msolga makes a really important point -- as bad as I feel now, I'd feel infinitely worse if we found out about his death out of the blue, without even having a chance to send regards/ wishes on the hospital thread. Knowing he saw that is a bit of a balm. Thanks so much, Buttercup.
I just got back on the computer from a long weekend and.....
how can this be?
Swimpy wrote:
That's perfect. I'm sure Cav would laugh his ass off if he could see it. Maybe he can.
He can. He is with every one of us.
Thank you Lk for starting this thread. The hospital thread is a great place to say our good byes and send our condolences to butter cup , but not a very good place to sit and think.
I cried when I read that he died. And then I felt wierd about that because I never met him, but the loss is the same.
Even stranger... i hope noone ever picks up that avatar for thier own. The mcdonald avatar has seared its way into my brain as Cav, and only cav.
( wierd sentiments, i know .. but ..)
Shewolf, I thought the exact same thing about that avatar.
Is it in the avatar gallery? It would be a beautiful gesture of honor if it could be "retired," like a sports jersey #.
I wrote a poem earlier in this thread about resurrecting his avatar.
BTW, in case you didn't know, ehbeth has provided a link where you can read his obituary and sign his guestbook. As a tribute to Cav, I hope everyone will take the time to sign it.
oh gosh
i just went to the online album to see if the people who'd wondered yesterday if their contributions had made it
they are, and wow
(colorbook, i've got your poem and Cav's Hoarfronst poem packed and ready to go - as well as all the love and hugs i can carry)
Thanks, ehBeth. Love and hugs to you (& Bo too), for being the representatives of all of us today.
Thank you ehbeth...I'll be there too in spirit.
And me too. So grateful to you for being there.
I think one of the reasons I'm taking the print out of the first 16 or so pages of this thread is the support I'll be getting from knowing you're all there with us. I could just take the poems, but it wouldn't be the same as the actual weightiness of that bundle of paper (each A2K page takes 4 - 5 pages to print).
Took me a while to find this. I always think when I participate in one of these remembrances (Mary Pope, himself, Mamajuana) that it's too bad they didn't get to see these things when they were still alive. (Though I admit that part of me thinks they do see it, and that thought is a comfort.)
Cav, though, had his own tribute thread long ago, and I know it tickled him. Another kind of comfort.
Thanks for posting sozobe, I never saw that one
cavfancier wrote:Nosy? Well...if anyone goes to 'all posts by cavfancier' and has the patience to muddle through, my life is pretty much an open book on A2K, so bah, I don't mind. I love the Swedish chef, but the 'stache needs to go, and the fact, that looks nothing like me. The dog however is closer to the real thing, but smaller, white and brown as opposed to black and tan, and he can't read.
ehBeth, our thoughts and prayers.
Godspeed, Cavfancier
Funeral's happening now. My thoughts are there.