Foxfyre wrote:Dlowan, we are still having a reasonable discussion. It's just that Lash and I weren't "PC" in having it tonight.
OK, now I'm really confused. How was the way you and Lash were having this discussion tonight "un-PC" according to the definitions you just supplied us with?
Because you offended political sensibilities?
I dont know, you didnt seem to offend any sensibilities last night until that remark; and while Lash was offensive, it was not particularly my (or dlowans, I'm guessing) "political" sensibilities she offended, let alone "as in matters of sex or race" - so I dont see how "un-PC" in your earlier definition would apply here. She's just being rude, or not "courteous", to use your words.
You'll agree that she wasn't courteous, I assume. But in her case I am guessing you think it was OK, cause she was "speaking the truth", and if you're "speaking the truth", you can be rude about it (sorry: bold-spoken), cause then it's just a question of being "un-PC"? But dont we always think the people we happen to agree with are speaking the truth? So doesnt that just make it OK to be rude - or just "un-PC" - for anyone
we agree with - but not for the others? How you gonna avoid that kind of double standard?
Like, I dunno - when Lash is rude, its un-PC, but when, I dunno, PDiddie is rude, he's ... just rude? What if PDiddie posts one of his cartoons in which he maligns Rice or Coulter or whoever, making ample play of their being woman and/or black? Then he's offending political sensibilities in terms of race and/or sex, even, specifically, right? Doesn't that make him, according to the very definitions you gave, quite literally "un-PC"? And if not, what change in the dictionary definition you supplied us with would you propose to make it exclude his cartoons, or the belief on the part of conservatives that he shouldn't be posting such crap?
See, you did come up with a working definition yesterday that one could at least use as the basis of a discussion - I pointed out where the very definition you supplied could easily be applied to the Christian pressure groups when they work to "eliminate" TV programme sthat offend
their political or religious sensibilities, for example - but now you seem to revert to using it as a .. dooddoener. (Whats that in English? Non-sequitur, I'm thinking. But my dictionary says "bromide". Either, I suppose.)
Only way to avoid it becoming a label thats applied at will on the basis of political loyalty would be to find a definition that conforms with how you apply it. In that light, how would you revise the definitions you gave us earlier?