Um, Fox, please show us where the GOP is "asking" for ideas? Last I saw, the GOP was basically demonizing the AARP, slamming seniors for being anti-military and pro-gay, and developing an all out Karl Rovian strategy to force private accounts down the throats of Americans without DETAILS; details like it'll cost trillions of dollars and that it won't work. NOw, how is that ASKING for ideas?
The GOP scare tactics regarding SS are EXACTLY the same as Bush's selling of the Iraq war. Is it any surprise that Bush's popularity has dropped regarding just about everything, INCLUDING SS?
But let's be more specific on what Clinton said regarding SS:
Quote:Clinton's remarks referring to "the looming fiscal crisis in Social Security" were based on 1997 projections by the Social Security board of trustees. At the time, the trustees projected that the program would be unable to pay promised benefits in full beginning in 2029. But the trustees' most recent projections extend that date to 2042, and the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projects that the trust fund will remain solvent until 2052.
Quote:When I left office, there was enough money to keep Social Security going till 2053...through half the life of the baby boomers. I don't know what the latest numbers are going to show but they won't be good. ... So, what's our option? If you don't like privatizing Social Security and I don't like it very much, but you want to do something to try to increase the rate of return, what are your options? Well one thing you could do is to give people one or two percent of the payroll tax, with the same options that Federal employees have with their retirement accounts; where you have three mutual funds that almost always perform as well or better than the market and a fourth option to buy government bonds, so you get the guaranteed social security return and a hundred percent safety just like you have with Social Security.
So, looks like the Democrats have had ideas, and continue to have ideas, regarding SS which are not NEARLY as expensive as what Bush proposes, but they are too busy fighting the egregious and disgusting acts of organizations such as GOPNext, who, along with the Swift Boat Veterans for Bullshite, are using homophobia to further their neoconservative ideological agenda. Not very honest, IMO...
Why not keep the debate honest, rather than do what Karl Rove did in scaring the nation into attacking Iraq? You know, like have an honest debate without scaring the living crap out of America again.
If Bush hadn't invaded Iraq on a lie and with scare tactics reminiscent of fascism, than perhaps he'd get more traction on SS. Such is not the case.
Next example...