<Shoves Yankees cap over littlek's head, covering her eyes...begins beating her with a big fat sunday edition of the NYTimes>
>Aquiunk puzzeled by the ruckus pokes his head in and looks around<
Well I'll be danged, there is something the other side of the Hudson
>walks away shaking his head in amazement and mumbling:<.
[size=7]Not that it matters though [/size]
I was lulled into a false state of victory!
I'm too tired to fight. I'll just pack my things and go.
Alright! One down!
<Smiling as he watches littlek slither away with her tail between her legs>
i'm a native noo yawkah, can i stay?
Yeah, Region, I like you. You can stay. But you must give me a name of one fellow Bostoner that we can kick out to live in exile with littlek.
nope! can't do it.
won't sacrifice one of my beantown brethren.
lillk's on her own...
Come on, dammit!!! Throw somebody under the bus!!! I won't tell anybody it was you, I promise...it'll be our little secret.
Rides in on her horse, jumps off and throws Kicky in front of a bus. Picks his limp body off the ground and throws him under another bus. Jumps back on her horse and tramples him several times and rides off into the sunset.
sounds like that problem was taken care of. so, now that kicky's done gone, tell me my fellow cityzens, who have you recruited since our last secret meeting?
I haven't made quota. Again.
tsk tsk tsk. hang your head in shame! roommates, neighbors, grandmother's cousins, we'll take anyone.
....oops, is the door closed?
er. uh.
When did you take that photo of the seaweed wig?
ummm, yeah. that photo. about a year and half ago, in portland, maine. let me tell you the whole story of that trip since that's why everybody's here staring at us... getting closer.... growling quietly i think...
maybe i'll tell you over coffe? i really feel like climbing out into the street through that window there...do you concur?
I was in Portland, Maine, about a year and a half ago. Quite an experience. Looking for a motel in that godforsaken city at 2 in the morning wasn't fun. I'll have to tell you about it some time.