old europe wrote:Brandon,
you are right. I think it's definitely possible to either smuggle components for a weapon into the US (or any western country), or obtain them and assemble one within the States - like McVeigh and very probably the anthrax attacks have proven. (I don't want to make a point here. Because you're probably going to argue "But the anthrax came from Iraq" or something. Honestly, I don't care were it came from.)
So, given the 98% chance I would have as a Dr. Evil to smuggle a nuke into the States (and this doesn't seem to change within a 'reasonable' amount of time) - wouldn't it be smarter if the States just wouldn't PISS THE REST OF THE WORLD OFF?
Well, it would depend what it would require for us to accomplish that. If we had to never use our military, help them destroy Israel, accept Islam unquestioningly, become as poor as they are so they won't feel jealous, etc., it is not a price I am willing to pay,
old europe wrote:Brandon - why do you think anybody would call the US the 'big Satan'? What possible reasons could he have for that? And why do so many people around the globe hate the US?
I'm not talking about some dictator madmen. Just take a week off, travel to El Salvador (or Nicaragua or Panama or Chile or Bolivia or Columbia, you have it) and talk to people in the streets.
First of all, you have given no statistics as to who hates us and doesn't and I won't accept your musings as evidence. However, as to why those who hate us do, here are some thoughts:
1. In his manifesto, published soon after 9/11, Osama bin Laden tells the West that one of his principle objections to us is that we refuse to convert unquestioningly to Islam. Also, I heard the results of a questionnaire given to people in the Middle East about how they regard the US. Of the people who said that they don't like us, the most frequent reason cited was our sexual promiscuity.
2. I am sure that a big, big part of the dislike for us is motivated by jealousy.
3. The Middle Easterners have information sources like "Al Jazeera" lying to them all the time.
4. They see our culture supplanting theirs and are frightened.
5. Many of those who hate us are Muslims who believe that Islam should be mandatory.
6. Perhaps some clue could be taken from al-Zarqawi who recently published an opinion that democracy was immoral.
7. Our support of Israel against fanatics who blow up noncombatants in public places with nail bombs.
old europe wrote:Imagine if the US had instead spent the very same 150,000,000,000 US$ on, uhhh... fighting hunger in the world. Announce a 'war on hunger' (as this seems to be term a lot of Americans obviously can identify with). 'Kill' hunger in the world within 4 years. Nobody will starve to death.
Do you think the States would become a target because they were LOVED too much? I don't think so.
Alright, let me imagine it. First of all we have already given a lot of aid to the world and it didn't produce much love, but lets say that we give this aid instead of invading Iraq and some people start to love us. Then, two years later, Saddam Hussein launches a new invasion/annexation of Iraq, but tells the world that he now has nukes and bioweapons that will be used if anyone tries to stop him. Next he annexes Saudi Arabia, etc.
old europe wrote:Brandon, you are a cold warrior. You are talking about preemptive strikes and wars and invasions, and about retaliation.
On the contrary. There is a fundamental and important difference between the Cold War and the present. During the cold War WMD were pretty much only obtainable by a few large, powerful countries which, if not exactly nice, were at least sane and followed generally risk averse policies. In this situation, Mutual Assured Destruction was still workable.
old europe wrote:As if this was about fighting other countries. It is not. Terror networks don't have a territory to loose, they don't fight a war, you can't invade them, and once they have been successful you can't retaliate, because they are already dead...
It is about both other countries (certain ones) obtaining WMD and terrorists obtaining WMD. Both are real dangers. You are correct that once a terrorst strike is successful, you can't retaliate because they are dead. All the more reason to kill them before they strike.