Sat 12 Feb, 2005 04:09 pm
I think something needs to be done. There are just too many damned Bostonians on this site. It reminds me of when I had cockroaches in my apartment. First I saw one, then there were a couple more I noticed not too long after, but soon, they were everwhere! INFESTATION! We have reached this point now with the Boston people on A2K. We need to get rid of some of them. We need to kick some of them out! But who should go? I'll leave it up to you good people to decide who goes first.
Yeah...why stop at Boston.? Kick out the whole bleeding-heart-liberal Massachusians.
Why, 2 more joined up today. Pretty soon we'll be overrun.
You're right Panzade! Massachusetts must go!
Sounds to me like we have a bitter Yankees fan???????
Does it count for anything my in-laws live probably a few blocks from you. I visit there.. Just so I can go to Dallas BBQ
Say. While we're at it. How bout NY city?
aww panzade
I liked you 30 seconds ago
Okay, Don, you're exempt on that technicality, but the rest of you Bostoner's...your time is short here!!! Pack your things, people!
I'm tired of all those lurid tales of bar hopping and falling down drunk escapades
Screw that Panzade. New York is in for good. Florida might be on the future target list though.
Stand fast men (and women). They shall not pass. Just because Bostonians recognize the qualities of this wonderful site you want to smite us. You should instead recognize we're more discerning than the rest of you. So there!
Now I know why I like you kicky
Now Blatham's even hangin round NY city. Let's get rid of that group.
bobsmythhawk wrote:Stand fast men (and women). They shall not pass. Just because Bostonians recognize the qualities of this wonderful site you want to smite us. You should instead recognize we're more discerning than the rest of you. So there!
Aaargh! They're everywhere! Quick get the Raid!
Quote:Stand fast men (and women). They shall not pass. Just because Bostonians recognize the qualities of this wonderful site you want to smite us. You should instead recognize we're more discerning than the rest of you. So there!
bobsmythhawk is you a local too ????
Wear your location proudly brother
Kicky. You of course get a pass. But the rest? There's a worm in the Big Apple. We gotta exterminate it.
No way, we actually need MORE New Yorkers! And female New Yorkers especially. And female New Yorkers in the age range of 30-37, especially.
Wanna get rid of McG? Extend the swath out to Albany and Rochester.
Actually I like McG. We also need more New York women in their early 20s who like older men. Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket...
I wanna know where one gets the best Boston Baked Beans ?
Quote:No way, we actually need MORE New Yorkers! And female New Yorkers especially. And female New Yorkers in the age range of 30-37, especially
Maybe a new pic post with available women from NY ages 30-37 is in order ?