Reply Tue 16 May, 2006 07:22 pm
Here is more info and history on our Latin American foreign policy.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness . . . " 1

The Unalienable Rights possessed by All Life Forms by the nature of their existence as encompassed through their sovereignty over their own being:

Personal Security, Personal Liberty, Private Property.

Personal Security; All Life Forms have the right to defend their existence in any way necessary and possible.

Personal Liberty; All Life Forms have the right to do whatever they choose to do with their own person and property as long as they do not directly harm the person or property of any other Life Form.

Private Property; All Life Forms have the right to sell their personal services and acquire and possess private property
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 May, 2006 08:58 pm
How well does your hero Chavez do in protecting these rights of "the life forms" in Venezuela?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 May, 2006 11:18 pm
Amigo wrote:
Here is more info and history on our Latin American foreign policy.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness . . . " 1

The Unalienable Rights possessed by All Life Forms by the nature of their existence as encompassed through their sovereignty over their own being:

Personal Security, Personal Liberty, Private Property.

Personal Security; All Life Forms have the right to defend their existence in any way necessary and possible.

Personal Liberty; All Life Forms have the right to do whatever they choose to do with their own person and property as long as they do not directly harm the person or property of any other Life Form.

Private Property; All Life Forms have the right to sell their personal services and acquire and possess private property

America's actions in South America have often been appalling.

This does not make Chavez good.

Is this something you realize?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 May, 2006 01:56 am
georgeob1 wrote:
How well does your hero Chavez do in protecting these rights of "the life forms" in Venezuela?
I don't know. Chavez is not my hero and I am not a socialist.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 May, 2006 02:43 am
dlowan wrote:

America's actions in South America have often been appalling.

This does not make Chavez good.

Is this something you realize?

Yes, I realise that. I present information here. Extremely disturbing information that presents an overwhelming imminent critique.

Information that if excepted as truth literally seems to take the foundation of who we are and dissolves it as a lie leaving us with no foundation. This is not true. State sponsored terror is not an American invention. After World War II we came out on top and europe was f**ked up, we became the leaders of civilization. We vowed never to "not get envolved" again. We justified and engaged ideological war but it became something else. I tell myself that any people or country would do the same thing and justify it under any ideology, that that is the nature of men and thus the outcome of civilization. Men and their ideologies are corruptible by their own nature. But if I deny the truth then I truly have no foundation. I have made a journey. I have made a realization. I am a good American, I am a good person. I have made them the same thing.

The real Americas foundations are Jefferson, Tom Paine, John Locke, Samuel and john adams etc, etc. Everybody that sighned the declaration of independence and The Constitution.

If you can't test your ideals against the truth you have ****. That is why I am attacked. Others are unwilling to test their ideals and beliefs against the truth or they are afraid to admit what they have become.

What is the remedy to the human condition? capitalism? communism? christianity? Islam?

"There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance." -Socrates
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 May, 2006 03:23 am
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 May, 2006 04:40 am
blatham wrote:
BS george. He has an election and a referendum behind him. The burden falls upon you (or anyone else) to demonstrate how that process was so faulty as to be invalid.

The same could be said for President Bush also/

As a point of fact....Hitler was never elected to any position in the Govt.
He was APPOINTED Chancellor of Germany,then went on to become dictatir after the death of the German President.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 May, 2006 08:32 am
username, read your post. good point of veiw.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 May, 2006 01:54 am
Terrorism & Security
posted May 17, 2006 at 11:00 a.m.

US slaps arms sale ban on Venezuela

As ban chills relations further, Venezuelan general threatens to sell F-16s to Iran in response.

By Arthur Bright |

The US State Department banned sales of weapons to Venezuela on Monday, further widening the diplomatic gap between the two countries.
The BBC reports that the ban will include all military sales, including resale of weapons manufactured in other countries.

Washington has already put pressure on Spain and Brazil to halt their plans to supply military equipment - including aircraft - to Venezuela which contains some US technology.

However, the US has been unable to block a purchase by Venezuela of some 100,000 rifles from Russia. The guns have not yet been delivered.

The Associated Press reports that Venezuela purchased $33.9 million in US military equipment in 2005, $30.5 million of which was C-130 cargo plane spare parts. AP reports that it is spare parts, for the C-130 and other aircraft, that the ban will impact the most.

