So angie, what do you think of his chances of re-election? I think it may be pretty low considering just like you said, his obsessive opposing of gay marriage. Also, the lose of jobs in Mass is a pretty big deal too.
Did you know that Mass was one of the few states where more people left the state?
angie wrote:You reference our extremist, unproductive, divisive, bigoted governor, the one who was elected to bring jobs to the commonwealth but has spent all his time obsessively and venomously opposing gay marriage ?
That governor ?
I highly recommend him for a post, A N Y post, in the new Bush regime, effective immediately.
LMAO "obsessively and venomously opposing gay marriage"???? You're overdue for your reality check. Your precious statue legislature, where Democrats greatly out number all other parties combinied, are the ones that spent all their time obsessing over it.
Many of then were doing exactly that, I never suggested otherwise, but Romney was elected because of his alleged ability to bring jobs/business to this state, and clearly his time and energies, at least so far, have not been in that area. He has made no attempt to hide or minimize the amount of time and the level of energy he has expended fighting against gay marriage. Time for him to acknowledge his real reason for seeking office here: to springboard himself to national office. And I'll happily be the first one to write a check to his campaign fund.
That real enough for you?
The second page of this thread is absolutely side-ripping!!!
Keep it up guys.