Quote:One week went by I texted him first and apologized and ask to try again.
Personally, I think you are a bit psycho. You evidently wanted to break up multiple times over only a 6 month period and when he comes around to your way of thinking and says he will do better, you decide not to break up. Until this last time. Instead of bowing to your tactic, he says fine. So what happens? You initiate contact with him. Why?? Because the whole breakup routine was simply a way of manipulating him.
Then the two of you decide to be friends but you both end up getting jealous when the other talks/goes out with someone else. If you are simply friends, what does it matter if he dates other girls or you date/talk to other guys? So are you telling us you have no guys you are friends with since you would not want them talking to other girls?
Anyway, here is my suggestion. BLOCK HIM on all social media. Stop texting him. Do not respond to his texts. You both need to grow up and simply move on.
Quote:so how long should I do the nc rule?
I would suggest forever. But what do I know?