Sat 26 Feb, 2005 11:10 pm
I swear.....the week before that wonderful, lovely time of the month, if I had a hand gun....I'd shoot someone!
It seems like the older I get, the worse it gets. My nerves get short, my fuse is blown in a split second. I have no patients and I could eat the entire fridge empty.
Its gotten so hard to deal with....I turn into this smart ass from hell and no one needs to mess with me when that happens. I seem to get more and more blunt and to the point during this time. I relate it to a storm brewing inside, one that there is nothing I can about. I have tried to just stick it out and deal with the best I can, but seems like nothing is helping.
Any OTC natural meds...that are useful? Anyone else suffer with this curse? Makes me wanna just slap Eve for feedin' that damned fruit to Adam!
OTC, huh? I knew one lady who swore by M&Ms, and I kept her supplied. I'd hate to see what she looks like after all these years.
BMS, eh, Shivermetimbers?
Ah, the classical Jeckyll/Hyde syndrom, we all know too well.
PMS is actually a nutritional problem and with additional
complex carbohydrates (such as grain) and a PMS vitamine
formula (OTC) the symptoms won't be as severe.
I used to have more problems with PMS when I was in
my 20s, I was the biggest witch with a capital B, but taking
a multiple vitamine daily helped me. I also give in to
chocolate cravings and additional carbohydrates the week
prior. It just makes me feel better to indulge.
Sports can do wonders too. Go on a stationary bike and
pedal that anger off. You feel so much better later on MMS.
Re: PMS and a Hand gun...would you please?
makemeshiver33 wrote:I swear.....the week before that wonderful, lovely time of the month, if I had a hand gun....I'd shoot someone!
It seems like the older I get, the worse it gets. My nerves get short, my fuse is blown in a split second. I have no patients and I could eat the entire fridge empty.
Its gotten so hard to deal with....I turn into this smart ass from hell and no one needs to mess with me when that happens. I seem to get more and more blunt and to the point during this time. I relate it to a storm brewing inside, one that there is nothing I can about. I have tried to just stick it out and deal with the best I can, but seems like nothing is helping.
Any OTC natural meds...that are useful? Anyone else suffer with this curse? Makes me wanna just slap Eve for feedin' that damned fruit to Adam!
I'm hearin ya girl!!! This is exactly why I don't own a gun, LOL!
PMS is a week of hell for me and I feel like I just want to climb out of my own skin. I do everything in my power to stay away from people as much as I can during this time and if it gets too bad, I take Pamprin PMS and that helps.
I feel your pain, sister friend! ((((Hugs))))
CalamityJane wrote:Actually PMS spells
![Mr. Green](
Hahaha!!!! That's what my ex use to call it
I'm tellin ya...that week before I could kill and not bat an eye at it!! Its awful..makes you feel like a crazy person. Its almost feesl uncontrollable. The cravings...the attitude is enough to make ya wanna pack up your crap and hit the to not be found for a few days till you can get over it.
Quote:OTC, huh? I knew one lady who swore by M&Ms, and I kept her supplied. I'd hate to see what she looks like after all these years.
HA...I try to skip the chocolate as much as possible. I'm kinda lactose intolerant and the creamy milk chocolate does not do my body good. Even though I'm a glutton for punishment at times with it...but it'll just kill me in the end sometimes.
Quote:Ah, the classical Jeckyll/Hyde syndrom, we all know too well.
UHHHUMM, I know...I know....Bitch one minute, a sweetheart the next!
Quote:PMS is a week of hell for me and I feel like I just want to climb out of my own skin
I hear ya ......if I could, I would.
I was going to post this in humor but it seems appropriate here.
Why Math is taught in School
(Written By A Very Wise Man) Don't miss this important note
I was riding to work yesterday when I observed a female driver cut right
in front of a pickup truck, causing him to have to drive on to the
shoulder to avoid hitting her.
This evidently angered the driver enough that he hung his arm out his
window and "flipped" the woman off.
"Man, that guy is stupid," I thought to myself.
I always smile nicely and wave in a sheepish manner whenever a female does
anything to me in traffic, and here's why:
I drive 48 miles each way every day to work. That's 96 miles each day.
