I’ll definitely be watching who votes how. I wonder how tight the control by the military industrial complex is.
We’ll see.
Dec 11
Not supporting a ban on offshore drilling (H.R. 2242 / S. 750):
Sherrod Brown
Cory Booker
Kamala Harris
Tim Kaine
Joe Kennedy III
Amy Klobuchar
Chris Murphy
Beto O'Rourke
Nancy Pelosi
Chuck Schumer
House Democrats abstaining from the vote on Yemen (HR 2):
- Keith Ellison
- Raul Grijalva
- Alcee Hastings
- Bill Keating
- Ben Ray Lujan
- Jared Polis
- Tim Walz
Democrats voting with the Republicans:
- Jim Costa
- Al Lawson
- Colin Peterson
- Dutch Ruppersberger
- David Scott
Jane O'Meara Sanders
Verified account
1h1 hour ago
The final vote on @SenSanders resolution to end US involvement in the war in Yemen will be held tomorrow. 6 GOP amendments - mostly to weaken the bill - start at 1:45pm. Please keep the pressure on to vote YES on SJ Res 54 & NO on the amendment
I see you, Keith Ellison.
What did their districts want them to do?
That is a shame regardless of what the districts wanted them to do. How would they even know such a thing? However, relatively fewer yes votes than I would have thought. Did it pass? (The vote to prevent the debate on the Yemen war I mean.)
Headline from The Hill:
House GOP blocks lawmakers from forcing Yemen war votes for rest of year
Without those Dems it would not have gone like this.
Unfortunately since it was tied to a farm bill, the vote was a double whammy. I am not sure how those democrats can justify themselves and call themselves democrats. But, this year is almost over and it looks like the Senate is already ready to end our support for the Yemen war.
Some democrats are hawks on foreign policy. Some progressives are staunch pro-gun people. Some democrats are pro-life.
If we want to be a big tent party you have to accept that some people, even within a party, will disagree with you.
I wish you and Edgar would focus your ire on the 99.0% of Republicans who voted “wrong” instead of the 1% of democrat who did. By focusing on the few democrats who voted wrong you’re making it seem as though they are as bad or worse than the Republicans. This is why people wrongly state that the parties are identical. It’s like giving the 1 scientist who denies global warming as much or more airtime than the 999 who don’t.
Now that people are aware they can exert some control on our out of control wars, maybe some sanity can be injected into our foreign policy regarding neverending war
Quote:Some democrats are hawks on foreign policy.
Also some dems don't care anything at all about foreign policy issues.
Some dems
only care about domestic kitchen table issues.
The person who wrote this is an a2k member that abandoned us for Facebook. But I am sure she wants her story spread far and wide. It is my understanding she lives in New Brunswick. One more example of why government has to be brought to heel.
I was permanently injured in my work place from a serious chemical industrial machine leak, which left me with a chronic migraine headache every second of every day for the rest of my life.
WorksafeNB denies my claim because they’re corrupt and deny 95% of work injury claims and need a complete overhaul, according to OmbudsmanNB.
After fighting with WorksafeNB for over 2 years by the time my appeal was finished, I was forced to apply for CPP disability who also denied me because they have a time limit of 2 years to apply after we are disabled, which I was not aware of, nor was I aware that I was permanently disabled at the time. More government corruption designed for people to fail.
Today I was also denied a disability through social developmentNB because they are also designed for us to fail.
Their reason for denying me is because they don’t consider us disabled just because we can’t work due to injuries, we literally have to not be able to take care of ourselves like cooking, bathing and such.
My chronic 24/7 pain is dismissed, even though I can’t make a living with it. It crippled me from being able to make a living, but they don’t think that’s being disabled, the ******* criminal pieces of ****.
I remember when government took away our safety inspectors in the work place, I remember where I was working and talking with my co workers about it. I remember watching bosses start screaming at people and even physically assaulting them with no accountability.
That was around 10 years ago when I remember everything in the work place changing.
