It must be the shaved genitalia.
It didn't grow back yet?
Or should we be callin' ya Patches?
He he he...actually it did grow back. I have even thought about trimming it up lately! My god, I'm like a damn ape.
Kickycan - the existential ape.
I think we may have a best seller there.
I need a pic of kicky...I can't remember what thread it was on?
david ives already did existential apes in a short play. apes, typewriters, masturbation. typical afternoon around neverland...
oh, nevermind.
oh crap. Please don't pick an ugly one. know the cool thing about that pic is that you can play, "find the obscenity" with it.
Hehe...I need some time to fix it up.
and the new yawk get-together ones start here
oh, we've got a bit of time
and the schvitzing will be good for the kixster
I have it ready...any idea where I can upload it?
I like imageshack, pretty hospitable site - or you can email it to me, and I can do the imageshack honours
I might have to go find a good pic of ehBeth for my Easter avatar. Anyone know where would I find a good one?
I have seen some when she was a little girl...can't remember what thread.
How about the brief case one?