Reply Mon 4 Feb, 2019 01:44 am
Such as Bernie’s proposals on health care having the depth of a bumper sticker. That’s simply ridiculous and Nimh proved you wrong. The least you could do is acknowledge your shallow thinking here.

I got news for you: you don’t actually NEED to lie and spread hatred about other candidates in order to prop your own candidate.
Reply Mon 4 Feb, 2019 01:45 am
I posted a link to Bernie’s own website in 2015. Tell me where HE posted anything more substantive than bumper stickers.

Nimh’s article he posted was written in 2016. It wasn’t on Sanders website a year earlier. Even though the bill was written in 2013, it wasn’t posted for all to see on the candidates own website (but a donate now button sure was).

And I don’t yet have any candidate for 2020. I’m not propong up anyone. I’m merely pointing out that 22 months before an election, ALL the candidates have thin policy proposals and that is NOT a negative.

Do you agree?
Reply Mon 4 Feb, 2019 01:54 am
The truth is that Bernie’s proposals always got you nervous. You’re like a caricature of this article by Krugmann that hightor posted: the centrist with foam dripping from his mouth... whenever you see a pro-poor proposal, you move to attack mode.
Reply Mon 4 Feb, 2019 02:03 am
**** that man.

I’d vote to quadruple all help to the poor. Even more.

2/3rds of my immediate family qualify for food stamps. 2 of them for housing assistance and I send roughly 10% of my pay to various family members each and every month in addition to paying a 33% federal/state/city tax rate and I’m willing to vote in politicians who will raise my taxes even more.

One of my brothers works for a contractor from the government. He wasn’t able to secure a loan from a bank using government IOUs like Wilbur Ross suggested so who do you think gave him $2000 to help keep his home and car? It’s pretty shitty when your family treats you like a bank but I’m always there to help them out because I can. So I do.

I paid for food using food stamps from my parents while I helped raise 5 brothers and sisters (I was the oldest). I never had a school lunch that wasn’t “free” to me. I grew up dirt poor. I’ve begged for food. I’ve been kicked out of a house, I’ve had a car repossessed , I’ve been in situations where I’d owed many more thousands than I had. Now I’m finally in a middle class income bracket. I am willing and I do give back to those less fortunate; less lucky than I. Don’t base anything off a username chooses by a 16 year old who dreamed of owning a nice car in high school (my first email in high school was [email protected]). I used that username for all websites while the internet was being born. It doesn’t reflect who I am; it reflects nothing more than a dream of a high school teenager.

I couldn’t be MORE willing to help the poor. The poor are my family. They need help.
Reply Mon 4 Feb, 2019 02:27 am
You think I don’t like the idea of Medicare for all?

Last year my uninsured mother was evacuated over 2 hours to a hospital while she suffered from acute liver failure. She couldn’t be treated before it became an emergency because she didn’t have health insurance. She was hoping she’d live until she was 65 and could get Medicare (she’s 60). Instead, she’d postponed treatment for ove a year. Didn’t tell anyone. Had a 45 day stay in the hospital and is now on hundreds of dollars of prescription medication each month that I pay for. I pay for them.

You think I wouldn’t want a better system for America. For my mother? Or **** it. For me even??? I’m paying for my health care and my moms. I also paid for my deceased fathers chemo treatment because he ALSO went without healthcare due to costs and his esophagus cancer went undiagnosed until it was too late.

You really think I enjoy our system today? You really think I’m your enemy here. **** off then.
Reply Mon 4 Feb, 2019 02:27 am
And what’s up with the compulsion to downvote each and everyone of my posts all the while talking to me? The world gona stop spinning if you ever forget to click that downthumb???

You’re acting like an automaton.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Feb, 2019 02:30 am
Alright then, in the name of your mother, don’t act as Trump’s useful idiot. Don’t spread hatred for your own people. Pay respect where it’s due. Bernie did a great campaign last time. Topical, energetic, loyal to the process. Time to recognise he is an asset and stop belittling him for no reason.
Reply Mon 4 Feb, 2019 02:32 am
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Reply Mon 4 Feb, 2019 02:40 am
Then, your waging war against the only guy in office that would’ve fought tooth and nail for them is ludicrous.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Feb, 2019 02:46 am
You think I am the one working against liberal ideas???? Funny.

See if any of the progressives will make the pledge that I have in my signature.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Feb, 2019 02:49 am
You’ve consistently railed against progressives and happily called yourself a neoliberal—and those very policies are the ones that have ruined your poor family. Those policies uphold the misery that is killing regular Americans who desperately need healthcare.

