Yes. I see the light too. That darn Tim Russert and his nosey questions, why he can't just focus on the good these people do is beyond me. And if all the media would just get behind the President and push his ideas,
why we could even pay them to do that I guess, then so many of the difficulties of governing would simply
disappear. Sadly, so many in the press don't see it that way.
and there is this:
Quote:Well Joe, the folks who were there, good or bad, no doubt know more than you or I will ever know. I don't think they can be cut out of the picture when it comes to getting the story straight.
emphasis mine.
It seems a small thing. You shrug and say well, they were there, so they must know more then we will ever know but, if I thought that I would never read another page of history.
The people who were there suffer the circumstance of being in the midst of events they do not yet know the meaning of. We, who follow them, read their words, see their actions on tape and film , hear what they said in public (and sometimes in private), we who follow them will bear witness to the truth or falseness of their lives.
It is we who will know and understand much more than the participants ever realized and it is we who must be honest with ourselves and with history, otherwise we will be as myopic as those who were there and just as blind to the truth, but that won't be the fault of either history or it's participants, it will be ours alone.
These were bad men. They tried to steal your country. If you ignore this lesson of history, you will allow some other thieves to gather.
Ah. Too late.
Joe(History is written by the victors, rewritten by the Joes.)Nation