dlowan wrote:No - but it is a pity to see silly, tired, insults posted. Especially when even Bushco are attempting a different approach.
I assume that comment is directed at me.
As we've had our fair share of flag-draped coffins locally, I find little to laugh about in that situation, and I find the duplicity of the French (and yes, their German poodle) nauseating. Personally, I don't view the Iraq War as a trumped-up search for WMD, as revenge for the attempt on George I's life, as an oil grab, or any of the other tired and silly reasons concocted by the American left and its cheerleaders across the globe. Many here (I'm assuming at least 51% based on the last election) look at that conflict as a line in the sand to preserve a way of life -- a way of life shared in Europe and, I've heard, even Australia.
As these people understand nothing but force, I also believe the current European diplomatic initiative in Iran is doomed. Of course the French have readied their escape chute on that, too, insisting that American support is necessary for its success. When it fails, guess who will be blamed.
It's sad when the personal hatred for one American president blinds so many to political realities.
That is truly silly, tired & insulting.