blatham wrote:
There is a phenomenon, mainly on the right, where the civil service and other such communitarian activities are denigrated. The attack on Obama for having been a "community organizer" is an example. Echoes of it can be seen in the low regard for teachers, nurses, scientists, non-profits, etc.
The sub-text seems to be that you're a weenie and a useful idiot if you are not driven by greed and absolute selfishness.
Do you have any data to back this nonsense up?
If you are suggesting that conservative's low regard for "nonprofits" like Planned Parenthood, NOW, and the ACLU is reflective of their regard for
The Salvation Army
The Red Cross
March of Dimes
American Cancer Society
And a great many more non-political non-profits than you are more deceitful than even I imagined.
The numbers show that conservatives give more to charities than liberals. You and your fellow leftwing propagandists respond to this fact with all sorts of BS like "Well they have more money" or "They like the tax breaks." when the ideological differences explain it. Liberals think they are being "charitable" when they vote for social programs. (Check out "Beto's" pathetic excuse for his pathetic donations...in essence it was "I am charity!")
Where the hell did you come up with the notion that conservatives have low regard for nurses?
To the extent that conservatives have low regard for teachers it's not because they devalue the profession, but because so many teachers are liberals working to indoctrinate our children.
With this absurd and dishonest comment, you have lost whatever regard I had for your intellect and honesty. Not that you should care, but you have fully revealed yourself for what you are.
BTW - "Community Organizer" is a bullshit job taken primarily by people who want to advance themselves in politics. Obama was the perfect example. If it was such a wonderful and meaningful job, why did he give it up so quickly?