Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2018 10:12 am
The Democrats have already capitulated in the shutdown argument. The "negotiations" are between 1.3 and 5, instead of 0 and 5. Them increments I read about always end with one step back.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2018 11:59 am
Dude, the lilies were outside.

Jesus said to him, "The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head." (Matthew 8:20, NASB)
Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2018 12:18 pm
Which has no relevance to anything about the Parable of the Lilies since the parable was to the apostles not the son of man. Enough, "dude."
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2018 02:42 pm
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2018 03:09 pm
The New Progressives are serious about informing the public when an elected official deviates from the commitments that got them elected.

I’m pretty thrilled.


WASHINGTON — Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) and Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI), the new leaders of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, often get asked the same question: “Are you going to be the Tea Party of the left?”
No, they say during a recent interview with Rolling Stone, and here’s why: the Tea Partiers and the far-right Freedom Caucus, which peaked in popularity near the end of the Obama administration, mostly succeeded at killing legislation, forcing moderate Republicans into early retirement and derailing the work of Congress. The Progressive Caucus, on the other hand, has a different mission: Make sure the newly empowered Democrats, from Nancy Pelosi to the lowest-ranking freshmen, act on the promises and ambitious policies that got them elected. “Our job is to convince [members] why these aspirational ideas are really what people want and why people voted for us on November 6th,” Pocan tells Rolling Stone.

Beginning January 3rd, the Progressive Caucus, which represents the left-most flank in the House of Representatives, will have between 90 and 95 members — the most ever. That’s about 40 percent of all House Democrats. Thirteen committee chairs and roughly 30 subcommittee chairs will likely be filled by Progressive Caucus members. The caucus should have more influence in the 116th Congress than at any other point in its 27-year history.
And never has the Progressive Caucus been as diverse as it is now. Two years ago, Jayapal became the first Indian-American woman elected to Congress, and 2018 saw the election of the first Muslim-American women, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, not to mention dozens of new young men and women of color. At a recent caucus meeting, Jayapal recalls, one of the few straight white male members told the room, “I’m just so honored to be here representing the minority.”
“This is the most progressive caucus we’ve ever had, and you see it reflected in all these different ways,” Jayapal says. “We need to make sure we’re delivering on that. Otherwise, we will have a lot of people step back again from the Democratic Party.”
The CPC, as it’s known, began more as a social club for lefty members of Congress. When Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) became co-chair in 2011, the caucus began to take on a more active role in progressive politics writ large, Pocan says, connecting different grassroots groups directly to members of Congress. But it wasn’t until recently that the Progressive Caucus — not typically seen as a source of real political muscle within the Democratic Party — started to look more like a political operation to be reckoned with.
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Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2018 06:44 pm
Jonathan Allen tweeted:

Imagine being so unfamiliar with actual journalism that you think reporting facts about a political candidate constitutes a "war".
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2018 10:20 pm
I am somewhat of a conspiracy nut in a few ways. I have come to suspect that in 2020, voting machines will be rigged, blatantly, almost openly, to send most of the votes to Republicans. A lot of that happens every election anyway, but 2020 would be the likely target for them to go all out. Paper ballots, publicly counted, is the only good option.
Reply Mon 24 Dec, 2018 09:20 am
I put this on the quotes thread, but think it bears repeating, often,

“I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such: because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well-administred; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administred for a Course of Years and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other.”
― Benjamin Franklin
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Dec, 2018 09:39 am
I doubt that they would try this on a wide scale as it would be pretty easily detected. Why do something risky and furtive when they can just continue to strike voters from the rolls, restrict early voting, require different forms of ID, etc right in plain sight?
Reply Mon 24 Dec, 2018 09:44 am
Regardless of method, I predict it will be more blatant than ever before, unless action is taken to counter it over the next year or so.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Dec, 2018 01:30 pm
Medical Science Subverted to Produce Horror: Man Breastfeeds Baby

More progress?
The baby was made to live exclusively off man’s milk for the first 6 weeks of what promises to be an unenviable life.

Channa Jayasena, an Imperial College London lecturer in reproductive endocrinology who finds all this “exciting,” says he wants to “find the best recipe for breastfeeding in these patients without exposing them to any health risks.”

No, we wouldn’t want to expose them to any health risks while we deliberately exacerbate their psychiatric disorders, use inappropriate hormones to deform them into sideshow exhibits, and then amputate body parts — just as we wouldn’t want to disrupt the healthy development of innocent children as we introduce them from birth into a world of pure sickness.

