Adrian wrote:Brandon9000 wrote:Adrian wrote:Brandon
The proliferation of WMD is a serious concern and one that needs to be dealt with.
There are institutions through which to do this.
Saddam was a bad guy who did bad things and needed to be dealt with.
Again, there are institutions through which to do this.
This war would be justified if the US had gotten a UN resolution. They didn't.
Nothing done after that point can be justified. Even if it eventually results in good.
Ends vs Means.
We gave the institutions 11 years. They failed. Just like the behavior of the now exitinct League of Nations. Since there is grave danger posed by WMD, and there might have been a time window of opportunity before he perfected the weapons, we acted. We ought never to give other countries a veto power on our right to defend ourselves. Anyone who is in grave danger and sits there impotently arguing points of law is a fool. Anyway, what is the point of a body that threatens grave consequences for non-compliance, but doesn't enforce its declarations?
1. They didn't fail. The US preempted them.
After 12 years, the UN had failed to clearly resolve a terrible danger, Iraq's WMD and development programs, that could come to hideous flower at any time. In my book that's failure. To be attempting to verify compliance with a surrender treaty 12 years after the war ends is absurd.
Adrian wrote:2. The US was not defending itself. It was the aggressor.
If a latter day Hitler has built doomsday weapons and you cannot verify that he isn't still doing it, weapons that could be used to kill millions or allow him to annex all of his neighbors, attacking him pre-emptively to assure his disarmament is certainly self-defense, particularly when he has promised to disarm.
Adrian wrote:3. No country has the ability to "veto" the US's right to defend itself.
Right, and so if we need to invade another country, we do not need a permission slip from an international body. It would be nice to have, but they must not, as you say, have this veto power.
Adrian wrote:4. Arguing points of law is important in a society ruled by laws.
Certainly, but someone who sits around impotently arguing points of law forever when he might be in terrible danger unless he acts is a fool.
Adrian wrote:5. They DO enforce their declarations. Just not in the way YOU would prefer.
After 12 long years, Iraq had not shown proof of compliance. When would the consequences have finally come?
Quote:6. You still haven't justified the invasion....
The justification is that allowing an evil madman to build doomsday weapons is very dangerous. We have a perfect right to act to eliminate a grave danger.