Your own family fell victim to the policies you’ve been fighting for —and for what?? Why would anyone who sees first-hand the real desperation fight against the people who are doing everything they can do save lives??

I will never understand that.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Feb, 2019 02:52 am
Every time.

And you prolifically chased Edgar around these pages, hounded him, insulted him, and tried to belittle him constantly for espousing the very policies that would have made all the difference to your own family.

Reply Mon 4 Feb, 2019 02:53 am
Lie. You see the truth and you still lie.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Feb, 2019 03:20 am
Lash wrote:

Every time.

And you prolifically chased Edgar around these pages, hounded him, insulted him, and tried to belittle him constantly for espousing the very policies that would have made all the difference to your own family.

My apologies, Oliver. I began speaking to you in this post, and just began addressing Maporsche. Literally Smh about this.
Reply Mon 4 Feb, 2019 06:25 am
Images forge reality, granting a power to television and video and even still photographs that can burrow deep into people’s consciousness without them even knowing it. I thought that I, too, was immune to the repetitious portrayals of Venezuela as a failed state in the throes of a popular rebellion. But I wasn’t prepared for what I saw in Caracas this month: how little of daily life appeared to be affected by the protests, the normality that prevailed in the vast majority of the city. I, too, had been taken in by media imagery.

Major media outlets have already reported that Venezuela’s poor have not joined the right-wing opposition protests, but that is an understatement: it’s not just the poor who are abstaining – in Caracas, it’s almost everyone outside of a few rich areas like Altamira, where small groups of protesters engage in nightly battles with security forces, throwing rocks and firebombs and running from tear gas.

Walking from the working-class neighborhood of Sabana Grande to the city center, there was no sign that Venezuela is in the grip of a “crisis” that requires intervention from the Organization of American States (OAS), no matter what John Kerry tells you. The metro also ran very well, although I couldn’t get off at Alta Mira station, where the rebels had set up their base of operations until their eviction this week.

I got my first glimpse of the barricades in Los Palos Grandes, an upper-income area where the protesters do have popular support, and neighbors will yell at anyone trying to remove the barricades – which is a risky thing to attempt (at least four people have apparently been shot dead for doing so). But even here at the barricades, life was pretty much normal, save for some snarled traffic. On the weekend, the Parque del Este was full of families and runners sweating in the 90-degree heat – before Chávez, you had to pay to get in, and the residents here, I was told, were disappointed when the less well-to-do were allowed to enter for free. The restaurants are still crowded at night.

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Members of the Bolivarian National Guard guard the streets of Altamira, in the Chacao municipality of Caracas. Photograph: Miguel Gutierrez / EPA
Travel provides little more than a reality check, of course, and I visited Caracas mainly to gather data on the economy. But I came away skeptical of the narrative, reported daily in the media, that increasing shortages of basic foods and consumer goods are a serious motivation for the protests. The people who are most inconvenienced by those shortages are, of course, the poor and working classes. But the residents of Los Palos Grandes and Altamira, where I saw real protests happening – they have servants to stand in line for what they need, and they have the income and storage space to accumulate some inventory.

These people are not hurting – they’re doing very well. Their income has grown at a healthy pace since the Chávez government got control of the oil industry a decade ago. They even get an expensive handout from the government: anyone with a credit card (which excludes the poor and millions of working people) is entitled to $3,000 per year at a subsidized exchange rate. They can then sell the dollars for 6 times what they paid in what amounts to a multi-billion dollar annual subsidy for the privileged – yet it is they who are supplying the base and the troops of the rebellion.

The class nature of this fight has always been stark and inescapable, now more than ever. Walking past the crowd that showed up for the March 5 ceremonies to mark the anniversary of Chávez’s death, it was a sea of working-class Venezuelans, tens of thousands of them. There were no expensive clothing or $300 shoes. What a contrast to the disgruntled masses of Los Palos Grandes, with $40,000 Grand Cherokee Jeeps bearing the slogan of the moment: SOS VENEZUELA.

When it comes to Venezuela, John Kerry knows which side of the class war he is on. Last week, just as I was leaving town, the US Secretary of State doubled down in his fusillade of rhetoric against the government, accusing President Nicolás Maduro of waging a “terror campaign against his own people”. Kerry also threatened to invoke the Inter-American Democratic Charter of the OAS against Venezuela, as well as implementing sanctions.

Brandishing the Democratic Charter against Venezuela is a bit like threatening Vladimir Putin with a UN-sponsored vote on secession in Crimea. Perhaps Kerry didn’t notice, but just a few days before his threats, the OAS took a resolution that Washington brought against Venezuela and turned it inside-out, declaring the regional body’s “solidarity” with the Maduro government. Twenty-nine countries approved it, with only the right-wing governments of Panama and Canada siding with the US against it.

