parados wrote:When you guys can name ONE crime that Saddam committed in the last 5 years or one person he gassed in that time frame. Then perhaps you can attack my analogy.
Frankly, your five year limit is completely artificial. The point is that Saddam Hussein is a known murderer and torturer of millions. However, there is no shortage of recent atrocities:
Quote:Saddam Hussein's regime has carried out frequent summary executions, including...At least 130 Iraqi women were beheaded between June 2000 and April 2001.
parados wrote:But to claim that he has a weapon that can kill 100,000 people with one shot shows how far out of touch with reality you really are.
I didn't. Why am I not surprised that your argument is based on misrepresenting my opinions? I claimed that there was uncertainty that he had abandoned such weapons.
parados wrote:The fact of the matter is that there was no evidence of Saddam using a weapon that was banned after they were banned.
But there is considerable evidence of Iraq lying to and misleading inspectors for years, and there was considerable uncertainty that he had destroyed his WMD and WMD programs, which is odd, since it would have been easy to prove he had destroyed them and he wanted sanctions lifted.
parados wrote:Gee let me rephrase my analogy. I know my neighbor had a machine gun before machine guns were illegal but he never proved to me he got rid of it after it was illegal for him to have it. Ergo.. I can KILL him.
Bad analogy again. The proper analogy is that my neighbor is a known mass murderer and had machine guns at one time that were of a special type that could kill tens of thousands with the firing of a single bullet. He was working on improved machine guns which could kill hundreds of thousands with one bullet. He claims he has given them up, but has no proof, and is, by the way, a well known liar. Negotiation has produced no conclusive evidence of his compliance. Ergo...I can inspect his house whether he likes it or not.
parados wrote:Funny how when I put it in those terms it makes Bush's attack of Iraq sound silly. But you don't dare admit that it WAS because you would have to admit you backed the wrong horse.
It sounds silly only because of your bad analogies. The horse I back is my own mind's assessment of the situation.
parados wrote:Gee.. then when my neighbor offers to let me search his house. I should stop searching halfway through the search because he denies he still has the machine gun. Even though the ongoing search has revealed nothing I should still kill him.
We played cat and mouse with Iraq regarding inspections for years. The Iraqis were caught in numerous lies and often prevented inspectors from touring certain facilities until they could be sanitized. On more than one occasion, Iraqi officials forcibly prvented UNSCOM pilots from flying over certain sites. We played with Hussein for long enough. We didn't want to give him an infinite amount of time to perfect his weapons while he dragged out inspections.
parados wrote:Then after I kill him I can claim I only wanted to release his family from his tyranny and it was never about the machine gun to begin with. Or maybe I can claim that my neighbor embezzeled some money and that was the reason. Or whatever other excuse you want to come up with this week for why we went into Iraq.
Dang, I didn't realize lying was a reason to overthrow a govt. When do we start the revolution here?
Are you claiming that the Iraqis weren't actually living in tyranny??? We went into Iraq to insure that he had no WMD or WMD programs. We did not go into Iraq to free his hideously oppressed people. That's just something that it was nice to be able to do while there.