Clinton was uniquely positioned to lose the election because she screwed up royally. She fiddle-f*cked around for three weeks after the convention, because she seemed to assume it was a coronation and not an election. Then when she finally got her lazy @ss in gear, she ran an incredibly stupid campaign. She wasted a lot of her time and eventually, Mr. Obama's considerable political capital in Florida, a state she never had a hope in hell of winning. At the same time, she neglected states that Mr. Obama had won in 2012 with ease. In particular, she lost Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania--not because of any conservative resurgence, but because potential Democratic voters stayed home. Had she worked those states as they should have been worked, and especially if Mr. Obama had joined her, she'd be the president today.
I get tired of various stories which are now being circulated to the effect that some great truths of electoral politics explain why Clinton lost. Clinton lost because she was lazy, and ran an idiot campaign. She could have shown some spine, she could have insisted that Plump stand still in the debates instead of playing the creep. She could have used the convention as a launching pad for a vigorous campaign. She could have actually serviced the Democratic base. She did none of those things--and that's why she lost. She lost because she ran a sh*t campaign.
Criticism here of the source material, and not those posting about it.