maporsche wrote to:
1. How would you feel if ED pills were banned and if women made up the legislative body that banned them?
2. How would you feel if vasectomys were banned and if women made up the legislative body that banned them?
Also, related to trolling...I think one of the key definitions of trolling is that the comment is off-topic. This is a thread where the topic is clearly defined and you seem to be the one off-topic here (this is NOT me calling you a troll, so please don't take it that way).
maxdancona wrote to:
Sure... I will play. I don't use ED drugs (although I am getting to be of the age where they are more popular), and I haven't had a vasectomy. But I will play along with this
silly game...
1) The gender of legislators is irrelevant. I can't think of an example where I think the gender of my legislators matters. I voted for both of my current senators; Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey.
2) I kind of get why you are making a big deal over the gender of legislators, given that abortion does impact a woman and that most of the legislature is male. However, the men in the legislature have passed pro-choice bills which I assume you think is acceptable. And 38% of women are pro-life including some legislators.
I don't see how you can have a democracy if you don't let legislators vote their conscience regardless of there gender.
3) I judge any law by the merit of such law. If ED medication was causing the death of unborn children, I would support legislation against it.
Real Music writing to Max
Max, first of all maporsche showed nothing but respect to you in this post. Also Max, you are clearly trolling in this post. Also, you were very dismissive of these hypothetical arguments that was presented. In fact you showed a disdain and unworthiness to these hypothetical arguments. These hypothetical questions or arguments are being presented to show another point of view.
Max, you stated that
"The gender of legislators is irrelevant. I can't think of an example where I think the gender of my legislators matters."
Well from a different point of view, not only is the gender of the legislator relevant, it is actually crucial in this hypothetical argument.
Max, you stated
"I kind of get why you are making a big deal over the gender of legislators, given that abortion does impact a woman and that most of the legislature is male."
While you may not see this as a big deal, there are other points of views that do see this as a big deal.
Max, you stated
"I don't see how you can have a democracy if you don't let legislators vote their conscience regardless of there gender.
I judge any law by the merit of such law. If ED medication was causing the death of unborn children, I would support legislation against it."
What does any of that has to do with the hypothetical argument that was clearly stated in this thread? You make complaints about other people trolling, when that is exactly what you are doing.
Remember Max, you are the one who said we should all respect different points of views, even if we may disagree with those points of views. I hope what you are asking other people to do also applies to you. This is suppose to be about open discussions of different points of views without disrespecting the views you don't like. Or
dismissing points of views you don't like.