Of these, 16 miles each way is bumper-to-bumper. Most of the
bumper-to-bumper is on an 8 lane highway.
There are 7 cars every 40 feet for 32 miles. That works out to be 982
cars every mile, or 31,424 cars.
Even though the rest of the 32 miles is not bumper-to-bumper, I figure I
pass at least another 4000 cars.
That brings the number to something like 36,000 cars that I pass every day.
Statistically, females drive half of these.
That's 18,000 women drivers!
In any given group of females, 1 in 28 has P.M.S.
That's 642.
According to Cosmopolitan, 70% describe their love life as dissatisfying
or unrewarding.
That's 449.
According to the National Institutes of Health, 22% of all females have
seriously considered suicide or homicide.
That's 98.
And 34% describe men as their biggest problem.
That's 33.
According to the National Rifle Association, 5% of all females carry
weapons, and this number is increasing. That means that Every Single Day,
I drive past at least one female that has a lousy love life, thinks men
are her biggest problem, has seriously considered suicide or homicide, has
P.M.S., and is armed.
Flip one off?
....... I think not
In so called "primitive" societies a menstruating woman is considered unclean and is isolated so she will not touch her husbands food or clothing or weapons. Such touching would unman him.
I always wondered why this was such a primitive, backwards idea. Think of having a week relieved of responsibility--private PMS.
Bliss? You betcha.
Sublime! That was beautiful!
Makemeshiver....I understand how you are feeling. When I was once young, like you, my PMS symptoms were much worse than they are now. In fact I rarely get the mood swings at all anymore, if anything I become more....reflective about life, I guess. I DO still get the major cravings and anyone in my life who knows me well totally understands when they see me with my can of Pringles and the extra large Hershey's Dark Chocolate bar
LOL, TY Lady J....I can understand too...
The PMS I've been talking about was 2 weeks ago, I started then to write about it, but (lol) was afraid too! I couldn't quite grasp the words that I wanted so badly to convey...
Noddy...give me THAT week away from people, I'd call it a vacation...and would have nothing to complain about. Sometimes I wish they'd send me off to my room and let me be bitter by myself....
I think it makes me feel so more human to know I'm not alone with this. That feeling crazy and out of control at times during that week are normal for some. I had begun to think that I really needed help.
the best cure for PMS is to yank that uterus out.
Call your doc and set an appointment. ;-)
Check out this site. Helped me!
Thanks Bella....I did check that out...
Screener Results
**Your answers suggest that you may have PMDD, but evaluation by a professional would be necessary to know for sure.
HUMM......I was hoping there was a reason I was turning into a complete monster that week ahead. .lol
The thing is, I'm not used to that behavior...This started a few years ago...getting worse the older I get. Before...I just had a period.....they were screwed, but thats all I had to endure. Now its mood swings, my mouth, complete anger and frustration at work....crying for no reason...just so hard to deal with.
Shewolf...thats what my husband said!! That he could tell just by my behavior what was going on with me...the cold spells, the hot temper, attitude and whole nine yards. He said..,"maybe you oughta go to Dr. E and have that uterous took out!"...of course, I looked at him like he was crazy. But I'd proudly give it away!
That's how it went with me makemeshiver. Just one month it started about a year ago and it has gotten worse and worse each month. I am unbearable. I feel out of control. It isn't all the time, just suddenly and I flip out!
I went to see my doctor about it and we switch my bc pills. This month was good so we'll see about next.
How old are you? Menopause?
34 yo...doubt menopause, but some are different.
But what you explained about ME! I feel unbearable, out of control..just like there is a storm brewing in my guts and I can't do anything to relieve the pressure...then I explode. Then I do...I want to cry, cause there isn't anything I can do about the way I feel. So...I fight it for a week, which in return just makes me that much crazier..
Ohh yeah...take into consideration that I have a mouth like a sailor...a temper to boot...and blunt to the point anyways...CAN YOU IMAGINE??
Just makes me wanna hide somewhere!!
And I work in the I really have to control it...makes it that much worse...
I would go to your doctor and tell him/her you can't take it anymore! They should be able to do something to help you.