Anyone who has worked in the labour work industry like I have for as long as I have could tell you when things took a twisted turn in the work place in New Brunswick.
I’m guessing this is around the same time when WorksafeNB stopped paying work injury claims, we lost all our safety inspectors, CPP put their 2 year time limit on applications and social development was designed to harass and lie to injured workers who end up there.
It’s been 5 years since my employer poisoned me daily for months causing me a minimum of chronic pain every second of every day for the rest of my life and our government have absolutely everything to do with it.
They removed all the safety nets we use to have in place to protect us from work injuries by holding our employers accountable and having a worksafe that actually works for what it’s meant, today, the game is rigged to an extent that should infuriate everyone.
We use to have safety inspectors constantly inspecting industrial buildings for safety hazards, they disappeared 10 years ago, I will never forget when they stopped coming, they came often enough to notice when they vanished.
Today, it’s work at our own risk and if you are unfortunate enough to become injured on the job by no fault of yours, your life is screwed.
In New Brunswick, injured workers are subjected to living on welfare on $537 a month and trust me when I tell you, they make you feel like garbage and treat us like we are a burden.
I worked all my life starting with two paper routes at 12 years old and any odd job I could find shoveling snow or whatever even before the age of 12, this is how our government treat their life long slaves.
Government truly screwed my generation right up the ass.
I understand what you are saying, myporsche, but, when it only took a few democrats to stop the vote for debate on ending our support for the Yemen war, it only makes sense to see who these democrats are and if they make a habit of voting with republicans. Moreover, that vote was really important because it was tied to the farm bill. So I guess the farm bill will not get done this year. Fortunately, we (democrats) did so well in the house so when January comes around, I hope they take up both of these bill again, and reword it so they are not tied together.
maporsche wrote:
Some democrats are hawks on foreign policy. Some progressives are staunch pro-gun people. Some democrats are pro-life.
If we want to be a big tent party you have to accept that some people, even within a party, will disagree with you.
I wish you and Edgar would focus your ire on the 99.0% of Republicans who voted “wrong” instead of the 1% of democrat who did. By focusing on the few democrats who voted wrong you’re making it seem as though they are as bad or worse than the Republicans. This is why people wrongly state that the parties are identical. It’s like giving the 1 scientist who denies global warming as much or more airtime than the 999 who don’t.
I understand what you're saying and I agree. The Dems that vote against or for the wrong things are motivated by perceived improvements to their own positions, and folks like Edgar pointing them out and wailing bloody murder unfortunately won't stop them from being corrupt or wrongheaded.
We'd all do best to try to martial (Marshall?) our friendly lawmakers forces and motivate our voters.
But I will admit that those so-called Democrats that do things like vote against helping the starving Yemenis piss me the hell off.
Democrats who are actually Republicans in disguise are the worst. There are far too many.
I looked at one of their votes on one of the websites that track voting and they had a lot of votes on issues that I think you’d agree with.
18 republicans voted against this bill too. That doesn’t mean that they are better than democrats.
We need these democrats in the party and we need them winning their districts. If there is a more progressive challenger in that district that can win then let’s get them running the primary. If this is what their voters want then let’s just be happy that they help us get leadership positions on committees. Even if that’s their only purpose it’s an improvement over the last 2 years.
Not every democrat agrees on every bill. It’s time that we stop expecting 100% party unity on everything. We get leadership positions, we pass the. Pass bills we can and we make improvements on things we care about as much as we can.
If you want West Virginia to vote progressive, then start convincing them why progressive policies are best. So far, the nation is not convinced despite a few districts voting for far-left candidates. They are FAR from having a nationwide majority right now.
Harping on a literal handful of democrats won’t help anything. Despite how shitty it is. We should be harping on the 99% of Republicans and convincing their voters to switch parties.
Look at those politicians who voted against this Syria bill. They will agree with you 80% of the time I bet.
Sure. They are just Republicans.
They are as much a Republican as you are.
Besides point them out, what do you suggest should be done about them? I know I'd like 5 anonymous minutes alone with Joe Manchin and my ball bat.