real life
Reply Sun 17 Jul, 2005 06:57 pm
rosborne979 wrote:

The only reason you interpret these quotes to mean what they do is because you have actual facts to compare them to.

Hmmmm, so having facts to compare to the text of the Bible means nothing to you? What would you prefer?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Jul, 2005 08:38 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
How can the "word of god" screw up so much? After all, he "created" this planet and everything that's on it and around it.
Do you want an answer or just an opportunity to vent your spleen? The responsibility for screwing up the word of God belongs to the clergy. Don't blame God.
0 Replies
shiyacic aleksandar
Reply Mon 18 Jul, 2005 03:56 am
Wolf_ODonnell wrote:
shiyacic aleksandar wrote:
I have nothing to give to those who are contant and closed to sacred wisdom.They can work along with the mass.Those hwo firmly believe that God or the Self is the ruler of Our existances are about to find Truth everywhere around them,in them.

My wish is to see who is a true seeker and who is a stubborn ,closed ,materialist full of indefinite fears... :wink:

You yourself are being "constant and closed" to scientific advances and the truth that has been proved to be more true than what you get in "ancient wisdom". Granted, not all ancient wisdom is wrong, but then again, not all of it is right.

Why do you believe your belief is true? What proof do you have and how can you be sure that the proof you have can be trusted?

You can "work along with the mass" of those who are ignorant and refuse to believe what has been proven to be true.

"Those who firmly believe that God or the Self is the ruler of our existences" can beileve that. It might be true, it might not be, but if their belief gets in the way of truth, then it is wrong.

My wish it so to see who is a true seeker and who is a stubborn, closed, ignoramous full of indefinite fears that their beliefs are wrong.

Materialism is wrong. Pure spiritualism to the ignorance of what has been proven to be true is wrong.

Only those that are willing to consider the evidence and adapt to changing circumstances can find the real truth.
0 Replies
shiyacic aleksandar
Reply Mon 18 Jul, 2005 04:12 am
Wolf_ODonnell wrote:
shiyacic aleksandar wrote:
I have nothing to give to those who are contant and closed to sacred wisdom.They can work along with the mass.Those hwo firmly believe that God or the Self is the ruler of Our existances are about to find Truth everywhere around them,in them.

My wish is to see who is a true seeker and who is a stubborn ,closed ,materialist full of indefinite fears... :wink:

You yourself are being "constant and closed" to scientific advances and the truth that has been proved to be more true than what you get in "ancient wisdom". Granted, not all ancient wisdom is wrong, but then again, not all of it is right.

Why do you believe your belief is true? What proof do you have and how can you be sure that the proof you have can be trusted?

You can "work along with the mass" of those who are ignorant and refuse to believe what has been proven to be true.

"Those who firmly believe that God or the Self is the ruler of our existences" can beileve that. It might be true, it might not be, but if their belief gets in the way of truth, then it is wrong.

My wish it so to see who is a true seeker and who is a stubborn, closed, ignoramous full of indefinite fears that their beliefs are wrong.

Materialism is wrong. Pure spiritualism to the ignorance of what has been proven to be true is wrong.

Only those that are willing to consider the evidence and adapt to changing circumstances can find the real truth.

My belief is True because it comes from my Master who is God.
I cannot make any proof nor I would justify me.It is on you to believe in what I say or not!
I was not at all in religions or devotion before I met my Master.
I was a very ordinary man as I am remained until now.
Because of my past lives (I was a fervent God seeker in my previous appearances on this planet,my Master told me) I won the cofidence of my Master in this life!

He found me!

Every one is equally qulified to win the touch of the Lord.It is not something paranormal-it is a natural,evolutionnary process which concers the developpement of the conscience.

I cannot answer to your questions about science because they are searching in the wrong direction!But ther are also some good things in this game of science...

It may sound very superior what I am saying here but it is pure truth and believe it or not I have no pretentions to earn money or any salary from anyone!

My Master Who is Omnipotent,Omniscient and Omnipresent knows me and guides me with total surrender from my part...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Jul, 2005 07:58 am
shiyacic aleksandar wrote:
Wolf_ODonnell wrote:
shiyacic aleksandar wrote:
I have nothing to give to those who are contant and closed to sacred wisdom.They can work along with the mass.Those hwo firmly believe that God or the Self is the ruler of Our existances are about to find Truth everywhere around them,in them.

My wish is to see who is a true seeker and who is a stubborn ,closed ,materialist full of indefinite fears... :wink:

You yourself are being "constant and closed" to scientific advances and the truth that has been proved to be more true than what you get in "ancient wisdom". Granted, not all ancient wisdom is wrong, but then again, not all of it is right.

Why do you believe your belief is true? What proof do you have and how can you be sure that the proof you have can be trusted?

You can "work along with the mass" of those who are ignorant and refuse to believe what has been proven to be true.

"Those who firmly believe that God or the Self is the ruler of our existences" can beileve that. It might be true, it might not be, but if their belief gets in the way of truth, then it is wrong.

