, 2005 10:18 am
patiodog has hit the nail on the head. People think god is there to answer their prayers - mostly selfish ones. The reality is, there's always a chance to win or lose in a sports event. God has nothing to do with any sports event or any event a person can experience - and that includes natural disasters. Prayer wouldn't help when a tsunami or flood hits your area - with or without prayer. They are indiscriminate disasters without any guidance by any god - it's called "nature."

All of us are born into this world without regard to religious belief or culture. These are taught from birth by the parents and the community in which we are born. That some are born into a christian culture is only an accident of birth. That the individual ends up believing in god is only brain-washed and learned - and does't mean a thing.

The ultimate of humanity is to treat all living things with respect and dignity. No religion supercedes this simple rule.

Religion has been responsible for too many crimes against humanity. It only proves it is a failure to humanity. To continue the perpetuation of religion only exacerbates problems for humans.

There is no life after death. We only have this life that may exist for less than one day or a few that lives to be over 100 years old based on our environment and genes. Nothing more, nothing less.

Life is not forever: live with it, but quit thinking your belief in a creator provides you with superior knowledge about eternal life. There is no such irrational hallucination after we die.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Thu 11 Aug, 2005 11:47 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
There is no such irrational hallucination after we die.

And you know this with a great deal of certainty, how?


If you have proof that there is no afterlife, present it.

Here you are again, Imposter, trying to prove a negative.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 11 Aug, 2005 12:21 pm
"If you have proof that there is no afterlife, present it."

real life, You lack in logic (as always); it's almost impossible to prove a negative. Rather, it's up to you to prove there is a afterlife, because you claim/believe there is. Please don't refer to the funny book called the bible to verify your belief. It must be observable, incontestable evidence we can all see. .
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 11 Aug, 2005 12:24 pm
I don't know about you, but what I observe after we humans die is our brains ceases to function, and our flesh rots. That's evidence there is no afterlife. .
0 Replies
real life
Reply Thu 11 Aug, 2005 04:47 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
"If you have proof that there is no afterlife, present it."

real life, You lack in logic (as always); it's almost impossible to prove a negative. Rather, it's up to you to prove there is a afterlife, because you claim/believe there is. Please don't refer to the funny book called the bible to verify your belief. It must be observable, incontestable evidence we can all see. .

If it's almost impossible to prove a negative, then perhaps you should quit putting negatives out as your theses.

You are the one making a claim that now you refuse to back up with evidence. I questioned your proposition and you are unable to defend it.

If I were to make a claim, ANY evidence I produce will be far superior to yours, since you have zero.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Aug, 2005 05:39 pm
real life wrote:
Perhaps you should further define what you mean by the term "personal God". You may be using it in a way quite different from those whose posts you are responding to.

Common Christian theology understands God to be a Person. That is, He is not a Thing or a Force, but a Personality; an Individual.

Either usage of "personal God" implies an irrational vanity. The former shows that some people think God knows them, and the latter shows that people personify a deity and ascribe human perceptions and attributes to it.

I hardly know which is worse, assuming that a deity has some personal interest in you, or ascribing your own personal attributes to it (like calling it "He", and saying it has a "person"ality and is an individual). Sheesh, give me a break.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 11 Aug, 2005 05:57 pm
I must continue to provide the negatives to your post, because you always talk in circles without making any sense. You continue to make statements that you can't back up with facts and proof. You continue to use circular logic that cannot be used as proof in the real world. Faith is not proof.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Aug, 2005 06:24 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
I must continue to provide the negatives to our post, because you always talk in circles without making any sense. You continue to make statements that you can't back up with facts and proof. You continue to use circular logic that cannot be used as proof in the real world. Faith is not proof.

Can you see the wind? Can you see the oxygen that you breath? Can you see the carbon dioxide that you exhale? Please provide your evidence that they exist.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Aug, 2005 08:35 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
"If you have proof that there is no afterlife, present it."

real life, You lack in logic (as always); it's almost impossible to prove a negative. Rather, it's up to you to prove there is a afterlife, because you claim/believe there is. Please don't refer to the funny book called the bible to verify your belief. It must be observable, incontestable evidence we can all see. .
CI, why don't you just tell him the bible does not support the idea of an immortal soul?

That oughta get 'em.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 11 Aug, 2005 08:41 pm
When the flag flaps or I fart, I know there is wind. If I'm breathing, I know there is oxygen. Who wants to see my carbon dioxide? I don't! Why should I need to prove any of these things? If you are curious enough about them, you should look for them. I don't have such needs. Happy hunting. I have better things to do with my time then to answer your silly q's.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Thu 11 Aug, 2005 10:49 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
I must continue to provide the negatives to your post, because you always talk in circles without making any sense. You continue to make statements that you can't back up with facts and proof. You continue to use circular logic that cannot be used as proof in the real world. Faith is not proof.

And what proof did you offer to back up your claim that there is no afterlife, Imposter?

Assertion is not proof.
0 Replies

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