Ticomaya wrote:As I recall our discussion, you and your ilk are claiming G/G is not a "real" journalist because he has not followed the fictitious rules you feel apply to that vocation. You apparently believe there is some formal educational requirement before one can be considered a "real" journalist, a la the requirements imposed upon certain professions, such as doctors, lawyers, accountants, etc. Hell, even truck drivers require a license.
But I do not believe there are any such requirements, and when I ask you to tell me where I can find them, instead of doing the appropriate thing - admit you don't know of any such rules and are simply making this all up as you go along - you suggest I should research that myself.
The fact that neither you nor I can find anything to suggest there are any such rules imposed upon "real" journalists is in no way conclusive of the fact than none exist, but I would submit that it is evidence in support of my proposition, and certainly not supportive of yours.
I am under no compunction whatsoever, your sneering condescension aside, to "prove" to you that credentials, education, training etc., exist and are mandatory for the field of journalism.
If you can take as faith the existence of a God in Heaven you are certainly capable of accepting that said credentials exist for journalists. Your stubborn refusal to do so suggests a petulant recalcitrance that "proof" is going to be difficult -- more likely, impossible -- to overcome. I stopped playing these "find me proof" games years ago for precisely this reason (these exchanges, for your information, date to the earliest days of online discussion fora of this type, including this one).
There are, likewise, no listings of bonafides you could Google up for the job description of 'astronaut' either, and yet those who would select the men and women to perform this task know precisely what they are looking for in a potential one.
It is as simple as this, and you know it: Try to get a job in the field with a legitimate source without them, and you'll quickly discover what they are. (If you must have some concrete listing then I suggest you might begin by inquiring at the Columbia School of Journalism. And that's all the hint you're going to get from me.)
That Jimmy/Jeff maintained his escort services websites while he was "beginning his career in journalism" is all anyone should need to understand how well his new 'career' was going.
Tell you what, Tico: you find another 'journalist' who also has web pages that offer himself/herself as an escort for hire, complete with nude photos and descriptions similar to "8 inches cut" and "I don't leave marks, I leave impressions", and I'm prepared to take it all back and call Bulldog a journalist.
The real issue (again, and why the thread's title was revised) is the fact that the Talon Newses and the Fox News Channels and the Townhalls and the Newsmaxes and the Armstrong Williamses and all of the rest of the conservative propaganda organs have
lowered the standard. In this light, it's no wonder you don't believe that credentials exist for journalists.
And the corporate media -- the ones with the proper bonafides -- have
allowed it to happen with their own fawning obsequiousness to those in power. They have only themselves to blame.
Recently C-Span televised a panel discussion on the legacy of Watergate that was held at the University of Texas on February 4th. In addition to examining the role of the press in uncovering the Watergate scandal, the panel, led by Carl Bernstein and including Anthony Lewis and Bob Schieffer, discussed the state of today's media. After denouncing Bill O'Reilly, Crossfire, Geraldo Rivera, and Matt Drudge, Carl Bernstein announced that at bottom
it was the public's fault for not playing closer attention to the more traditional news sources, which presumably still qualify as a voice of truth in the wilderness of bloggers and cable TV.
Judith Miller's cheerleading coverage of Bush's march to war in the New York Times? The unwillingness on the part of either network or print media to ask tough questions and engage in investigative reporting in the runup to, and the aftermath of, a war waged on false pretenses? Bob Novak's collusion in the Valerie Plame affair? Little of those embarrassing events was mentioned by the traditional media titans.
And that sad set of consequences still fails to justify the reprehensible conduct of people like Gannon/Guckert, his enablers in the White House, and his apologists like you.
Gannon's no journalist and never will be. Fox News might, though, consider hiring him to rub Bill O'Reilly's back with a loofah every night after The Factor.
This needs to be the end of this digression.