Article 21 of the OAS’s Democratic Charter applies to the “unconstitutional interruption of the democratic order of a member state” (like the 2009 military coup in Honduras that Washington helped to legitimize, or the 2002 military coup in Venezuela, aided even more by the US government). Given its recent vote, the OAS would be more likely to invoke the Democratic Charter against the US government for its drone killings of US citizens without trial, than it would be to do so against Venezuela.

Altamira Venezuela
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Demonstrators hold cardboard posters showing images of those killed during anti-government protests inside Plaza Altamira in Caracas. Photograph: Marco Antonio Bello / Demotix / Corbis
Kerry’s “terror campaign” rhetoric is equally divorced from reality, and predictably provoked an equivalent response from Venezuela’s foreign minister, who called Kerry a “murderer”. Here’s the truth about those charges from Kerry: since the protests in Venezuela began, it appears that more people have died at the hands of protesters than security forces. According to deaths reported by CEPR in the last month, in addition to those killed for trying to remove protesters’ barricades, about seven have apparently been killed by protesters’ obstructions – including a motorcyclist beheaded by a wire stretched across the road – and five National Guard officers have been killed.

As for violence from law enforcement, at least three people appear to have been killed by the National Guard or other security forces – including two protesters and a pro-government activist. Some people blame the government for an additional three killings by armed civilians; in a country with an average of more than 65 homicides per day, it is entirely possible these people acted on their own.

A full 21 members of the security forces are under arrest for alleged abuses, including some of the killings. This is no “terror campaign”.

At the same time, it is difficult to find any serious denunciation of opposition violence from major opposition leaders. Polling data finds the protests to be deeply unpopular in Venezuela, although they do much better abroad when they are promoted as “peaceful protests” by people like Kerry. The data also suggest that a majority of Venezuelans see these disturbances for what they are: an attempt to remove the elected government from power.

The domestic politics of Kerry’s posturing are pretty simple. On the one hand, you have the right-wing Florida Cuban-American lobby and their neo-conservative allies screaming for overthrow. To the left of the far right there is, well, nothing. This White House cares very little about Latin America, and there are no electoral consequences for making most of the governments in the hemisphere more disgusted with Washington.

Perhaps Kerry thinks the Venezuelan economy is going to collapse and that will bring some of the non-rich Venezuelans into the streets against the government. But the economic situation is actually stabilizing – monthly inflation fell in February, and the black-market dollar has fallen sharply on the news that the government is introducing a new, market-based exchange rate. Venezuela’s sovereign bonds returned 11.5% from 11 February (the day before the protests began) to 13 March, the highest returns in the Bloomberg dollar emerging market bond index. Shortages will most likely ease in the coming weeks and months.

Of course, that is exactly the opposition’s main problem: the next election is a year-and-a-half away, and by that time, it’s likely that the economic shortages and inflation that have so increased over the past 15 months will have abated. The opposition will then probably lose the parliamentary elections, as they have lost every election over the past 15 years. But their current insurrectionary strategy isn’t helping their own cause: it seems to have divided the opposition and united the Chavistas.

The only place where the opposition seems to be garnering broad support is Washington.

Reply Mon 4 Feb, 2019 06:44 am
The analysts and linguists loved those cartoons, they would be copied and displayed in many offices.
If God was my kind of guy, anyone who doesn't have affinity for New Yorker cartoons (and cover art) would get smited.
Reply Mon 4 Feb, 2019 06:58 am
Lash wrote:
My apologies, Oliver. I began speaking to you in this post, and just began addressing Maporsche.

No problem. In my view, the following sentence, which I wrote for Saporsche, also works for you:

I got news for you: you don’t actually NEED to lie and spread hatred about other candidates in order to prop your own candidate.
Reply Mon 4 Feb, 2019 09:07 am
blatham wrote:

If God was my kind of guy, anyone who doesn't have affinity for New Yorker cartoons (and cover art) would get smited.

He may well be. The chief artist for New Yorker Covers ( he does the dogs & animals as well) is a good friend and campmate in the Redwoods. He's a bit left wing, but I like him.
Reply Mon 4 Feb, 2019 09:11 am
If you believe that propaganda you are a fool.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Feb, 2019 10:16 am
It is my intention to spread information about their prior votes and their positions on Medicare for All, and prior behavior that speaks to the likelihood (or not) of them following through with campaign promises.

I think that’s vitally important.

If I hate a politician, it is precisely because of what this scrutiny reveals about them.

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