Reply Mon 2 Sep, 2019 05:24 pm
Am I watching What's My Line??
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Sep, 2019 05:33 pm
Is the secret guest actually Elizabeth Warren?

Reply Mon 2 Sep, 2019 05:37 pm
As long as it's not Goosey Goosey Gander (DeBozio)
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Sep, 2019 06:04 pm
My dear friend's brother-in-law is being taken off of life support today.

He entered anaphylactic shock and subsequently went into cardiac arrest after being stung by several hornets.

Without insurance he could not afford an EpiPen.
5:45 PM ยท Sep 2, 2019ยทTwitter for iPhone

Replying to @mommamia1217
A beautiful life lost because he couldnโ€™t afford life-saving medication.

๐“๐‡๐ˆ๐’ ๐’๐‡๐Ž๐”๐‹๐ƒ ๐๐„๐•๐„๐‘ ๐‡๐€๐๐๐„๐!

Yet these types of tragedies happen daily due to #BigPharma prices & lack of insurance.

All lives matter~not just those who can afford their medications. 2/2
Reply Mon 2 Sep, 2019 09:00 pm
And immediately afterward, she retweeted a demand to violate people's civil liberties for fun.

Sorry @mommamia1217, but "voting for people who preserve civil liberties" is more important than "voting for people who would save your friend's brother-in-law's life".
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Sep, 2019 05:22 am
I am only supporting Bernie, but some other candidates do say stuff I can agree with

Tulsi Gabbard
Sponsored โ‹… Paid for by TULSI NOW ยท
"U.S. presence in Afghanistan costs us $4 billion a month. Imagine what we could do with those billions to care for our sick, support our teachers, provide housing and education, and in other ways serve the American people. Iโ€™ll end wars that waste our money and make us less safe." #TULSI2020 #TulsiGabbard
Reply Tue 3 Sep, 2019 05:32 am
Iโ€™ll end wars that waste our money and make us less safe.

That line could be read as an intention to end wars and make us less safe!

I think any candidate will say at least some stuff that people can agree with.
Reply Tue 3 Sep, 2019 05:54 am
How the neverending wars make us safe is beyond me. Our government continues to alienate and radicalize the whole region, without gaining a hell of a lot.
Reply Tue 3 Sep, 2019 05:59 am
How the neverending wars make us safe is beyond me.

They make politicians safe โ€” pull in big bucks from defense contractors, keep certain businesses alive in their states, and they get to appeal to the basest instincts of pseudo-patriotism with the "Support our Troops" mantra.
Reply Tue 3 Sep, 2019 07:38 am
Those invested in the war machines (so to speak) get away with it to the public because of the line about what happened with Afghanistan after the Russians pulled out, it left a vacuum for AQ, and the Taliban. With this logic it is never ending because whenever we leave, we will leave with the Taliban in position to regroup with extremist. The same can be said for all over the ME. Which is why it makes more sense to fight terrorist with other methods rather than mostly military. Also makes sense to use a lot more diplomacy and peace agreements as well where we can. Not with war criminals such as Syria's Assad.

For what is or isn't worth:

KABUL, Afghanistan โ€” The United States would pull 5,400 troops from Afghanistan within 135 days of signing an agreement with the Taliban, the American special envoy told Afghan leaders on Monday.

That pullout would be the start of what is expected to be the gradual withdrawal of all 14,000 United States troops that could end Americaโ€™s longest running war.

The American envoy, Zalmay Khalilzad, who has led nearly a year of talks with the Taliban, told an Afghan news channel in Kabul that the United States had reached an agreement โ€œin principleโ€ with the Afghan insurgents, but he cautioned that final approval rested with President Trump.

โ€œIn principle, on paper, yes we have reached an agreement โ€” that it is done,โ€ Mr. Khalilzad told the Afghan channel ToloNews. โ€œBut it is not final until the president of the United States also agrees to it.โ€

Afghan leaders aware of Mr. Khalilzadโ€™s discussions in Kabul said the most likely sticking point for Mr. Trump would be the timeline under which the rest of the American troops would leave.

Mr. Khalilzad has not shared those details, but Western officials have previously suggested the timeline for the full withdrawal of American troops would probably be 16 months, if the Taliban meet certain conditions.

In a sign of the escalating violence in Afghanistan amid the American optimism for an imminent deal, a massive explosion shook Kabul just as Mr. Khalilzadโ€™s interview with the channel was winding down.

More at NYT
Reply Tue 3 Sep, 2019 08:31 am
Did you take this position when Obama abruptly pulled all of our troops out of Iraq ten years ago? The quick result was a rapid rise in the Shia forces in Iraq, backed up with extensive direct support from Iran, which itself led to the Sunni rebellion in Iraq and the subsequent rise of ISIS. Now we are faced with rival Sunni and Shia groups and Iran competing for control of Syria and much of the mideast.
Reply Tue 3 Sep, 2019 08:51 am
Perhaps you have forgotten the security agreement Bush Jr. had with the Iraqi government? Well, when the time approached, the Iraqis wouldn't agree to leave our soldiers who remained with immunity to commit crimes against Iraqis (can't really blame them.) So, Obama had no choice but to pull out.

