Black Women Send Letter to Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi in Support of Maxine Waters

Reply Mon 9 Jul, 2018 08:39 pm
*Black women leaders and allies sent the letter below to Senator Chuck Schumer and Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi urging them to publicly support Congresswoman Maxine Waters.

Dear Minority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader Pelosi:

We, the undersigned, write to express our full support for Congresswoman Maxine Waters, who has recently been unjustly attacked by Republicans and Democratic Party leadership for speaking truth to power in challenging the Trump Administration to do the right thing by ending a “Zero Tolerance” immigration policy. Families seeking asylum from violence in their home countries are held in detention centers at the Mexican border and even worse, this inhumane immigration policy has separated over 2,000 children from their families.

Further, we write to share our profound indignation and deep disappointment over your recent failure to protect Congresswoman Waters from unwarranted attacks from the Trump Administration and others in the GOP. That failure was further compounded by your decision to unfairly deride her as being “uncivil” and “un-American.” In doing so, we believe this mischaracterizes her call to action for peaceful democratic assembly and the exercise of her constitutional rights to free speech in support of defenseless immigrant children and their families.

As one of the longest serving African American women, and the longest tenured woman of color, in Congress, Representative Waters has dedicated nearly 30 years of her life to federal public service. Prior to that, she was a member of the California State Assembly for 14 years, and has made it her life’s work to stand as a fearless advocate for women and unwavering champion for children, people of color and the poor.

Millennials of every race and creed revere Congresswoman Waters, whom they affectionately refer to as “Auntie Maxine.” She has been a foremost catalyst in encouraging a new generation to embrace the Democratic Party as the party that shares their values and speaks to the issues they care about most. Not supporting Congresswoman Waters hurts the party and threatens to erode an opportunity to continue to grow the Democratic Party with young leaders and voters.

For Black women, who are the most loyal base of the Democratic Party and the Progressive Movement, Congresswoman Waters is our shero. At this critical juncture in our nation’s history, Maxine Waters stands bold and unafraid, serving as a beacon of light and hope, her singular voice, speaking powerfully and urging the nation to the moral high ground of justice. She continues the phenomenal legacy of leadership of Black women who paved the way for all women to break glass ceilings including Congresswomen Shirley Chisholm, Barbara Jordan, Yvonne Braithwaite and Cardiss Collins; and civil rights icons—Dr. Dorothy I. Height, Dr. C. Delores Tucker, Reverend Willie Barrow, Mrs. Evelyn Lowery and many more.

Much hangs in the balance this fall, with all 435 House seats and 33 Senate seats up for grabs. Disparaging or failing to support Congresswoman Waters is an affront to her and Black women across the country and telegraphs a message that the Democratic Party can ill afford: that it does not respect Black women’s leadership and political power and discounts the impact of Black women and millennial voters.

We call on the Democratic Party leadership to step up and publicly support Congresswoman Waters, who has been receiving death threats for speaking truthfully and boldly in support of immigrant families and challenging the Trump Administration to end their inhumane and immoral policy that has yet to reunite over 2,000 children with their parents and continues to lock up refugees seeking asylum in the United States of America. We further believe Congresswoman Waters is owed an apology for your public comments insinuating she is “uncivil” and “un-American” for challenging the Trump Administration.

As women whose ancestors have lived through the incivility of slavery, segregation, and all other forms of discrimination, racism, and sexism, as people who have historically been told to “wait” for justice, for freedom, for our turn, we consider it an insult to characterize Ms. Waters’ call for the exercise of our constitutional rights as uncivil and un-American. We call on leaders of all persuasion to practice the art of civil discourse.

We believe you can make this right.

We expect, and she deserves, your support.