My wish it so to see who is a true seeker and who is a stubborn, closed, ignoramous full of indefinite fears that their beliefs are wrong.

Materialism is wrong. Pure spiritualism to the ignorance of what has been proven to be true is wrong.

Only those that are willing to consider the evidence and adapt to changing circumstances can find the real truth.

My belief is True because it comes from my Master who is God.
I cannot make any proof nor I would justify me.It is on you to believe in what I say or not!
I was not at all in religions or devotion before I met my Master.
I was a very ordinary man as I am remained until now.
Because of my past lives (I was a fervent God seeker in my previous appearances on this planet,my Master told me) I won the cofidence of my Master in this life!

He found me!

Every one is equally qulified to win the touch of the Lord.It is not something paranormal-it is a natural,evolutionnary process which concers the developpement of the conscience.

I cannot answer to your questions about science because they are searching in the wrong direction!But ther are also some good things in this game of science...

It may sound very superior what I am saying here but it is pure truth and believe it or not I have no pretentions to earn money or any salary from anyone!

My Master Who is Omnipotent,Omniscient and Omnipresent knows me and guides me with total surrender from my part...

I suggest that you're merely wrong.
0 Replies
Wolf ODonnell
Reply Mon 18 Jul, 2005 11:42 am
shiyacic aleksander wrote:
My belief is True because it comes from my Master who is God.

How can you be sure he is God?

I cannot make any proof nor I would justify me. It is on you to believe in what I say or not!

If there is no proof, then how can you be sure it is true?

For example, I know that the statement "this keyboard exists" is more true than its opposite, because there is proof in favour of the statement. I can feel it and other people can feel it and I can see it and they can see it and they can destroy it and analyse its structure.

You cannot do the same with God. People may feel it. Other people may feel it. But is it the same feeling and can you destroy God and can you analyse his structure?

How can you be sure that this Master of yours really is God? What if it was the Devil speaking to you and pretending he was God? And how can you be sure that your perceived notions of the Devil are correct?

I was not at all in religions or devotion before I met my Master.
I was a very ordinary man as I am remained until now.

You are still ordinary. To say that you are special just because you know God is ridiculous. Other people all over the world know God. They are no more special than you and they are no more special than the rest of the Planet that may or may not know of God.

Because of my past lives (I was a fervent God seeker in my previous appearances on this planet,my Master told me) I won the cofidence of my Master in this life!

He found me!

Or maybe, you found him. Past lives is not a Christian dogma either and is a Buddhist and a Hindu one.

Every one is equally qulified to win the touch of the Lord.It is not something paranormal-it is a natural,evolutionnary process which concers the developpement of the conscience.

Yet you speak of it and all these truths as if they were paranormal.

I cannot answer to your questions about science because they are searching in the wrong direction!But ther are also some good things in this game of science...

We should take away all the things around you that can be attributed to science then.

For one, you wouldn't be able to post your views on these forums. Secondly, you wouldn't have access to a hospital. Thirdly, you wouldn't have access to a car, train, aeroplane or ship. (I don't think a bicycle was made through scientific knowledge). You won't have a radio, a television and I doubt your house would be standing.

Most importantly, by questioning science, you have also insulted men of religion.

Many scientific advances in the Middle Ages were thanks to religious men, a number of which were from the Church and didn't give in to your gobbledy-gook. They did things with sound scientific minds and found things that only strengthened their faith in God.

Roger Bacon is one of these religious men and he would be moved to tears at your thoughts.

It may sound very superior what I am saying here but it is pure truth and believe it or not I have no pretentions to earn money or any salary from anyone!

My Master Who is Omnipotent,Omniscient and Omnipresent knows me and guides me with total surrender from my part...

You know, I don't know but could it be possible to get this guy admitted to a mental ward and how easy would it be?
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 18 Jul, 2005 12:10 pm
"My Master Who is Omnipotent,Omniscient and Omnipresent knows me and guides me with total surrender from my part..."

It seems once a mind is poisoned with religion, it's impossible to change it. They imagine things that has no logic.
0 Replies
Wolf ODonnell
Reply Mon 18 Jul, 2005 12:15 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
"My Master Who is Omnipotent,Omniscient and Omnipresent knows me and guides me with total surrender from my part..."

It seems once a mind is poisoned with religion, it's impossible to change it. They imagine things that has no logic.

They key, operative word here being poisoned, which means over-saturated with the wrong amounts of something.

Religion is all good and well, but when it blinds you to the truth, then something is very wrong.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Jul, 2005 12:28 pm
I admire you guys for your patience with alek. I flat out can't understand a word that he says and neither can Joe Sixpack.

You know, I've always said that scriptural truth should be self evident and I know some of you don't agree with that. But really, don't you think it should at least come from this planet?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Jul, 2005 01:39 pm
"My Master Who is Omnipotent,Omniscient and Omnipresent knows me and guides me with total surrender from my part..."

People have killed people based on this belief.

"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."

( Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Ralph Mannheim, ed., New York: Mariner Books, 1999, p. 65. )
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Jul, 2005 03:27 pm
The responsibility for screwing up the word of God belongs to the clergy. Don't blame God.