When faced with horror this profound, we search for explanations. This goes beyond the cultural Marxist quest to create new groups of disgruntled outliers to play off against the core population of normal people. It even goes beyond psychopathology on the part not only of the Corporal Klinger types dressing in women’s clothes but also the medical experts who egg them on. Progressives’ obsessive drive to desecrate the human form, to defile sacred concepts like motherhood and marriage, and to corrupt the innocence of newborn children can only be comprehended in the context of satanic evil.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Dec, 2018 02:05 pm
Concerning the so-called adults in the room

0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Dec, 2018 02:21 pm
Winkle the BernieBro 🌹


Media: Look at Beto! Look at Beto! Look at Beto! Kamala Harris, Biden, BETO!

Progressives: Well, lets look into Beto's voting record.....oh! Look, his record sucks!

Media: WHY ARE BERNIEBROS STARTING A WAR ON BETO??? This is totally outta nowhere. This is a coordinated attack.
Reply Mon 24 Dec, 2018 02:24 pm
Winkle is Hilarious!

I wonder if you saw the tweet from Joe Lockhart—former Clinton operative, saying if Bernie didn’t call his dogs off of Beto, he’d regret it.

I couldn’t decide which art if that to be mad about first.

He’s been slow-roasted.
Reply Mon 24 Dec, 2018 02:29 pm
Progressives are not yet strong enough to withstand the steamroller of corporate candidates.
Reply Mon 24 Dec, 2018 02:53 pm
Progressives are not yet strong enough to withstand the steamroller of corporate candidates.

When they do get power that steamroller will look like child's play. That is when real oppression begins.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Dec, 2018 03:17 pm

The investigative reporter Seymour Hersh, in his memoir “Reporter,” describes a moment when as a young reporter he overheard a Chicago cop admit to murdering an African-American man. The murdered man had been falsely described by police as a robbery suspect who had been shot while trying to avoid arrest. Hersh frantically called his editor to ask what to do.

“The editor urged me to do nothing,” he writes. “It would be my word versus that of all the cops involved, and all would accuse me of lying. The message was clear: I did not have a story. But of course I did.” He describes himself as “full of despair at my weakness and the weakness of a profession that dealt so easily with compromise and self-censorship.”

Seymour Hersh on America’s Capacity for Fascist Brutality
The Hedonists of Power
Seymour Hersh on Fixing Journalism With a Hatchet
Hersh, the greatest investigative reporter of his generation, uncovered the U.S. military’s chemical weapons program, which used thousands of soldiers and volunteers, including pacifists from the Seventh-day Adventist Church, as unwitting human guinea pigs to measure the impact of biological agents including tularemia, yellow fever, Rift Valley fever and the plague. He broke the story of the My Lai massacre. He exposed Henry Kissinger’s wiretapping of his closest aides at the National Security Council (NSC) and journalists, the CIA’s funding of violent extremist groups to overthrow the Chilean President Salvador Allende, the CIA’s spying on domestic dissidents within the United States, the sadistic torture practices at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq by American soldiers and contractors and the lies told by the Obama administration about the raid that killed Osama bin Laden. Yet he begins his memoir by the candid admission, familiar to any reporter, that there are crimes and events committed by the powerful you never write about, at least if you want to keep your job. One of his laments in the book is his decision not to follow up on a report he received that disgraced President Richard Nixon had hit his wife, Pat, and she had ended up in an emergency room in California.

Reporters embedded with military units in Iraq and Afghanistan routinely witness atrocities and often war crimes committed by the U.S. military, yet they know that access is dependent on keeping quiet. This collusion between the press and the powerful is a fundamental feature of journalism, one that even someone as courageous as Hersh, at least a few times, was forced to accept. And yet, there comes a time when reporters, at least the good ones, decide to sacrifice their careers to tell the truth. Hersh, relentlessly chronicling the crimes of the late empire, including the widespread use of torture, indiscriminate military strikes on civilian targets and targeted assassinations, has for this reason been virtually blacklisted in the American media. And the loss of his voice—he used to work for The New York Times and later The New Yorker—is evidence that the press, always flawed, has now been neutered by corporate power. Hersh’s memoir is as much about his remarkable career as it is about the death of investigative journalism and the transformation of news into a national reality television show that subsists on gossip, invective, officially approved narratives and leaks and entertainment.

Investigative journalism depends not only on reporters such as Hersh, but as importantly on men and women inside the systems of power who have the moral courage to expose lies and make public crimes. Writing off any institution, no matter how nefarious the activity, as filled with the irredeemable is a mistake. “There are many officers, including generals and admirals, who understood that the oath of office they took was a commitment to uphold and defend the Constitution and not the President, or an immediate superior,” he writes. “They deserve my respect and got it. Want to be a good military reporter? Find those officers.” One of the heroes in Hersh’s book is Ron Ridenhour, who served in a combat unit in Vietnam and who initiated the army’s investigation into the My Lai massacre and generously helped Hersh track down eyewitnesses and participants.