Continued at:

Venezuela previously bought 100,000 assault rifles and military helicopters from Russia.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 May, 2006 03:43 am
Amigo wrote:
If you can't test your ideals against the truth you have ****. That is why I am attacked. Others are unwilling to test their ideals and beliefs against the truth or they are afraid to admit what they have become.

With due respect for your sincere motivations, Amigo - this actual assertion is bull ****.

I mean, I cant speak for all others, but I am confident that many of us are well aware of the US and the CIA having done terrible things in Latin America. Easing along the Pinochet coup, training the Contras etc. George excepted, I think we can all agree on that, if not every specific case in the long list you brought.

That you are forwarding this, is NOT the reason you are being "attacked". The information you bring is hardly anything new.

But this thread is not about the long history of CIA involvement in Latin-American perversions of democracy. It is, quite specifically about Venezuela. Venezuela and Chavez's government there.

What you appear to be doing is deflecting any concrete reference to specific bad things Chavez has done by referring to the long history of even worse things the US has done. But two wrongs dont make a right, and the fact that "the other one" has done even worse things, dont make the bad things "this one" has done right.

Like Dlowan says:

America's actions in South America have often been appalling.

This does not make Chavez good.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 May, 2006 04:01 am
Amigo wrote:
Nimh, Why is Americas humans rights watch report "recommending that the Organization of American States ought to get involved and apply its Democratic Charter." and also recommends that the World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank should condition future loans on the government's implementation of the recommendations contained in the HRW report.

Washington based Human right watch;

World Bank?????
American Development Bank?????
American States apply Democratic charter????

What kind of human rights report is this? Laughing

Again I say what is propaganda?

As I expected.

Confronted with a quite specific list of concrete complaints about ways the Chavez government has violated or is violating human rights, you choose:

A) To ignore every single one of the concrete points and cases HRW made

B) To impugn the source instead.

Re: A)

Even if HRW would have been the lackey stooge organisation for American interests you imply it is, would it have made any difference to the actual cases these individual reports highlight?

Would it undo trials against dissidents, beatings of demonstrators, pakcing the Supreme Court with Chavez allies?

Do you have anything to say about any of those things, at all?

Re: B)

Moreover, to try to portray HRW as some kind of pro-American pro-imperialist stooge is a laugh.

Look up what HRW has to say about the US's own practices. In Iraq. In Guantanamo. Here, does this look like an American stooge organisation?

U.S.: Bush Should Close Guantanamo Now

President George W. Bush should shut the Guantanamo Bay detention facility now and not wait for a Supreme Court ruling.
May 9, 2006 Press Release

U.S.: Rumsfeld Potentially Liable for Torture
Defense Secretary Allegedly Involved in Abusive Interrogation

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld could be criminally liable for the torture of a detainee at Guantanamo Bay in late 2002 and early 2003, Human Rights Watch said today.
April 14, 2006 Press Release

Fabricated Justice: Guantanamo Four Years Later
By Katherine Newell Bierman, Counterterrorism Counsel , U.S. Program, Human Rights Watch

I have reached Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, but I am as cut off from the men imprisoned here as if I were still in Washington, D.C. The Pentagon has allowed Human Rights Watch to observe military commission proceedings, but we can't talk to any detainees - nor can the media, or anyone else who might report publicly what they say.

For the heck of it, look up what conservative posters here have said about HRW, whenever it came up with an uncomfortable report again. Yes, they chose to lambast the organisation as well. Just another liberal anti-Bush UN-stooge lobby club!

Yes, you can go stand in their corner now - in the corner of those who choose to dismiss the organisation as obviously partisan as soon as it dares criticize the government of your preference.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 May, 2006 01:59 pm
I agree so much on what nimh has said, he's now on my signature line.

BTW, where is blatham?
I do care about his opinion on this issue.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 May, 2006 02:12 pm
wait till Dag sees that..
fbaezer wrote:
I agree so much on what nimh has said, he's now on my signature line.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 May, 2006 04:27 pm
Nimh, I don't know why you think you can you can "get me" some how. Now I will answer every one of your questions. How many of my questions have been answered in this thread?. You say

A.) I ignore the concrete casses the thr HRW makes.

Re: A)

Even if HRW would have been the lackey stooge organization for American interests you imply it is, would it have made any difference to the actual cases these individual reports highlight?

Answer. Yes, your source matters. Who is Chavez in a cold war with? The U.S.. Why in the hell would you show me a Human rights report from the U.S. about Chavez. I read Amnesty International report about Chavez and Venezuela.

