This is what you said
Quote:as Buttigieg, Biden and the rest have done, promising to do what they want for the money
That's 1) Buttigieg 2) Biden 3) the rest, that is all the rest by the meaning of the term.
You offer as evidence
Quote:Biden told donors at an event at the Carlyle Hotel in Manhattan on Tuesday evening that he would not “demonize” the rich and promised that “no one’s standard of living will change, nothing would fundamentally change,” Bloomberg News reported.
Though you didn't mention it, he also spoke about the devastation of poverty. But in any case, you've presented "evidence" as regards one individual. Your claim was far broader.
But let's think this through. "Demonizing the rich". Ought this to be a rallying cry? Shall we attack Jerry Seinfeld? Larry David? Bruce Springsteen? Helen Mirren? Peter Jackson? George Soros? Martin Freeman? Paul McCartney? Andrew Lloyd Webber? Elton John? All multi-millionaires and several are billionaires. Does wealth entail evil? Does poverty equate to goodness?
Obviously, that would be a seriously fucked up equation. If, however, one were to argue that the present disparity of wealth in America is obscene, immoral and almost certainly a grave danger to democracy and citizen well-being, I doubt any here would contest such a claim (unless they are a particular sort of idiot right wing type).
"no one’s standard of living will change" A very stupid thing for Biden to voice in the manner he voiced it. But he's actually right (at least as regards the wealthy people he was speaking to). Even if a wealth tax of the sort Warren proposes was put into place, multi-millionaires and billionaires would not suffer any noticeable alteration in lifestyle. That's one of the key aspects that makes such a tax compelling and relatively simple in moral terms. If one were to make a different argument, that the oddly American valuation of wealth ("Greed, for lack of a better term, is good") forwards a deeply immoral or amoral ethos with countless un-Christian outcomes, fine. That argument has a rich tradition that myself and most everyone else here would agree with.
I can't recall a single post I've written here that spoke in support of the Biden candidacy. In fact, I think the only thing I've said about him is that he's too old - not just in years but in worldview. I desire far deeper change than I suspect he's capable of directing.
But if he's the candidate, I'm on board. If Sanders is the candidate, I'm on board. Or Pete. Or Warren. A continuation of Republican power is the nightmare. As regards corruption and threats to democracy and a free press, the two parties are not in any aspect equivalent. It's not even close.