Psssst: I hate to tell them, but when I was at DLIWC in 1967-68 the language classes were crawling with gay guys. They hung out with each other and we straights never much cared what or who they did.
They got invited to all the good motel parties because they seemed to have the best acid in California, and if you needed an in to get you into a place like Doc's or (I think it was called ) the Pony (I never went) one of them could get you in. (Not the Red Pony down on the docks, that was just another beer bar.)
Anyway, everyone looking to get their codeword clearances was asked numerous times if they were, or knew of anyone, who was gay. The logic, so-called, of all this inquiry was that gay people might be subjected to blackmail of some kind by foriegn agents. Yeah. Well, the gay guys all knew how to keep their mouths shut and, it was the Age of Aquarius, the straight guys just shrugged such questions off.
I did screw up once. At a meeting in Texas, the subject of homosexuality came up (again) and I mentioned that I had gotten a Christmas card from a friend of mine who was gay. The questioner's face grew grave.
(Now I had had my clearance at that point for almost two years.)
"And did you send him one back?" He asked.
"Uh, no," I said, "I am the worst correspondent in the world."
"Er, how did you know him?" His hands were starting to shake a little.
"I was a theatre major, sir. You know how it is with show business people, .......but I was always a little too normal for that crazy life..... ha ha."
He made a note. I thought I would be getting sent to AirConditioning and Maintenance School instead of staying in Intelligence, but then he said, "Do you have a church?" and I knew I was saved.
"I'm actually working part time with the youth pastor at the First Christian Church here in town and with the Inter-Faith Ministry out at the college campus."
The relief on his face was palpable. He made another note and I was free to go.
I didn't tell him that the youth pastor I was working with was gay.
Joe (Keep your head down. No, Wait! Not down! uh)Nation