Chavez's enemies Human rights report on Chavez?

Here is a link to a thread about china criticizing Americas Human rights record. Laughing (see my reply next post to topic)

Shell consider Israels human rights record on Palistine or Palestine human rights record on Israel. Does it make a difference to the actual cases. All human rights casses matter as the sources credibility and motive in exploiting those casses.

Would it undo trials against dissidents, beatings of demonstrators, pakcing the Supreme Court with Chavez allies?

Answer. No

Do you have anything to say about any of those things, at all? Yes. But I am tired of typing right now. Will you answer two of my questions.

Why is the World Bank, American Development Bank and application of an American States Democratic charter suggested as a cure to the Human rights problem considering they are the biggest pepetuators of Human rights violations in Latin America? (do I really have to post all the crap again about the School of the Americas, American Corparate interest, Death squads, Jhon Stockwell, etc, etc?)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 May, 2006 06:21 pm
Amigo wrote:
Nimh, I don't know why you think you can you can "get me" some how.

I'm not trying to "get you"; there's no conspiracy. In fact, since you already kindly told Fbaezer that you didnt really consider him "one of you", I'll point out that barring George, you're actually mostly in the company of fellow-leftists here.

Thats why the info you bring about past CIA misdeeds is hardly news to us. Though Dlowan and I both, I am guessing, have nothing in the way of Fbaezer's actually heroic past, affinities have, I'm sure, largely been the same. I was taken to events of the Netherlands-Chile Solidarity Committee (or whatever it was called, exactly) age 7, and age 11 wrote a strident paper about the Nicaraguan Sandinista revolution and the threat of the imperialist Contra thugs.

I'm only bringing up such childnesses to show that it is hardly because we are not aware or unwilling to face up to the "truths" about CIA evilnesses that we "attack" you; we know about those well enough already. We criticize your assertions (which is quite something else) because we fundemantally disagree with you that all the complaints brought about Chavez's human rights violations can be as easily dismissed by assumptions of partisan smearing or references to the CIA's greater evil as you are doing.

What I've done is merely addressed your points as they came up, and presented my reaction to them, at least trying to give concrete examples. But, if you want to know what I think the problem is with your approach here, rather than with that of Chavez in Venezuela, then this is something I wrote earlier today that I didnt post (because I'd posted more than enough already).:

My problem is that what I see you doing here, Amigo, is, perhaps in something of a defensive cramp, to very selectively pick and choose what pieces of info you follow up on or accept. And the only criterium you seem to apply is simply whether a piece of info is favourable or unfavourable to Chavez's government.

If the info is favourable to Chavez, you seem to accept it at face value. If the info is unfavourable, you either dismiss it out of hand, or, at least, proactively go to search the web for any indication or argument to prove the info can be dismissed.

The problem is that this is not the way to best find out the facts of the matter at hand; it is merely a defensive strategy to get rid of facts that dont suit your point. Consequently, it leads you to some strange places, and the Human Rights Watch post is a prime example in question.

Human Rights Watch is one of the most strident as well as authoritative human rights advocacy organisations. Human Rights Watch criticizes any government it sees violating human rights, whether left or right, West or east or north or south. Again, look at what HRW has published about US practices, about Iraq. This is no conservative stooge organisation.

But, apparently unaware of this, you chose to merely dip into the info about HRW on the web until you found the first quote that seemed usable for dismissing it as source, posted it, and thats the end of that for you, mission fulfilled. But working like this, obviously the "mission" in question no longer is to find out the facts of what happened in the cases the HRW items describe, but merely to swat them away as an uncomfortable intrusion, a 'political attack' .

For the record: HRW is almost as well known as Amnesty, but is indeed more strident in following up. Instead of asking its supporters to write letters, it does indeed recommend what political actions can be undertaken to pressure the human rights violator in question, whoever it is. Intergovernmental agencies are the first stop, of course. If the items were about a European country, it might suggest action undertaken by the EU or OSCE or Council of Europe or European Regional Development Bank. For Venezuela, the OAS is the first stop. The relevant point here being that I dont see how this makes much of any point re: either HRW's reliability or the issues on Chavez'z Venezuela its individual alerts raised.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 May, 2006 06:54 pm
Amigo wrote:
Answer. Yes, your source matters. Who is Chavez in a cold war with? The U.S.. Why in the hell would you show me a Human rights report from the U.S. about Chavez. I read Amnesty International report about Chavez and Venezuela.