The government’s wholesale surveillance, however, has crippled the ability of those with a conscience, such as Chelsea Manning or Edward Snowden, to expose the crimes of state and remain undetected. The Obama administration charged eight people under the Espionage Act of leaking to the media—Thomas Drake, Shamai Leibowitz, Stephen Kim, Chelsea Manning, Donald Sachtleben, Jeffrey Sterling, John Kiriakou and Edward Snowden—effectively ending the vital connection between investigative reporters and sources inside the government.

This government persecution has, by default, left the exposure of government lies, fraud and crimes to hackers. And this is the reason hackers, and those who publish their material such as Julian Assange at WikiLeaks, are relentlessly persecuted. The goal of the corporate state is to hermetically seal their activities, especially those that violate the law, from outside oversight or observation. And this goal is very far advanced.

Hersh notes throughout his memoir that, like all good reporters, he constantly battled his editors and fellow reporters as much as he did the government or corporations. There is a species of reporter you can see on most cable news programs and on the floor of the newsrooms at papers such as The New York Times who make their living as courtiers to the powerful. They will, at times, critique the excesses of power but never the virtues of the systems of power, including corporate capitalism or the motivations of the ruling elites. They detest reporters, like Hersh, whose reporting exposes their collusion.

The Bertrand Russell War Crimes Tribunal was held in 1967 in Europe during the Vietnam War. It included the testimony of three American soldiers who spoke of watching soldiers and Marines routinely pump indiscriminate rounds of ammunition into villages with no regard for civilian casualties. Most of the American press dismissed the findings of the tribunal. The Times foreign affairs columnist, C.L. Sulzberger, launched a venomous attack against the Noble Prize-winning philosopher and mathematician, who was then 94 years old. Sulzberger, a member of the family that owned the paper, wrote that Russell had “outlived his own conscious idea and become clay in unscrupulous hands.” The tribunal, Sulzberger went on, “cannot fairly be laid at the door of the wasted peer whose bodily endurance outpaced his brain.”

Hersh, however, tipped off by the testimony at the tribunal, eventually uncovered the My Lai massacre. But no publication would touch it. Magazines such as Life and Look turned down the story. “I was devastated, and frightened by the extent of self-censorship I was encountering in my profession,” Hersh writes. He finally published the story with the obscure, anti-war Dispatch News Service. Major publications, including The New York Times, along with Newsweek and Time, ignored the report. Hersh kept digging. More lurid facts about the massacre came to light. It became too big to dismiss, as hard as the mainstream media initially tried, and Hersh was awarded the 1970 Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting. The only officer convicted of the war crime, which left 106 men, women and children dead, was Lt. William Calley, who spent three months and 13 days in prison.

Papers like the New York Times pride themselves on their special access to the powerful, even if that access turns them into a public relations arm of the elites. This desire for access—which news organizations feel gives them prestige and an inside seat, although the information they are fed is usually lies or half-truths—pits conscientious reporters like Hersh against most editors and reporters in the newsroom. Hersh, who at the time was working for the Times, describes sitting across from another reporter, Bernard Gwertzman, who was covering Henry Kissinger and the NSC.

“There was a near-daily ritual involving Bernie that stunned me,” Hersh writes. “On far too many afternoons around 5:00, Max Frankel’s secretary would approach Bernie and tell him that Max [the Times’ bureau chief in Washington] was at that moment on the phone with ‘Henry’ and the call would soon he switched to him. Sure enough, in a few moments Bernie would avidly begin scratching notes as he listened to Kissinger—he listened far more than he talked—and the result was a foreign policy story that invariably led the paper the next morning, with quotes from an unnamed senior government official. After a week or two of observing the process, I asked the always affable and straightforward Bernie if he ever checked what Henry was telling him with Bill Rogers, the secretary of state, or Mel Laird at the Pentagon. “Oh no,’ he said. ‘If I did that, Henry wouldn’t speak to us.’”

The Washington Post broke the Watergate story, in which operatives for the Nixon White House in June 1972 broke into the Democratic National Committee headquarters in the Watergate office complex in Washington while Hersh was at the Times. Kissinger’s assurances—Hersh writes that Kissinger “lied the way most people breathed”—that it was not an event of consequence saw the top editors at The New York Times initially ignore it. The paper, however, finally embarrassed by the revelations in The Washington Post, threw Hersh onto the story, although the paper’s executive editor, Abe Rosenthal, called Hersh with a mixture of affection and wariness “my little commie.”