Why do you insult God by making him the author of the Bible. Do you have no respect for him?
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 18 Jul, 2005 04:19 pm
"Why do you insult God by making him the author of the Bible. Do you have no respect for him?"

xingu, I couldn't have come up with a better explanation. They want to blame god for all the errors and omissions. How they are able to rationalize the contradiction in the bible is beyond any logical explanation. But then, if they refute the bible, they have nothing left to lean on for life support.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Jul, 2005 04:38 pm
My beef with the Bible is the barbaric nature of its God.

To make the Bible's God no better then some of histories worse humans does little to make me respect him.

If I am to believe in a God of justice and love I would never believe in the one found in the Bible.
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shiyacic aleksandar
Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 04:02 am
Fanatism is one thing-it belongs to immature souls and egos-Gnosis,sacred wisdom is another thing it belongs to Masters and Sages.
Nobody however powerful he may be can escape from the fruits of his own actions...
You reap what you sow!
It is a Divine law,but dont think God is killing or he is making favoritism...
It is nature s spontaneous reaction!It is proportionnal to the good or the bad you produce on the Earth...But it may pass many years when you dont think about your evil doings so when it happens to you or to your nation you are not aware you are paying your own debts of your past actions!Nations too are subjected to this Great Law...
This is called the law of cause and effect. :wink:
0 Replies
Wolf ODonnell
Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 04:03 am
neologist wrote:
I admire you guys for your patience with alek. I flat out can't understand a word that he says and neither can Joe Sixpack.

You know, I've always said that scriptural truth should be self evident and I know some of you don't agree with that. But really, don't you think it should at least come from this planet?

Well, if it comes from this planet, you can at least analyse it and see if it is true or more true.

However, if it comes from this planet, there is a greater chance of it being nothing more than a forgery.

Though I do agree with you, that in coming from "another planet" it is as useful as meaningless gobbledy-gook and could very well be meaningless gobbledy-gook and cannot be proved or disproved to be otherwise.

Unfortunately, we cannot change his mind. One study I saw proved that people's minds are hard-wired to only see certain things, either truths or falsities. To them, it would be impossible to see the opposite of what they believe in, because their mind is constructed in a way that refutes anything else regardless of truth.
0 Replies
shiyacic aleksandar
Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 04:05 am
To achieve the attitude of surrender and dedication, you must have faith in God. This world is His play; it is not an empty dream that has no purpose. It is the means by which one can discover God; see Him in the beauty, the grandeur, the order and the majesty of Nature. These are but a few facets of His glory and splendour. Adoration of God leads to the knowledge that He is all.
0 Replies
Wolf ODonnell
Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 04:30 am
Gentleman, I will now teach you how to successfully read and understand a post from Shiyacic Aleksandar or SA (not Sa).

shiyacic aleksandar wrote:
To achieve the attitude of surrender and dedication, you must have faith in God.

This is an opening sentence. Note that this is merely a repeat of something he has said in previous posts and is nothing very new.

This world is His play; it is not an empty dream that has no purpose.

Regard the use of metaphors. What SA is trying to say is that God made this world. He says it with great conviction, without providing any proof but elaborating without any more proof.

It is the means by which one can discover God; see Him in the beauty, the grandeur, the order and the majesty of Nature.

This is once again a repeat of what he has said previously, only worded differently. What he is saying is that you must ignore logic and truth an donly believe in God, to be able to see him in Nature. In other words, what he is actually saying, is that he believes so fervently he sees something that might or might not be actually there.

These are but a few facets of His glory and splendour. Adoration of God leads to the knowledge that He is all.

Once again, this is a differently worded repeat of something he has already said.

So, in conclusion, SA does nothing but repeat himself over and over again, without providing proof, without providing any logic to any of his arguments. He cannot provide proof, but says there is proof. He says we cannot understand his proof, yet doesn't even give us the benefit of a doubt and let us see it.

The other post above mine wasn't there when I posted last, which means he posted right before I managed to get my post out. I will not analyse that, because it is once again, merely a repeat of what he has said previously.

SA provides, with each new post, nothing new.

SA also ignores questions directed at him and does not give straight answers.

I have concluded that it is a waste of time to reply to his posts and that I shall henceforth ignore all of his posts, except for his very first one, which I will think about.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 09:01 am
I thought I had already posted this. Perhaps my post has gone to the light?
xingu wrote:
The responsibility for screwing up the word of God belongs to the clergy. Don't blame God.

Why do you insult God by making him the author of the Bible. Do you have no respect for him?
Read my lips: C-L-E-R-G-Y!
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 10:24 am
So, is the "clergy" the messengers of god? Did the "clergy" write the bible? When you go to church, do you listen to the "clergy?"
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 02:55 pm

Read your lips;
The responsibility for screwing up the word of God belongs to the clergy.

What is considered the word of God by Christians? The Bible. If it's not would you please tell me what other documents are the word of God.

Now read my lips;

Why do you insult God by making him the author of the Bible.
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