So - am I understanding you correctly - you are discounting Human Rights Watch because it's based in the US? Any source based in the US can not be trusted?

Do you realise that this would also include, say, SOA Watch, which you have quoted and linked in extensively above (that's PO Box 4566, Washington)?

And Amnesty International, that's based in Tony Blair's UK, Bush's obediant poodle ally. How's that any better?

This is, of course, a non-argument. Fact is, that HRW is an independent human rights organisation, not connected to the US government, not connected to the US political parties, and that it has fiercely criticized governments of rightwing and leftwing persuasion alike, whenever it noted human rights abuses.

Fact is, that the same Human Rights Watch has been fiercely critical of US governments, the Bush Jr. one not least. I already brought a bunch of links in which HRW criticizes the Bush administration's abuses of human rights in Guantanamo as stridently as it did Chavez's human rights violations.

So what is your point here? If you do see this all simply as one big fight between the US and Venezuela, HRW is obviously not part of the US side - its on the fence. Much, in fact, like most of your fellow-posters here. Wouldnt that be a POV you'd want to consider rather than dismiss immediately?

Amigo wrote:
Why is the World Bank, American Development Bank and application of an American States Democratic charter suggested as a cure to the Human rights problem considering they are the biggest pepetuators of Human rights violations in Latin America? (do I really have to post all the crap again about the School of the Americas, American Corparate interest, Death squads, Jhon Stockwell, etc, etc?)

The World Bank, an intergovernmental institution of 184 countries, has now somehow merged into one fluid whole with the US's School of the Americas and the death squads it trained? I have not agreed with many of the World Bank's policies either - I think they're too neo-liberal, though not half as much as those of the IMF, with which the WB has an often strenuous relationship. But this careless plumping together of everything you associate with the West one way or another, as one sorta unified kind of being is - what?

Furthermore, you are not reading the very quote you brought here yourself correctly. Nowhere did the HRW suggest the World Bank and the OAS "as a cure to the Human rights problem". This is what you quoted:

"[the] humans rights watch report [is] "recommending that the Organization of American States ought to get involved and apply its Democratic Charter" and also recommends that the World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank should condition future loans on the government's implementation of the recommendations contained in the HRW report."

All HRW here suggests re: the World Bank is that, as long as the government does not stop violating human rights, intergovernmental institutes like the World Bank should not give it further loans.

Seems straightforward to me. What exactly do you object to in the proposition that international organisations should not lend money to governments that violate human rights? You can bet HRW suggests the same kind of approach to rightwing governments that violate human rights.

Otherwise, basically - lest I repeat myself - my answer to your question is in the last paragraph of my previous post.

Now, if we can get beyond the knee-jerk reaction of impugning the source, I hope you will still also get round to actually addressing the warnings about concrete human rights violations in Chavez's Venezuela that were listed in those HRW items.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 May, 2006 07:39 pm
Nimh, When I say "get me" I would have hoped it would not be used to imply that I might believe everything is a conspiracy. I think you are mistaken in quoting me as tell fbaever I don't consider him one of me"one of you". I am not on a side. I think people would like to paint a picture of me as to dicredit and dismiss what I am saying. I do not align myself with "Leftist". I cannot be labeled or put into a group inless you or others choose to.

I see people here building a case against Chavez but when I present relevant information I become a "conspiracy" nut living in a "fantasy" world instead of adding that information into the pool of things to to be considered when understanding Chavez and Venezuela.

If you dismiss the history of American intervention in Latin America (Training Death squads, propaganda, assassinations, bribes, etc, etc) then both me and Chavez DO look nuts.

I have to cut this short like I did my last post and will take up where I left off.

I still have this to answer to:


"Do you have anything to say about any of those things, at all?

Re: B)

Moreover, to try to portray HRW as some kind of pro-American pro-imperialist stooge is a laugh.

Look up what HRW has to say about the US's own practices. In Iraq. In Guantanamo. Here, does this look like an American stooge organisation? "


And then some. I have alot to say on what you are presenting to me.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 May, 2006 07:55 pm
username, read your post. good point of veiw. To bad so many poor had to wait so long. Whatever good Chavez has done was done despite very powerful opposition.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 May, 2006 09:04 pm
Chavez' help for the poor of Venezuela will be every bit as ephemeral and illusory as that of Juan Peron for the poor of Argentina. Give him five more years and it will take Venezuela more than a generation to recover.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 19 May, 2006 02:10 am
0 Replies

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