Ramzy Baroud wrote:the Israeli military occupation in Palestine
The only place that is occupied is Area B. Palestinians govern themselves in Area A and in Gaza. The only Palestinians in Area C are workers who are there to scrub the settlers' toilets.
I advise Palestinians in Area B to move to the Gaza Strip. Given Palestinian refusal to make peace, I see no future for Area B Palestinians in the West Bank.
Ramzy Baroud wrote:the Israeli apartheid regime,
This Baroud character really is shameful.
InfraBlue wrote:The Zionists equate the dismantling of their apartheid regime, i.e. the Jewish State,
Falsely accusing Israel of imaginary atrocities is shameful. Shame on you.
InfraBlue wrote:continued oppression of the Palestinian people.
"Requiring Palestinians to make peace and stop murdering people" is not "oppression."
InfraBlue wrote:What these accords have lead to is a single apartheid state
Falsely accusing Israel of imaginary atrocities is shameful. Shame on you.
InfraBlue wrote:state within which Palestinians are concentrated
That is incorrect. Most Palestinians are outside Israeli borders, not within Israel.
InfraBlue wrote:Palestinians are concentrated in bantustans
Palestinians are not concentrated in bantustans because of the peace process.
Palestinians are concentrated in bantustans because they reject the peace process.
"Land for Peace" only means handing land over to Palestinians
when they agree to peace.
InfraBlue wrote:bantustans within the regions delineated by the accords as "Area A".
There are also plenty of Palestinians in Area B and in the Gaza Strip.
I advise Palestinians in Area B to move to the Gaza Strip. Since the Palestinians refuse to make peace, I see no future for Area B Palestinians in the West Bank.
InfraBlue wrote:The Palestinian narrative is about their rights in Palestine that have been denied them
Palestinians are not being denied any rights.
InfraBlue wrote:indulge the Zionists in the sustainment of their ethnocentically oppressive regime.
Most people do not find the idea of Jews ruling their own homeland to be oppressive.