Michael Moore wrote:the Republican governor, Rick Snyder, nullified the free elections in Flint, deposed the mayor and city council, then appointed his own man to run the city.
Flint is infested with leftists. Leftists always run their economy into the ground.
The state government took over the city because Flint was bankrupt.
Michael Moore wrote:To save money, they decided to unhook the people of Flint from their fresh water drinking source, Lake Huron, and instead, make the public drink from the toxic Flint River.
Wrong. Flint was being crushed by high water bills from Detroit and wanted to build their own pipeline to Lake Huron. They wanted to do this even before the state government took over the city. Detroit did everything that it could to block this pipeline and force Flint to keep buying Detroit water.
When Flint went ahead and started construction of the pipeline despite Detroit's efforts to undermine the project, Detroit responded by cutting off their water right then. Flint had to start using water from the river because it was the only water available to them until they could get their pipeline built.
Michael Moore wrote:When the governor's office discovered just how toxic the water was, they decided to keep quiet about it and covered up the extent of the damage being done to Flint's residents
Michael Moore wrote:While the Children in Flint Were Given Poisoned Water to Drink, General Motors Was Given a Special Hookup to the Clean Water.
True. The water was so corrosive that it was ruining car engine parts.
Michael Moore wrote:For Just $100 a Day, This Crisis Could've Been Prevented.
True. The river water could easily and cheaply have been treated and then been acceptable for human consumption.
For some unexplained reason, it was not so treated.
Michael Moore wrote:Someone at the beginning suggested to the Governor that they add this anti-corrosive element to the water coming out of the Flint River. "How much would that cost?" came the question. "$100 a day for three months," was the answer. I guess that was too much, so, in order to save $9,000, the state government said f*** it
The person who decided to withhold treatment of the water has never been identified to my knowledge. But there is no basis for saying that this decision came from the governor, or that the motive was to save the trivial cost of treating the river water.
I've always suspected that it was done by leftists who wanted to undermine the state takeover of Flint. That's just the sort of thing that a leftist would do.
Michael Moore wrote:Don't Call It "Detroit Water" -- It's the Largest Source of Fresh Drinking Water in the World. The media keeps saying Flint was using "Detroit's water." It is only filtered and treated at the Detroit Water Plant. The water itself comes from Lake Huron, the third largest body of fresh water in the world.
The water comes through the Detroit water system.
Flint has to pay exorbitant fees to the Detroit water system to receive the water.
Detroit used mafia tactics to try to ensure that Flint could not get Lake Huron water from any source other than the Detroit water system.
It's Detroit water.
Michael Moore wrote:This Was Done, Like So Many Things These Days, So the Rich Could Get a Big Tax Break.
Nonsense. Flint was planning to try to build their own water pipeline even before the state government took over the city. Their reason for trying to build their own pipeline was because they were being forced to pay unreasonable water bills to Detroit.
The reason for switching to river water was because Detroit cut off their water.
The reason for not paying $100 dollars a day to treat the water was, who knows. But $100 a day wasn't a huge expense for a city of that size.
Michael Moore wrote:he invoked an executive privilege to take over cities (all of them majority black) by firing the mayors and city councils whom the local people had elected, and installing his cronies to act as "dictators" over these cities. Their mission? Cut services to save money so he could give the rich even more breaks.
Due to leftist mismanagement, the city was bankrupt.
Given that our state government is democratically elected, the left's characterization of state management as a "dictatorship" is fairly ludicrous.
Michael Moore wrote:That's where the idea of switching Flint to river water came from. To save $15 million!
Wrong. The switch to the river water was because Detroit had just cut off their water.