rayban1 wrote:dyslexia wrote:I have to say that Walter is totally above the very concept of arrogance, he's just simply superior.
Oh, so even you believe he is a member of the "Super Race"?
Of course, Walter and I both belong to the race commonly known as homo sapien, in fact we may be the only ones curently posting on this forum.
what's really dangerous is trying to kiss a chicken on the lips.
Francis wrote:Quote:- Cynism (cynic = dogma in Greek) is arrogance and sarcastic contempt for merit and success...
- Both cynics and con-men are financially dangerous...
Actually, I've thought, since a native English speaker asked for that, it was my mistake (and positively spoken "a typo").
Main Entry: cyn·ism Pronunciation Guide
Pronunciation: sinizm
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): -s
Etymology: French cynisme, from Late Latin cynismus, from Greek kynismos -- more at CYNIC
Francis wrote:Quote:- Cynism (cynic = dogma in Greek) is arrogance and sarcastic contempt for merit and success...
- Both cynics and con-men are financially dangerous...
Please post a link to that definition.
Tico, it's one among some I found...
Com'on back.......you're a lot more fun than these guys/gals?
Francis wrote:Tico, it's one among some I found...
That's where I thought you got it. Wouldn't trust that definition, were I you. I'd say call it a typo, and move on.
dyslexia wrote:what's really dangerous is trying to kiss a chicken on the lips.
Dys: Would you please regale us with the story of how you discovered it was soooo dangerous to kiss a chicken on the lips? Did you learn anything from the experience other than it being dangerous? Now I'm trying to be PC here, not wanting to offend anyone, but was it a female chicken or a male chicken?
OK Rayban
I'm back
Had to go foraging for some food. Got some nuts twigs a few beetles and a squirell...
back on topic
All I'm asking for is a little straight talking. Empires come and go. Empires do what they want to do. It was Pax Romana. Now its Pax Americana. America is predominant, you have to expect a little flak. Criticism of American foreign policy (I'm not interested in how you manage your domestic affairs) is sometimes justified sometimes not. But dont pretend the US has not been interested in middle eastern affairs...along with other western powers...for a long time. And we all know why.
Just as an aside when Britain ruled the waves (and waived the rules, just like you do now), in the first years of the 20th century, the move from coal fired steam cylinder power in the Royal Navy's battleships to steam turbine engines with oil fired boilers made every other battleship afloat redundant.
Nothing could touch the dreadnought and superdreadnought class battleship. The Royal Navy ruled supreme....except that Britain had plenty of coal but no oil. But we knew a place that did, a place we used to call Mesopotamia. Now some people said it would be foolish to rely on imported oil to power the dreadnoughts. Other people said that's not a problem, we just make sure we dont lose control over Mesopotamia. Of course we made a mess. The troops used to call it Mess-pot. [But we did it for the most noble of reasons, to liberate the poor oppressed people from the corrupt Ottoman Empire. We did it to bring civilisation to a country that had once given birth to civilisation itself. Did you know that they still have British style 3 pin electric plugs in Iraq? It was nothing to do with global power projection.]
So getting back to the point, America is the dominant power in the world. As Rome was 2000 years ago. What's the difference? Nothing, except the technological advances over 2 millennia.
One final point. Other countries are pretty scrupulous in observing absolute neutrality when it comes to American domestic politics. Have you ever wondered why the US appears to take such an interest in the domestic affairs of foreign countries?
And I've just seen your comment to Walter. This really will not do. Walter is certainly a superior individual, but that is a comment on him not a "race" however you care to define it.
and now I've read your apology. good Honestly if you take your eye off this for two minutes....
"we may be the only (homo sapiens) curently posting on this forum." Outrageous.
I dont want disturb this thread but I think I can trust the word...
list :
move on
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:...So getting back to the point, America is the dominant power in the world. As Rome was 2000 years ago. What's the difference? Nothing, except the technological advances over 2 millennia.
... and the fact that America isn't trying to build an empire. Because if we were, then we should start taxing immediately .....
Francis wrote:I dont want disturb this thread but I think I can trust the word...
list :
move on
What language is it we are trying to speak?
Okay ... moving on.
This is why I think some Americans are delusional about what is really going on. Tico says America is not even trying to build an empire. Must have just happened by accident. You know you wake up feeling benevolent towards mankind and the world in general and before breakfast you've accidentally built the biggest military the world has ever seen, and your secretary of defense talks about full spectrum dominance.
Yes Please, back to topic
You do a lot of "tap dancing" about the past but it seems to me that most of your CURRENT objections to American Foreign policy have to do with what 43 has implemented. As Governor of Texas, did he have anything to do with American Foreign policy? I don't think so........you can blame most of the previous errors on those in our former governments who had no clue about using the velvet glove of diplomacy in close concert with awesome military power. A case in point is Brent Scowcroft persuading 41 not to intervene when Saddam was butchering the Shiites that we now must contend with.
I'll do any straight talking you want about errors, wrong assumptions, etc., during the current administration but please give up on blaming 43 for everything that has happened since the beginning of time. Let's discuss now and the future.......not history.
Ticomaya wrote:What language is it we are trying to speak?
What do you think, is the language, the Merriam-Webster is written in? :wink:
"but please give up on blaming 43 for everything that has happened since the beginning of time"
"A case in point is Brent Scowcroft persuading 41 not to intervene when Saddam"
I wish to make it clear that I have no connection with these two numbers except proximity
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:This is why I think some Americans are delusional about what is really going on. Tico says America is not even trying to build an empire. Must have just happened by accident. You know you wake up feeling benevolent towards mankind and the world in general and before breakfast you've accidentally built the biggest military the world has ever seen, and your secretary of defense talks about full spectrum dominance.
We have the best and biggest military in the world ... so therefore we are empire building? Am I following your logic correctly? Please point out where I've misunderstood your analysis.
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:This is why I think some Americans are delusional about what is really going on. Tico says America is not even trying to build an empire. Must have just happened by accident. You know you wake up feeling benevolent towards mankind and the world in general and before breakfast you've accidentally built the biggest military the world has ever seen, and your secretary of defense talks about full spectrum dominance.
I'm truly perplexed about your depression concering the future but in view of the many good things that are happening in the ME today, I am ecstatic that Bush was re-elected Even the lefties in your Guardian are beginning to mumble that Bush may have been correct all along.