tagged_lyricist wrote:yeah okay but one thing I need to come clean about here, not so long ago I hit him (well punched him) so hard that he got welts on his arm, he never did antyhing about that. I mean I believe that there's a little bit of sickness here. I don't think it's the violence that scares me but rather my attitude towards it.
some time ago you hit him on the arm, so he can later hit you 4 times, enough to cause you to stumble?
I'm not buying the "fairness" of that. It's one thing to lose your cool and hit someone once; it's another thing to strike them a few times, and almost knock them down o_O
Your behaviour does NOT make his A-OK.
And well, you already know that you can't save him by now. Trust me, I've tried it so many times, and each time I was just left over and burned at the end. Losing your pride and self-respect for a downward spiral-er is never worth it. If he isn't open and willing to change himself for the better, no amount of sweet words you say will ever, ever do it. He will not "see the light" and become a new man unless HE discovers how he can. And judging from what you've said thus far, that is something that may never come, so don't bank on it happening.