How do you get him to stop humping your leg, though?
Topic over here...
The Right Rev. James Dobson aims his finely tuned gaydar at the cultural landscape and Spongebob Squarepants comes up gay-positive?
Dobson might want to recalibrate; last I checked, sea sponges were hermaphroditic. Technically, I think that would make Mr. Squarepants bi (or at the very least, bi-curious).
Frankly, I'm surprised Dr. Homophobe didn't go after, oh, Bert & Ernie. They seem much gayer to me. Or Tinky Winky, that nasty little purple purse-carrying PBS faggot. I'm guessing they were spared because they're friends with newly-crowned RNC Chair Ken Mehlman, who is a prim, thirty-something confirmed bachelor and is absolutely, positively not gay.
And as long as Bush has his Christian Soldiers kicking turds like this around, nobody has to think about US-sanctioned torture, or our soldiers and Iraqis being blown to pieces every day, or even the hijacking of Social Security.
How conveeenient.
Bert and Ernie where not as you refer to them as "gay" (God what an awful word.) Rather they were patterned after the Piels Beer commercials aired in the greater New York area during the fifties and sixties. No, I am certain it will make some people unhappy to know this but the Piels lads were not gay. Plus. They were played by Bob and Ray (Bob Elliot and Ray Goulding) a comedy duo.
I have seen Bob and Ray and they appeared to be normal.
Yep, Tinky-Winky was turning kids queer. He was a large purple space-alien with no genitalia, but a hand-bag (presumably that's where he kept it). This is after the shocking news that Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street were fags too! Apparently these 'long-time companions' had the complicity of a biased media on their side.
Bigears and Noddy? When Adam was a pup!
More shameful cartoon homo-erotica...
-Fred and Barney: 'We'll have a gay, old time!'
-Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd: he's butch ('Wascal') and Bugs cross-dwessed for him
-Velma from 'Sccoby-Doo'
-The entire 'Sailor Moon' thing - lipstick lezos or what?
-Batman and Robin - his 'ward', named 'Dick' (as in 'I'll be getting Dick later')
How could you have overlooked Marcy and Peppermint Patty?
What a coupla bull dykes.
You guys are cruel! I hope you aren't passing this stuff onto the kiddies. They will become disillusioned.
I laugh about the character carrying the handbag. It was not too long ago that some gay fashionist proclaimed that it was now "quite common" for men to be seen carrying handbags. Oh? Backpacks maybe but handbags? I don't think so.
How can we disturb the kiddies when it's those nut-jobs wielding the hatchet?
Just in folks, a new Cartoon conspiracy to turn all children queer!
Quote:But one day Buster Baxter visited a farm in Vermont to learn about harvesting maple syrup. His hosts on Sugartime! were a lesbian couple and their children. Although the parents remained in the background - as they do in all of Buster's travels - their very appearance on children's TV was too much for US Education Secretary, Margaret Spelling.
She wrote to the president of PBS this week, saying: "Many parents would not want their young children exposed to the lifestyles portrayed in the episode."
Yes, it starts not by embracing the homosexual lifestyle, but by acknowledging that
they may be human!
To funny Mr. Stillwater, tooooooo funny!
Jack Webbs wrote:To funny Mr. Stillwater, tooooooo funny!

Sometimes I don't know whether to laugh, cry or dent a wall with my head Jack! These folks seem to require enemies to make there day seem worthwhile. Maple syrup farmers in Vermont, with the subtle message of 'Become gay' - the deviousness of it is breathtaking.
OK dammit, if "maple-sugaring" isn't already some lesbian sexual slang, then we need to make it one.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
PDiddie wrote:OK dammit, if "maple-sugaring" isn't already some lesbian sexual slang, then we need to make it one.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
That is NOT a solution, P-did!!
Slightly risque, but still not a solution.
I had one on this morning while reading the paper and waiting for President Bush to speak. This guy has been on TV for many years. I like to think people must be going through a phase when they are drawn to that guy. They eventually tire of him, move onto something else and a new group of people going through their phase listen to him for awhile. I don't believe people would get up every Sunday morning and go to the place just to listen to him year in and year out. Could be wrong.
Apparently if the fancy trappings are any indication, this Rev. was set for life many years ago. He really has a business rather than a congregation. I believe.
Mr Stillwater wrote:Sometimes I don't know whether to laugh, cry or dent a wall with my head Jack! These folks seem to require enemies to make there day seem worthwhile. Maple syrup farmers in Vermont, with the subtle message of 'Become gay' - the deviousness of it is breathtaking.
Margaret Spelling and James Dobson aren't the only ones kicking up a stink. They have good company in the Family Research Council.
Look how far these good folks are willing to go to root out the gay agenda wherever it may be hiding:
Quote:A "homosexuality detection expert" at the similarly conservative Family Research Council told the NY Times that words like "tolerance" and "diversity" are part of a "coded language that is regularly used by the homosexual community."
That's right; a
homosexuality detection expert.
(This news flash comes to us courtesy of New Zealand's
National Business Review, incidentally.)
Just out of curiosity, how does one get a job as a homosexuality detection expert?
I mean, obviously you're going to need a few years' experience and a degree from homosexuality detection college, but it's not the kind of job you see advertised in the paper. This is one of those "it's not
what you know, it's
who you know" jobs, right?
It is very foolish. Any adult that is not able to detect a homosexual without special training is not very smart at all. It is interesting these people point out the words "tolerance" and "diversity" as code words used by homosexuals.
Most of the people I know that use these words along with "compassion" and "multicultual" are Liberals that of course sympathize with the homosexuals but most of them are straight.
My interest span becomes lost if I happen to be speaking with someone or reading something sprinkled with these words. Although I understand what they mean, they are not included in my working vocabulary. I rarely use them. Not because I fear being mistaken for a queer but because I just don't have much use for them.
Has anyone ever noticed the similarities between the religious channels and the shopping channels? They're eerily similar. Both are trying to seel a lot of junk, but very effectively.
The fact that Dobson and the Sec'y of Education are on the same bigoted page is very scary. This, too, I'm sure, shall pass, but what a disaster for our country.
I didn't realize we even had a new Secretary of Education until I saw a photo of her talking about the cartoon thing. It is about time we had somebody there that does little more than take up space.
I am modestly optimistic she will turn things in the other direction like Gale Norton, our Secretary of The Interior seems to be quietly doing. :wink:
If criticizing cartoon rabbits is your idea of a positive change in direction, Jack, I think you may in luck...
Quote:A "homosexuality detection expert" at the similarly conservative Family Research Council told the NY Times that words like "tolerance" and "diversity" are part of a "coded language that is regularly used by the homosexual community."
Homosexuality Detection Expert = Witchhunter.
Same malice, same exclusive revelations, same slavering menace.