binnyboy wrote:It would have justified sexual advances toward me.
Bull. You wanting something does not necessarily justify it.
No, it is not. It's not even a subject about which you could declare fact. All you have established is that you had an inordinate libido as a child and that you think sating it justifies pedophilic sex.
Quote:It would have been much appreciated.
As a kid I would have really appreciated my own gun, or better yet a nuke.
That does not mean an adult would have been justified in providing it to me.
Quote:Thou canst speakest for thineself, as I speakest for mine own.
Don't use "canst speakest" together. The first part of your sentence should be (assuming we just agree that the feinged tongue is appropriate): "Thou canst speak for thyself." Note: not "thineself".
The second part should be "as I speak for mine own."