Tue 19 Jun, 2018 04:59 pm
Leviticus 18 was never an admonition against homosexuality. Chapter 18 deals with incestuous relationships, primarily with women, and other relationships which would be contrary to the public good and mores of the time, such as having sex with a mother and daughter. The relationships would be fraught emotionally.
Leviticus 18, with its orientation toward women, goes on to state in verse 22: Men should not have relations with men as they do with women as advised against in chapter 18. So, using the verses which precede verse 22, those relations with women apply equally when relations of men with men are considered. A male, therefore, should not have relations with his father. A male should not have relations with his father's brother, etc. But verse 22 should not be construed to mean that men should not have sex with other men.
The previous verses were a succinct and pointed approach to sexual relations which were not proper. A blanket approach which admonishes men not to have relations with woman would not be in keeping with the directed approach of the preceding verses.
Construing the chapter in any other way is a ham-fisted and uninformed method of construction.
1Co_7:2 Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.
It does NOT say let every man have his own husband or wife.
Any sexual relationship outside of what the Bible Describes as GOOD, is a wicked relationship.
This day upon reading the Above, a prophet of God has so informed you of this Truth.