Black Women Leaders and Allies As of July 4, 2018
Rev. Aundreia Alexander, DC
Bobbie Jean Anderson, CA
Faye M. Anderson, PA
Honorable Angela Angel, MD
Shavon L. Arline-Bradley, MD
Jaladah Aslam, OH
Rev. J L Armstrong, CA
Diane Babineaux, MD
Monifa Bandele, NY
Rev. Kipp Banks, DC
Cora Barry, DC
Bishop George Battle, NC
Lezi Baskerville, DC
Gail McCann Beatty, MO
Sherry Bellamy, MD
Salandra Benton, FL
Rev. Traci D. Blackmon, MO
Donna Brazile, DC
Rev. Valerie Bridgeman, OH
Rhonda Briggins, GA
Clayola Brown, DC
Latosha Brown, GA
Stefanie Brown James, OH
Bishop John Bryant, IL
Autumn Butler, MI
Helen Butler, GA Rev. Dr. Malcolm T. Byrd, PA
Rev. Leslie D. Callahan, PA
Melanie L. Campbell, VA
Yolanda Caraway, DC
Lisa Cagnolatti-Daniels, AZ
Charlene A. Carruthers, IL
Dr. Iva E. Carruthers, IL
Rev. Adriel D. Chaney, PA
C. Jacqueline Chaney, PA
Joey Combs, MI Brittney Cooper, PhD, NJ
Dr. Joia Crear Perry, DC
Nikki Curry, MI
Dr. Gloria Daniels, NY
Rev. Dawnique Daughtry, NJ
Rev. Dr. Herbert Daughtry, NY
Rev. Karen Daughtry, NY
Rev. Leah Daughtry, NY
Afiya Diane Dawson, NY
Edrea Davis, GA
Felicia Davis, GA
Louella Day-Jeter, OH
Rev. T. DeWitt, Jr., GA
Judith A. Browne Dianis, MD
McKenya Dilworth, IN
Dr. Gerald Durley, GA
Marcia Dyson, DC
Lisa Fager, MD
Bishop Orlando Findlayter, NY
Leslie Fields, DC
Oleta Fitzgerald, MS
Karen Finney, DC
Kathryn Flewellen, GA
Janette Robinson Flint, CA

Jamor Gaffney, MD
Alicia Garza, CA
Gail George, NY
Glenda Gill, CA
Patricia Green, MD
Randi Gregory, GA
Chrishelle Griffin, MI
Kellie Todd Griffin, CA
Rev. Dr. Cynthia Hale, GA
Rev. Sekinah Hamlin, DC
Sarah Williams Harrigan, NY
Zaneilia Harris, MD
Nancy Harvin, DC
Sherikia Hawkins, MI
Rev. Fredrick D. Haynes, III, TX
Ash-Lee Henderson, TN
Karen Henderson, GA
Dr. Obrey Hendricks, NY
Cynthia Hewitt, GA
Kristal High, NC
Holli Holliday, Esq., MD
Valerie Bates Horton, OH
Tanya Clay House, MD
Rev. Carol Houston, CA
Marcela Howell, MD
Ifeoma Ike, Esq., NY
Phyllis Jacob, MI

Letetia Daniels Jackson, AL
Stefanie Brown James, OH
Emmanuela Jean-Etienne, FL
Honorable Dezie Woods Jones, CA
Yvonne Shade Jones, GA
Derrick Johnson, MS
Laraine Johnson, GA
Avis Jones-DeWeever, PhD, VA
Carol Joyner, DC
Illai Kenney, DC
Adrienne King, MD
Nsombi Lambright, MS
Rev. Tony Lee, MD
Kimberly Jefferies Leonard, VA
Dr. Luella Toni Lewis, MD, NY
Charlene Butts Ligon, NB
Staci Lowry, MI
Rev. Leslie M. Watson Malachi, DC
Dr. Julianne Malveaux, DC
Anita Madison, OH
Paula Madison, CA
Tamika Mallory, NY
Dee Marshall, NJ
Flo McAfee, DC

Rev. Terrance M. McKinley, DC
Dr. Carol McIntosh, VA
Rev. Terrance McKinney, MD
Pamela J. Meanes, Esq., MO
Albert G. Miller, PhD, OH
Brenda Grier Miller, OH
Isoke Miller, NY
Shireen Mitchell, DC
Bishop W. Darin Moore, DC
Rev. Dr. Judith C. Moore, PA
Minyon Moore, DC
Marc Morial, NJ
Donna Morris, NY
Maritza Myers, NY
Dr. Stephanie E. Myers, DC
Asata N’gonzi, NY
Jacqueline LaRue Parker, MD
Karen Carter Peterson, LA
Rev. Francine Pearce, GA
Barbara Perkins, CA
Joia Crear Perry, MD, DC
Jessica Pinckney, MD
Karla Porch, GA
Angela Powell, MI
Diane Powell, PA
Tameka M. Ramsey, MI
Rev. Dr. Ella Redfield, MD
Deidra Reese, OH
René Redwood, DC
Rev. Dr. Barbara Reynolds, MD
Ethel Richardson, PA
Rev. Deneen Robinson, TX
Tomicka Robinson, MI
Dr. Claudette Rodney, VA
Yvonne Briggs Rubie, NY
Gloria De Los Santon, NC
Davida Russell, OH
Angela T. Rye, WA

