well two weeks ago i had asked her to stop talking to this guy she said r just friends. She said ok. a week passed and i checked online for her cell bill and she still keeped talking to him, not as much but still everyday. I confronted her about it last sunday and she saidthey r just friends n she did want to stop talkign to him but still keeped on talkign to him. i then asked her for his name again and she said no she would not tell me and that there is no reason for me to know his name.
we argued for awhile i told her i would call the number n she got madand said no then later just said do what ever u want.
i called the number and talked to some guy and he siad he didnt know any woman by that name. Im sure he is lying. There is like 4 guys living in that house and he said as far as he knew none knows my wife.
so on monday night i talked to her again. asking to tell me his name and she said no. i then told her if she didnt want to tell me then to leave the house because i was tired of her lies and he not telling my about this guy. She said they r just friend and she wasnt even going to talk to him anymore but that she would still not tell me his name. I then said ok, well i want u to leave, she said ok.
i told her the girls would not be going with her becuase its not their fault.
the next day she tried to tell me she woudnt leave without the girls, but i told her it was too late and that she needs to accept the concecunses of choosing to protect the indentity of that guy that is soposedly just her friend. i told her no, when u have money for ur own apt then we can talk about her getting the girls half of the week. So she got her stuff n left.
i so would like to belive that this guy is nobody to her, but how much they talked just on the cell and the fact that she left her two girls that she so loves , just so that she can protect the guys identity and so that i dont talk to him tell me different.
so far she has been at her moms since tuesday and she doesnt seem to be acting any different in the little times that we have talked since. We will talk on friday morning about the girls and some other issues still open. i wil try n ask her why she is dong this and why she is protecting some who she has said is none one special to her.
the firt day was not that hard, but all i cant think of now is who this guy is and how far has their relation ship gone