It really didn't matter when we pulled out or what agreements were in place, the same results or similar results would have happened sooner or later. Unless we want to have unending wars, we have to bank on having instability in the ME and deal with it with means other than only militarily.
Reply Tue 3 Sep, 2019 08:55 am
What you have described is more or less the situation we face with the Taliban in Afghanistan today
Reply Tue 3 Sep, 2019 09:43 am
I don't understand why we have to forever be involved in the ME anyway. Once Osma Bin Laden was caught, most of the AQ disbanded or captured or killed, we have no reason to be over there at all. Never had a reason to be in Iraq in 2003.

I don't understand why Obama agreed with the Yemen war even though it is hardly talked about, we shouldn't be supporting the Saudis against the Yemen people. I didn't keep up with all the whys and wherefores, so I have no idea how and/or why we got involved. All I know is that the Saudis do not seem to be our friend and they are an oppressive country who killed Jamal Khashoggi and the Yemen people have been suffering from the Saudi war with them for years.

What I am getting at; perhaps if we stayed out of these situations which don't involve us, perhaps the terrorist situation wouldn't be so bad. Not saying it would go away completely, nor am I justifying terroristic acts which are not justifiable. Nor am I saying we shouldn't continue to be vigilant in all our tools in homeland security and spying. (with all safeguards...)

Anyway, we have derailed the thread with good intentions but...
Reply Tue 3 Sep, 2019 10:07 am
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Sep, 2019 10:50 am
edgarblythe wrote:
How the neverending wars make us safe is beyond me.

Do you understand how having a neverending police presence in our communities helps keep us safe from criminals?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Sep, 2019 10:52 am
revelette1 wrote:
Never had a reason to be in Iraq in 2003.

How could we have withdrawn our troops from Saudi Arabia (the presence of which were inspiring al-Qa'ida to attack us) if Saddam was still poised to invade Saudi Arabia as soon as we left?

Our mistake was staying in Iraq after we captured Saddam. The US should have quietly murdered Saddam and buried him in an unmarked grave without anyone knowing that we had captured him, and then begun our pullout from Iraq at the end of 2003.

revelette1 wrote:
I don't understand why Obama agreed with the Yemen war even though it is hardly talked about, we shouldn't be supporting the Saudis against the Yemen people. I didn't keep up with all the whys and wherefores, so I have no idea how and/or why we got involved.

a) al-Qa'ida in the Arabian Peninsula are trying to attack us from their base in Yemen.

Remember the plot to blow up planes using printer cartridges rigged as bombs? Remember people not being able to carry large containers of liquids on planes because of a plot to smuggle liquid explosives in them? Remember the guy with the window seat and the underwear made out of plastic explosives flying into the country on X-mas day?

That was all Yemen.

b) Iran is using Yemen as a staging area for attacks against Saudi Arabia.

revelette1 wrote:
All I know is that the Saudis do not seem to be our friend and they are an oppressive country who killed Jamal Khashoggi and the Yemen people have been suffering from the Saudi war with them for years.

We still need the oil that they sell us.

Perhaps when the day comes that we are no longer dependent on lots of oil.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Sep, 2019 04:05 am
[Wars] make politicians safe โ€” pull in big bucks from defense contractors, keep certain businesses alive in their states, and they get to appeal to the basest instincts of pseudo-patriotism with the "Support our Troops" mantra.

Yup. There are "good" reasons why the history of politics in Orange County has been what it has been.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Sep, 2019 04:12 am
Extreme partisan gerrymanders can violate North Carolinaโ€™s constitution, a state court found Tuesday, in a decision striking down the state legislative maps the GOP statehouse adopted in 2017.

The ruling is a major victory for redistricting reformers after the setback the Supreme Court dealt them in June. North Carolina has been embroiled in lawsuits over its redistricting schemes since the last census, as Republicans have held a majority in the legislature โ€” and until recently, had a supermajority โ€” even as Democrats were able to win statewide offices.

A united three judge-panel said that the current state House and Senate maps โ€” which were adopted by the legislature after its previous maps were found to be illegal racial gerrymanders โ€” violated the state constitutionโ€™s Free Elections Clause, the Equal Protection Clause, and Free Speech and Free Assembly Clauses.

โ€œUsing their control of the General Assembly, Legislative Defendants manipulated district boundaries, to the greatest extent possible, to control the outcomes of individual races so as to best ensure their continued control of the legislature,โ€ the court said.

The court is giving the legislature until Sept. 18 to draw interim maps for the 2020 elections...

There is probably no project more important to America remaining anything like a functioning democracy than promoting and building election systems that facilitate maximal voting and fair distribution of electoral districts.
Reply Wed 4 Sep, 2019 04:25 am
...and verifiable security of intended votes. There is cheating and has been for decades at different levels.

If we put cheaters in front of a firing squad, might possibly reduce so much fraud.

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