All I know is if you take huge bribes, the only way to keep them coming is if the bribee makes the briber happy.
I haven't been reading the thread, because I can't get all hyped up just now. But I noticed somebody going after Bernie over some property he owns. Come on. You can't get him on issues so you got to look for slurs to sully his character?
That wasn’t me talking about Bernie’s houses, but that’s what you’re doing in your post previous to this one.
Sullying the character of candidates who I guess take donations >$27 from people.
Finn responded by asking how did the pure Bernie come to own three homes. The remark didn't get much attention (I don't think), I just asked 'what? you have less than three?....
My intention was not to sully a candidate ...... just to stick a pin in a puffed up A2K'er.
This is what journalism looks like:
I kinda like him too but the examples you give of his utility, i would chalk them up to hair splitting in a futile attempt to entertain the illusion that he hasn't kept political company with a pack of decerebrated egotics, without a shred of intellectual honesty and no honor left whatsoever, now that McCain is gone and his tombstone metaphorically peed upon by the bone-spur-coward in chief...
It is not as if change happens slowly or immediately. If Sanders were to enter the WH, what he wishes to achieve will take a long time. One term won't do it. Two terms won't do it. He could, given perfect circumstances (a Dem Congress, a more balanced SC, financial stability, minimal foreign affairs complexity, etc) do a lot. But it's going to be incremental.
There’s a huge difference in admitting the change required, committing to it, and using the exact transparent language in bills—Bernie’s method—and saying it can’t be done, maybe we can do this weak sister pishposh, I can keep getting payoffs from the pharmaceutical industry, and once again, I’ve fooled your dumb asses into thinking I’ve thrown you a bone toward what you’re dying for in healthcare reform...
People aren’t buying that **** any more.
Quote:People aren’t buying that **** any more.
They're buying different ****.
I'm not going to produce a better response than Hightor's
Yesterday (I think it was) I argued that American nationalist myth stories were preventing people from perceiving that they have a sociopath in the WH. Many are convinced "it can't happen here", I said. But the US is not alone. Here's a Op Ed headline from today's Haaretz
Quote:Indifference to Netanyahu’s Sinister Designs on Democracy Echoes 'It Can’t Happen Here'
Sinclair Lewis’ 1935 dystopian novel is a blast from the past that warns Israelis, to paraphrase Herzl’s famous words: 'If you will it, it is no hallucination'
(full story is behind their paywall)
Yes, that's a delusion, and a dangerous one that makes them blind to the risks. Fascism can 'happen' everywhere, even English-speaking countries... Duh.
Most people aren’t aware of it, but the 2016 CA Democratic primary was heavily rigged. The establishment weapon of choice? CONFUSION of independent voters. Let’s arm ourselves with good information this time around, so Bernie can win California!!!
If you are an INDEPENDENT VOTER and you checked off American Independent Party (“AIP”) on your voter registration form thinking you were registering as an independent voter, you are not alone. 75% of almost half million people who registered as the right wing AIP in 2016 were confused Berners!!! That alone cost Bernie about 400,000 votes because AIP voters cannot vote for presidential candidates running on the Dem ticket. In CA independent voters must register as No Party Preference (”NPP”). Only Dem and NPP voters can vote for presidential candidates running on the Dem ticket (i.e. Bernie), but there are IMPORTANT extra steps for NPP voters: You have to ask for the NPP-DEM-CROSSOVER Ballot! DO NOT WRITE BERNIE’s NAME IN if you don’t see it on the ballot. Ask for the correct ballot!
If you are an independent voter who wants to vote for Bernie in the 2020 Democratic primary you have two choices:
- Register Dem to vastly improve the chances of your vote being counted; or
- Register No Party Preference (NPP) but take extra steps to ensure your vote gets counted!
Absolutely DO NOT register as AIP!!! Check your registration status!
No matter how you are registered, or think you are registered, VOTE EARLY, not only during the month of early voting, but moreover BEFORE the REGISTRATION DEADLINE of February 17, 2020. You can avoid 99% of potential problems by voting super early on the correct ballot – either Dem Ballot or NPP-Dem-Crossover-Ballot !!!
Fox is reorganizing. Much of the parent company, 21st Century Fox, has been sold to Disney. Murdoch is keeping Fox News, Fox Sports, and Fox Broadcasting. The new Murdoch entity is named Fox Corporation.
Fox Corp has a seven-member board. On the board is, surprise, Paul Ryan.
That just shows how much leftists favor tyranny over democracy.
How "independent" are a prospective voters when they knowingly enroll in a ******* political
party? You really think all those ignoramuses were going to vote for Sanders?
You don't understand. Bernie would have gotten 436 million votes if the primaries weren't rigged because truthfully, secretly, deep down all the voters support Bernie and his great ideas.