Hersh left the paper after a massive expose he and Jeff Gerth wrote about the corporation Gulf and Western, which carried out fraud, abuse, tax avoidance and had connections with the mob, was rewritten by cautious and timid editors. Charles Bluhdorn, the CEO of Gulf and Western, socialized with the publisher Arthur “Punch” Sulzberger. Bluhdorn used his connections at the paper to discredit Hersh and Gerth, as well as bombard the paper with accusatory letters and menacing phone calls. When Hersh filed his 15,000-word expose, the business editor, John Lee, and “his ass-kissing coterie of moronic editors,” perhaps fearful of being sued, neutered it. It was one thing, Hersh found, to go up against a public institution. It was something else to take on a private institution. He would never again work regularly for a newspaper.

“The experience was frustrating and enervating,” he writes. “Writing about corporate America had sapped my energy, disappointed the editors, and unnerved me. There would be no check on corporate America, I feared: Greed had won out. The ugly fight with Gulf and Western had rattled the publisher and the editors to the point that the editors who ran the business pages had been allowed to vitiate and undercut the good work Jeff and I had done. … The courage the Times had shown in confronting the wrath of a president and an attorney general in the crisis over the Pentagon Papers in 1971 was nowhere to be seen when confronted by a gaggle of corporate con men. …”

His reporting, however, continued to relentlessly expose the falsifications in official narratives. The Navy intelligence official, Jonathan Pollard, for example, had been caught spying for Israel in 1985 and given a life sentence. Hersh found that Pollard primarily stole documents on how the United States spied on the Soviet Union. The Israeli government, Hersh suspected, “was trading Pollard’s information to Moscow in exchange for the emigration of Soviet Jews with skills and expertise needed by Israel.” Pollard was released, after heavy Israeli pressure, in 2015 and now lives in Israel.

The later part of Hersh’s career is the most distressing. He was writing for The New Yorker when Barack Obama was elected president. David Remnick, the magazine’s editor, socialized with Obama and was apparently wary of offending the president. When Hersh exposed the fictitious narrative spun out by the Obama administration about the killing of Bin Laden, the magazine killed the story, running instead a report about the raid, provided by the administration, from the point of view of one of the SEALs who was on the mission. Hersh resigned. He published the account of the raid in the London Review of Books, the beginning of his current exile to foreign publications. When we most urgently need Hersh and good investigative reporters like him, they have largely disappeared. A democracy, at best, tolerates them. A failed democracy, like ours, banishes them, and when it does, it kills its press.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Dec, 2018 07:58 pm
More progress. This will solve some of the worlds problems.
Transgender Activists Now Demanding that Next James Bond be Transgender

Now that these people have found a sexual preference maybe they can get a life and stop this ridiculous crap. It is taking this to extremes.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Dec, 2018 10:01 am
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


Last night, while America was distracted by a potential government shutdown, the GOP quietly passed a tax bill that gutted the Johnson Amendment, which could give billionaires a tax break for funneling secret money into our elections through charities and churches.
Reply Tue 25 Dec, 2018 04:35 pm
Thank you. It made me research what was going on:

House Passes Bill to Free Pastors from IRS Muzzle and Shield Churches from Accidental New Tax
Benjamin Gill

The US House of Representatives has voted to repeal a law that's used to penalize churches and other religious groups.

Lawmakers voted to overturn what's known as the Johnson Amendment as part of a larger bill extending tax relief and protecting retirement savings. It's called the Retirement, Savings, and Other Tax Relief Act of 2018.

The Johnson Amendment allows the IRS to muzzle pastors and Christian ministries by auditing them and withholding tax exempt status from nonprofits that speak out about politics.

Faith and Freedom Coalition's Ralph Reed says, "Repealing the Johnson Amendment will restore the right to political speech by pastors, churches and ministries."

The measure also clarifies that churches need not pay taxes on employee benefits such as parking spots.

"This bill protects churches and charities from being forced to pay $1.7 billion in taxes for transportation benefits over the next decade. These taxes would be devastating for churches-- many of whom will be required for the first time to file tax returns," said Family Research Council President Tony Perkins.

As CBN News has reported, that potential tax on churches parking spots and transportation was accidentally created by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act last year.

Perkins also points out the bill also has a pro-life component. "Additionally, this bill will recognize unborn children for the first time ever in the tax code, allowing parents, grandparents, or other relatives to open 529 educational savings accounts for an unborn child," he said.

With the legislative session winding down, it's not clear if the Senate will take action of the bill though. And similar legislation repealing the Johnson Amendment passed last year but was stripped from the final version of the bill in the Senate.

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