Delisa Saunders, PhD, VA
Carlottia Scott, SC
Deborah Scott, GA
Elsie Scott, PhD, DC
Lottie Shackelford, AR
Dana Vickers Shelley, MD
Rev. Al Sharpton, NY
Angela Shute-Woodson, OH
Shirley Sherrod, GA
Rev. Elaine Solomon, PA
Rev. Ederidge Spearman, MD
Chyann Starks, NY
Bishop Talbert T. Swan, II, MA
Susan L. Taylor, NY
Pierrette “Petee” Talley, OH
Cheryl Tyler-Folsom, OH
Makani Themba, MS
Deborah Thomas, AL
Debra Thompson. FL
Rev. Robert H. Thompson, NH
Kellie Todd Griffin, CA
Jennifer Tucker, DC
Yvette Moore Turner, NY
Tonya Tyson, MD
Contessa Washington, MI
Rev. Renaldo Watkis, NY
Cassandra Overton Welchlin, MS
Shirley J. Wilcher, MD
Rev. Dr. Barbara Wilson, DC
Elandria Williams, TN
Janie Williams, NY
Robin Williams, MD
Dr. Barbara Williams-Skinner, MD
Dr. LaVerne Wilson-McLaughlin, MD
Angela Wilson-Turnbull, VA
Dr. Eunita Winkey, MD
Nicole Whitlow-Banks, MI
Juanita Wright, CA
Rev. Dr. S. Todd Yeary, MD
Turquoise Young, NY

cc: The Honorable Dick Durbin, Senate Minority Whip
The Honorable Patty Murray, Assistant Minority Leader
The Honorable Mark Warner, Senate Democratic Caucus Vice Chair
The Honorable Elizabeth Warren, Senate Democratic Caucus Vice Chair
The Honorable Tammy Baldwin, Senate Democratic Conference Secretary
The Honorable Chris Van Hollen, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chair
The Honorable Steny Hoyer, House Minority Whip
The Honorable James E. Clyburn, Assistant Democratic Leader
The Honorable Joseph Crowley, House Democratic Caucus Chair
The Honorable Linda Sánchez, House Democratic Caucus Vice Chair
The Honorable Ben Ray Luján, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chair
The Honorable Tom Perez, Democratic National Committee Chair
The Honorable Keith Ellison, Democratic National Committee Deputy Chair
The Honorable Cedric Richmond, Chair, Congressional Black Caucus
Seema Nanda, Democratic National Committee CEO

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Real Music
Reply Mon 9 Jul, 2018 10:41 pm
Rep. Maxine Waters Talks Trump, GOP Tax Bill,
2018 Midterm Elections & How Blacks Can Move

Published on Dec 21, 2017

0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2018 08:34 am
I hope these liberals don't expect any sympathy when pro-life protesters start hounding them whenever they appear in public.
Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2018 10:31 am
Don't they already do that?
Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2018 10:36 am
No. Pro-life protesters tend to focus their protests directly on abortion clinics.

The tactic of hounding people when they go shopping or try to eat in restaurants is a recent escalation that hasn't yet been used against the left.
Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2018 10:39 am
@Real Music,
Whether or not this incivility is philosophically the right thing to do.... this is a political mistake bordering on idiocy.

This is a political fight... and the battle is being fought for the middle. The people you need to convince include White suburban housewives. Angry black women don't present a very persuasive argument to the very people the Democrats need to reach. And, this stunt distracts from the real issue... instead of talking about kids in cages, people are talking about Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Yes, getting the base involved is important, but that can be done in away that doesn't alienate the very people who are going to decide the 2020 election.

Democrats are going to have to learn to play politics. Being right doesn't matter if you can't win elections. I can't express how dumb this is.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2018 10:44 am
Quote oralloy:
No. Pro-life protesters tend to focus their protests directly on abortion clinics.

The tactic of hounding people when they go shopping or try to eat in restaurants is a recent escalation that hasn't yet been used against the left.
I see. So if the owner of the Red Hen decided to bomb Sarah Huckabee-Sanders instead of asking her to leave her restaurant that would be more conservatively acceptable?
Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2018 10:49 am
No. What would be more acceptable would be for the left to not relentlessly persecute everyone who disagrees with them.
Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2018 11:05 am
Why is it that the Right has been telling us for 30+ years that private property is private property and that we need to get the goddam government off the property owner's back. But then when the owner of a privately owned eatery exercises her legal rights in regards to a public official, the Right screams "Foul!"
Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2018 11:18 am
There is much more to this then just an unjustified expulsion from a restaurant, although that in itself is bad enough. For starters, this restaurant owner then followed Sarah Huckabee-Sanders to a different restaurant and continued to harass her.

However, what Maxine Waters is calling for is for large groups of protesters to follow conservatives everywhere they go, like when they go shopping for groceries, and essentially hound them from ever appearing in public again.

And if this is allowed to happen to prominent conservatives, it's going to be done to the left as well. The pro-lifers in particular will love to use this tactic against anyone who is pro-choice.
Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2018 01:10 pm
What I wonder is do they really want people to change their political views and/or cede power to those who attack and ridicule them for their views? Is this a political tactic that dems want to institutionalize for the long-term as a normal part of political discourse in 'civil' democracy?
Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2018 01:38 pm
The Democratic Party never thinks that far ahead.

Every single time they do something like this, I try to tell as many Democrats as I can that the Republicans will just turn around and use the same tactic against them. They never listen to me.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2018 01:57 pm
There is a saying in Poker.... "if you are losing money, you have to at least consider the possibility that maybe you are getting outplayed" (I forget who said it, but it is true).

The Republicans now have the White House, both houses of Congress, most State houses and governorships and soon the Supreme Court. At some point the Democrats have to stop whining and starting learning to play the game. Whether or not reality is unfair is irrelevant; it is still reality.
Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2018 04:23 pm
The Republicans have a lock on the 2020, 2024, 2028, and 2032 presidential elections.

However, some 18 years from now the moderates will finally manage to expel the extremists and return the Democratic Party to sanity. When that happens the Democrats will probably win the White House in 2036 and 2040. But the White House will be held by a moderate Democrat, not by some nutcase extremist.

And then the Republicans will win the White House back in 2044 and 2048. The 21st century is a Republican century.
Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2018 04:33 pm
I don't think so Oralloy. I am pushing on the Democratic side because that is the gist of this thread. The Republicans are not without problems.

It would be nice to see the Democrats wake up and figure out how to reach out to middle Americans. It may be that Trump and the Republicans make it easy for the Democrats by being such assholes themselves. Based on recent events... that seems like a real possibility.
Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2018 04:35 pm
maxdancona wrote:
I don't think so Oralloy.
We'll see.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2018 05:46 pm
Quote oralloy:
For starters, this restaurant owner then followed Sarah Huckabee-Sanders to a different restaurant and continued to harass her.
I tried checking up on that claim-always made by the Right-and all I got was a video of the owner of the restaurant Huckabee went to across the street saying that some people had gathered in front of the Red Hen and were talking about coming over. I saw no pics or video at all of the owner of the Red Hen actually crossing the street to harass Ms. Huckabee-Sanders.

Do you have such a video?

It would have been within the Red Hen's owner's right to do this, but as far as I can see she did not actually do it.
Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2018 06:40 pm
Here is a Snopes article debunking a claim that I hadn't even heard (accusing the restaurant owner of having organized an entire protest at the other restaurant):

While this isn't quite the claim that I had heard (which was that she went into the other restaurant and kept pestering Sanders), the Snopes article does explain what happened.

"An individual with firsthand knowledge of the events following the Sanders family’s departure from the Red Hen told us that the group subsequently went to a nearby restaurant called the Southern Inn. At some point in the evening members of the group encountered Wilkinson outside on the street, but it’s not clear whether Wilkinson followed them there or simply happened to be passing by. (We sent Wilkinson a series of questions relating to the events of that evening but did not receive a response.)"

"The person with whom we spoke insisted that no protest and no commotion took place, and that Wilkinson did not orchestrate any picket against the Sanders family. According to that person, for a brief moment a member of the public held up a sign outside the Southern Inn which bore the word “Shame,” but that sign appeared to have been hastily put together on the spot. This incident may have led to the mistaken impression that the family had been subjected to an organized picket outside the Southern Inn, even though this second encounter between Wilkinson and the family apparently passed off without any rancor or commotion."

So it appears that the accusations of her following the family were untrue, but the family did mistakenly believe that they were being followed and picketed.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2018 07:04 pm
Blickers wrote:
It would have been within the Red Hen's owner's right to do this, but as far as I can see she did not actually do it.
While it appears that she didn't do it, this is exactly the sort of behavior that Maxine Waters has called on people to do.

I question whether people have the right to behave this way. Filling up a store with chanting protests sounds a lot like disturbing the peace, and following someone around harassing them sounds a lot like stalking.

But if it becomes established that people do have the right to do this, woe to any prominent pro-choice leaders, because pro-life zealots are going to descend on them like locusts.
Reply Tue 10 Jul, 2018 07:57 pm
oralloy wrote:
I question whether people have the right to behave this way.

I agree. But that's how options are presented. The most outrageous behavior wins and Trump started it. Now, poor behavior on both sides emerge as one tries to out do the other, Calling attention to only one side but ignoring the catalyst serves no purpose either.

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